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Joined 1 years ago

I hope his prison wardens give him pants that don't support adult diapers.

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Having the shame to resign puts her ahead of 99.99% of a certain group of people.

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If the testimony reveals criminal actions, then criminal charges can be filed. That was the big 'whoooah' from the testimonies of the other trump children; their testimonies apparently contained elements of criminal offenses beyond the simple civil matters of this trial.

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Yellow ties, mustard green coat, orange slacks?

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Nah, mate. You're not pointing out facts. I can, and have, left out bills for years at a time in a communal area of the house, and none of my friends or family have taken them. Thefts among friends and loved ones are not considered normal.

I remember one of the tidbits I picked up from a psychology textbook was that people who were worse at knowing if their partner was lying were in happier relationships. Turns out that white lies are important.

Even better. It's only when you're rich that you actually pay less taxes in Texas. See how they're anagrams?

California is just ahead of the game, as they are in a lot of different ways. Non-competes are, and I'm paraphrasing a lawyer friend here since I'm not one, functionally dead in the water. They're generally honored because no one wants to hash it out in court for months that they could be relaxing or transitioning to the new job anyway. A surgeon I knew left a clinic to start his own, and told his clients to just contact him in six months, not because he cared about the non-compete he had signed, but because it was going to take him about that long to set up the new clinic and hire staff.

I understand the criticisms of manjaro, and don't recommend it to people, but it seems to be the only distro to work with my hardware/software without issue. So for now, here I am.

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As someone with wax issues in the ears, no, q-tips suck at cleaning ears. You'll end up pushing the wax into your eardrum and causing the impacted wax that you were trying to avoid in the first place. That's why I use those tiny screwdrivers. /shrug

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Insert: >Superman is actually a psychokinetic

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I think the superhearing power is going to be different than you think. You can already hear your clothes rubbing against skin, the air conditioning blowing, etc. Your brain is pretty good at filtering those out. Now, the conversations will be more difficult, but think about your experiences at a party. Most of the time you can hear another group's conversation if you listened and focused on them, but you can tune them out (most of the time, ignoring the cocktail party effect stuff for now). Unless you have focus issues already, it wouldn't be a big deal. The issue would be the initial period where your brain has to learn what exactly to filter out. Right now, a rustle to my right would be a bad sign, and hearing a rat crawling through the wall would freak me out. After a few weeks though, I bet I'd have adjusted.

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if you insult someone so that they punch you, it's your fault

That's not quite true. That's speech that you can be arrested for.

For use of force, or throwing a punch, here's the justifications for force in one of the states in which I've had to work with the law: Look at 9.31(b)(1). It specifically says that force is not justified based on verbal provocation alone. It doesn't matter what they say. As long as the speech doesn't constitute a threat, then you cannot swing freely and claim self-defense as a legal defense.

We will never be so lucky.

The hardest part of 'de-googling' is the stranglehold it has on email. Between them and microsoft, I've only seen a few companies (small to medium size) that don't use one of those two as the email. It's mind-boggling. If either of them ever got testy, they could bring entire sectors down just by using the information stored in emails on.

It's gotten to the point I don't even talk to people who bring up the topic. You can quote any number of statistics, but they've "dun seen that californian moving in up the road, so there's the proof right there!" I guess the fact that on a ~21 house road, we've got Carolingians, Alabamians, Tex(i)ans, Michiganders, and some Arkansaws folks means that people are fleeing blue states, sure, ayup.

*The post's language is intentional >.>

Because lobbying does have its place. When your local charity that advocates for better mental health sends someone to speak to a senator about how a program could be improved, or where it is causing issues, that's lobbying.

The corruption comes when the senator expects a three course meal experience as the cost of having that talk with they lobbyist, or the lobbyist has connections to people who will totally not base their donations on what the senator agrees to during the meeting. Sure, we could make that sort of lobbying illegal, but who is going to investigate 400+ individuals having several meetings a day with people wanting to advocate for various agendas? The IRS is already getting the shaft, and they're the ones who freaking bring in the money! Do you think congress will ever agree to pay money to set up something to investigate themselves?

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Cars...will burn rather than explode

Some of the other folks pointed out the vapors possible in a fuel tank. I'll add that I had a coworker who had been an explosives disposal fella, and he used to get twitchy if the tank in our car dropped under half. He said it was a relatively small but definitely larger-than-our-car bomb ready to go off. I'd trust his reckonings on that one. Plus, there are parts of a car that, even if its just burning, will explode, such as the tires. I had a single tire blow as I walked around a burning car, and I would not have been amiss in describing it as a small bomb going off.

