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Yeah. I asked GPT3 for some heliostat code, to keep reflected sunlight stationary. It was wrong, it hallucinated libraries that didn't exist, but it roughed out a program that was easier to fix than it would have been to start from scratch.

Maybe its superpower is beating inertia, getting you started

Yeah, I've used it for a lot for one off data processing / graphing code, stuff that is to big to process in a spreadsheet. It usually gets like 95% there. The real issue I have is if you ask for too many one off adjustments it gets confused and reverts previous changes when you ask it to make new ones.

How good is it at correcting things you point out directly? I haven't used it for coding yet but have noticed it's ok at correcting mistakes when you point them out. Still hit or miss though.

It was ok. I and it went through about four iterations going from "that's a sun tracker, I asked for a heliostat" through undeclared variables, global variables that should have been local until it was a fine program with just the fault that there was no such library as solar::heliostat [azimuth, altitude]

I have read that people have run into that sort of problem and have written the library the AI called for, but I looked up a real astronomy library