
0 Post – 271 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Of course I can imagine, I ve used windows for thirty years now.

Pro is now a marketing term that has nothing to do anymore with its original 'professional'.

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Thank all of you dudes. This is the only non radical platform that actually consists of well thinking people. All others are..........

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In the Netherlands, we all basically knew (very basic) English BEFORE we could READ ( the subtitles)

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No, just wrong.

It is the most cruel people in the world that hide behind a law book and the pretense of being fair and worse even: past cases.

But since you first have to study for a decade, then kiss ass for a decade or two before even beginning to qualify for 'JUDGE' it is not more as normal you will have lost ALL BONDS WITH REGULAR SOCIETY.

If you think 15$+tax+tip is fine for a glass of wine with lunch on a daily basis; you are NOTTTTTTT qualified to speak for the benefit of society : in contrary!

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Isn't that the other person replying to you?

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That's on putin, not on Ukr.

Can the court ask him as a bail to postpone any public office bid?

Returns are very low. If the tittle talks only about a PERCENTAGE OF that low number, while that percentage being a high number, it is easily confused. Confusion is the goal of the modern journalMARKETINGist

Edit: I will not remove or replace the word tittle. I like it.

I wasn't suggesting it was fake at all!

It's written black on white like the Bible, how can it be fake?

Plastic is a waste product and thus cheaper as ANYTHING.

We need to TAX PLASTIC all the other problems will disappear and new solutions and old solutions will reappear.

5-10$/kilo plastic base tax (or duty/levie/etc) would deplastify the world!

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(Russians Out For Land, Our Land!)

I Holland we have woning bouw organisaties That are BY law obliged to offer services and structured management, checked by impartial state department and who can be relieved of function (transfering the properties to another organization or splitting them up etcetera). Yes, needs to be overview, laws and such. Maybe even subsidies for new buildings.


Not for public basic housing. Come on, do we really wanna admit RUZZIA and CHINA beat us on this?

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The Russians are in Syria and north Africa doing a lottttt more damage as the west

Is she miss piggy?

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Since the car stands still most of the day, some kind of system that folds out into multiple solar panels may be interesting, offering shade as well

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I got out!

Rented out my apt to others and the tiny difference to my advantage was enough to sustain myself in south America (working a bit and or volunteer or living in free housing(my ex's)

I now got some more money (sold the apt) and do holiday rentals here, but even without that it's just few hundred per month for food and going out, maybe 95$ extra for social local Healthcare (for 2!)

Don't ever think you need to be a millionaire to get out. Government guaranteed bonds pay 9.5% per year.

So each 10k usd you put in a guaranteed usd account = 87$ free money each month. Need 50k for bit over 400$/mo which is the local minimum wage. 100% government guaranteed (if you split in 2 banks)

The butt cleaning rope?

China exports sooooo much, if they even threaten to stop providing panels (or batterries), a lot of the west won't be able to continue electrifying. They know. We know. Thus political tool.

Thatchers plan would have worked if and only when:

LAND IS PROVIDED FOR NEW PROJECTS (destination plan on national provincial and local level)


ALL PROJECTS ARE GUARANTEED BY THE BUILDER (no excess costs for any reason : sign your profitable contract but then you are obliged to deliver exactly what is promised or you'll never get another gov project again)

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Ich bin ein Germaner

Suspect.... Not convict.

So An investigator can check it out. Nothing more

Goooooooood morning Vietnammmmmm

Smart Russian sleep in tent

No windows.

No height.

No fear or putindefenitration

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What does it do

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I do not agree with your sentiment, but I will fight to defend your right to jump in the creek and eat duck weed all day.

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I'd rather not. Ukrainians are much nicer looking :D

Better to use a Bible as kindle As to use a Kindle as a bible

Lemmy is so filled with tankies, who Downvote anyone that's real. Be aware they are either paid (very little) by Putain, or literally 14yo basement dwelling fattos (some with more accumulated years, but not wisdom)

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Be brave, tell everyone

No, the current policies are just getting reality and practice closer together.

IRL their money was ALREADY devalued soooooo much, he didn't do anything to change that, just adjusted it to reality.


Inner city monopoly

Still like that in much of rural south America

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Or if you ACTUALLY care about real news:

CRIME is at an ALL TIME LOW in all western world

China and many other countries have taken a billion people out of extreme poverty

Communist dictators are loosing ground in south america

Inflation is back to normal levels

Solar panels and infrastructure IS becoming CHEAP


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Im starting to think you are hanging upside down while commenting...

310m poe cat5 won't be more as sixty bucks will it?

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No, it would BE BOUGHT by government at fair price (they know the fair price, just look your houses tax bill)

Or built by them.

And then rented out with a certain maximum rental price per Sq Mt like 10$ so 50sq m (500sq ft) = 500$/month

Most importantly, they would be obliged to make it Energy efficient by their contract with the state so much lower electric and heating bill, maybe even topped off with solar, would be small percentage of a new building but cut costs for actual people.

Not saying it's perfect in Holland (they have shortages because no new land available to build new social housing projects), but it sure works!

Hahahahaha try that in Brazil and they won't find you anywhere

Funny also how those same villa owners have donated to the gop and are now buying up the local properties for cheap from impoverished (gop voting) radicalized people, who get even more radicalized against the opposition by each of their own leaders actions.
