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People here describe them as tankies, which I take as meaning a person who thinks the Soviets did communism right

I prefer old commies. They wanted a local revolution and only liked the USSR in that they were the best source of money for funding such revolutions

Funny, in Australia we have school dances and they don't get anything like American proms, with the possible exception of girls' debutante balls which we dress up for

They're fun when you're winning, the votes tell who's winning

I have gotten more free accounts on Minecraft than any other game. I bought it twice on Java (not counting copies I bought for family) and once on bedrock, so when they moved accounts to Microsoft and gave every Java account a bedrock account and every bedrock account a Java account, so I now have three on each version. A second (or third) account is useful for rescuing your main account in some circumstances

Scorched spam is good spam. Goes well with fried pineapple rings

(That should annoy enough people)

I'm amazed at how much better the official launcher is on Linux than on windows.


  • complains if your logged in account doesn't match your game account
  • Requires you to log out of one account to log into another in a not very clear or user friendly way


  • No logged in account to complain about
  • Lists all your accounts and lets you swap by clicking on the one you want in the accounts list

Official stuff, sure, but not system generated email from giant companies like Microsoft

They need more than email verification. Some privacy minded people signed up with throwaway email, but probably have other proof of ownership

So take MS to small claims court. Get an order for them to restore your account and user name per the licence you presumably still have a copy of

A search in Gmail (which that used) finds stuff on spam. Also Gmail won't put a Microsoft company's mail in spam

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They are trying to force researchers and other data grabbers onto the API. If people can scrape the website Reddit can't charge them

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If working in currency, work in cents and divide by 100 and round to 2 decimals for output

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Yeah. I asked GPT3 for some heliostat code, to keep reflected sunlight stationary. It was wrong, it hallucinated libraries that didn't exist, but it roughed out a program that was easier to fix than it would have been to start from scratch.

Maybe its superpower is beating inertia, getting you started

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an acquaintance's life-size barbie embarrass you with a milkshake.

Because women are property in the mind of

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History is about 10k years, the 200k years is mostly pre-history. People didn't write stuff down until they invented agriculture and needed to track trade between owners, workers, etc

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I had a cycling accident, bike tipped over at 40km/h (25mph) and abraded my skin away on one hand in a 2cm (1 inch) circle

I got an appointment at my local doctor at zero cost, but it was almost a week later. Doctor confirmed it was healing well.

It's cheap here in Australia, but there can be a wait when it's not urgent

Though once in hospital for suspected heart problem (it was actually just panic attacks) someone was in for spider bites. Redbacks (practically the same spider as the black widow) had nested in the space between his bed head and the wall, and he had been bitten several times was trying to retrieve something that had fallen behind the bed. He was not having a good day

I think this one might go well. Company preventing a country's trains from being serviced by a third party. I expect that train builder has already tanked their business, but it would be an interesting one to be litigated, the sort of case that can get the law changed

As a rule when talking to management you love the place you work, 5 years? You'll be there in ten

I mean unless you have complaints you really feel you need to raise

They won't tell you if they're planning on firing you. You take the mandatory notice you must give as a target and never give more notice than that.

You can probably play it properly on a PC using something like VLC (A pretty powerful video player)

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The idea is that since the company is French and France has excellent consumer protection, The Crew is the best example of this practice to fight

It's not about whether the game is good, it's about Ubisoft being French

Chinese rules of thumb have killed many Chinese Australians and Americans via death cap (truth in naming) mushrooms that look like paddy straw mushrooms

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Signal for whole family chat; phone and SMS variously; discord for some

It's okay. Baleful polymorph doesn't leave you with your faculties

the target’s normal game statistics are replaced by those of the new form

Toads have int(elligence) = 1

Luckily they didn't, until they invented grain farming and storage and bread every day

Hunter gatherers before 10k years ago (before Egypt learnt to farm) had great teeth

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That's a better imaginary scene than most involving tyrannosaurs

When I had a kid at home who liked one piece I learnt that the show has no end. You can watch it while you want to and you'll get a little story progression. You don't need to start at the start, you don't need to watch to the non existent end

It was fun to watch the first twenty or so episodes then jump to the current state (current state circa 2007)

Elon Musk used to be cool and impressive. At one point in his past he fired Tesla's public relations team. Now people find Musk very uncool. This meme proposes that the becoming uncool was due to his firing the Tesla PR team.

I think it was more that the money affected him, and he shows too much of his bad behaviour and incorrect beliefs on his social media site which he wrecked

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Indeed, Lex

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If water is dripping from the outside unit, your aircon is lacking gas. Making it into a giant fan.

Water dripping means the cold side coil is cold enough to condense water out of the air. In what way does that suggest it is not working?

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Yeah, I'm used to the narrower meaning of "history", meaning recorded. I like that definition as it lets you differentiate between it and prehistory.

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Most security cameras record mpegs to hard drives

It's probably worth pirating games just to test play them before buying the good ones for online play

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The one time offer is clearly a ploy to extract as much money as possible in the first transaction, as a second transaction wouldn't happen anyway

Yeah I wound back your time, but you ended up here again

Sure. Tropical people have always had fruit, some had sugar cane. People fought and their teeth were damaged

But dental cavities and abscesses are caused by sugar in your mouth, and bread has always been good at getting stuck between people's teeth, while their saliva converts the starches to sugars

Archaeologists determine whether a skeleton came from a hunter gatherer or a settled farmer by their teeth

Microflora in your mouth - perhaps they did have different, there's no evidence, but if so I would guess that one's mouth microflora changes depending on what one eats

Note that the process that damages teeth is fermentation - where sugar is fermented, liberating energy, carbonic acid. That doesn't happen in the absence of sugar that persists in your mouth

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I chose an ISP that dual homed customers on IPv4 and IPv6, but then the giant ISP that wants a monopoly bought them and now I get IPv4

If cars became restricted, other options would come up. Better public transport would become available.

You would need an exception though for rural areas

The writer whose article is the subject of this post releases his books without DRM. He ends his podcast with a quote encouraging piracy. I found him because of an earlier book he released under a share alike licence

He has found that piracy increases the reach of his message, and increases his sales

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I helped set up a friend's "586" (about equivalent to a Pentium 1) and he had neglected to buy a heat sink or fan

A hammer was a sufficient heat sink for the time it took to set up windows

There is a choice between having an extra day in the holiday season and counting up the extra days plus leap days, and inserting an extra week every several years

Adding the extra day annoys people who value weeks continuing as they have since ancient times

Using a leap week rule makes the calendar track the seasons a little worse. Solstices and equinoxes will move by about a week over several years

PV prolongs dependence on fossil fuels

That's an unusual take.

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