I'd recommend putting the strays in the same room as the fools who don't spay/neuter their animals. Put the people who have 'outdoor cats' in the room as well. Tie them up and let nature take care of them when said nature gets hungry.

In truth, your options suck. I spent several years in the same situation. If it's any consolation, you're saving them from a mangled death if struck by a car, or a slow starvation.

Wonderful. My pa was pretty smart when thinking about moving to the hill country of Texas. He had concerns that the mass inflow of people was going to cause problems due to lack of water. I'm surprised that it wasn't the farms and houses and golf courses that will bring us to the loss of our sources of fresh water. Yay greedy oil companies.

Lol, you say that, but catholic churches are very much known for their fish fry fridays in my area.

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-.- that's not a real thing. It can't be a real thing.

... okay, it's a simpson's reference. Sanity preserved

  • >says he has a privacy focus

  • >uses facebook

Press 'F' to suspect...

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Shoot, it's not even new vehicles. The report I remember from a college team that trialed 'car hacking' was from 2014 correction, 2011.

The report seems like it may have been a translation. Their proofreader likely just looked for spelling mistakes, and the grammar was unchanged.

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Right, does no one remember the ubiquitous TV show of young, modern life: friends? It had two groups of folks living in threes. Now, yes, their apartments were mansion-sized for New York, but the premise was still there, and that was the 90s. Heck, my boomer mother talked about how it wasn't uncommon for people she knew on the east coast of the US to live with parents until early 30s. '

This isn't a completely new phenomenon, but the percentage of the paycheck it costs to afford housing, even with a roommate, still seems to be on the rise.

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... As someone who hasn't played RDR2, or really paid attention to it... What? There are seriously shrinking horse testicles?

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There are plenty of racists that are happy to let abortion be a thing. I've heard (and lost count of how many times) repeatedly about planned parenthood being started by a racist, etc. etc. The republicans aren't a complete monomind, they just get along really well at the 'we hate others' party that their leaders throw.

I mean, he's over 30. His knees likely light up every time he stands up.

I've had next to no luck with the dating apps. I think the longest relationship I got out of them was 2 months, and the majority of conversations ended before ever meeting. The dating app world doesn't seem to accommodate my kind of person, where I want to get to know a person before we bed each other. It seemed like every match wanted to have a single date that ended in sex. Fuck that.

I've never regretted that purchase.

If you're really curious, you can look at the tomes... and tomes... and tomes of tomes written chronicling the tomes of Catholic doctrine. They may be nutty, but they reason their way to the outcome they decided in advance. Out of all the christian sects, Catholics are the most 'logical' in their beliefs, and definitely the most prolific in their apologetics.

So all of these changes being considered will be put on the ever-updating philosophy they have. In fact, many of the changes are likely already supported by some priest's writing, ready to be pulled out of the oh-so-super-secret heresy vault it's currently in.

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While I'm not saying it's a good idea to avoid fines, most cities aren't going to go more than 30 minutes or so to pick up a warrant for fines only. Heck, I've seen warrants that have a little addendum, "in-state pick-up only," when the crime was a highly charged felony.

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My dad helped with a 'burial at sea' thing. I'm sure they had some sort of permit, because it was a real to-do with a big casket weighted down so it would sink and such. The story goes that the weights weren't enough to sink it, and the casket ended up being air tight, so they shot a few holes in it to let air out and water in. I'm pretty sure they did it in international waters.

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You mean you don't pronounce it "GNU's Not Unix" to all of your compatriots?

Well, wouldn't language have to concede that if I asked how many presidents there have been, I would be asking a different question than how many presidencies there have been?

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the lowermost portion of any rim of any wheel

Is that why the skinny tires became a thing? To make lowriders legal by getting the rim of the tire as close as possible?

Because no judge in history has ever made a decision based on synonyms. I'm all too familiar with how specific wording is in when it's pertinent to the judge's decision, and 'judges are meant to interpret the meaning' when the specific wording would be against a judge's decision. This was stupidity writ in legalese.

Not quite. Judges and prosecutors typically have absolute immunity:

You'd be surprised at some of the sleeper hits. It's inherent in all genres that one composition will just blow your mind.

...or maybe I just like polka and avoid the weird looks by only having one song on the ipod. Maybe.