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Joined 11 months ago

Could this be grounds for CVS to sue Google? Seems like this could harm business if people think CVS products are less trustworthy. And Google probably can't find behind section 230 since this is content they are generating but IANAL.

18 more...

I don't know what voodoo magic I've pulled. But I'm still not getting pestered by YouTube to turn off ad block and I'm still watching 5 - 10 videos a day. FF w/ uBlock Origin and piHole

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So they want the death panels they yelled about when the ACA was passed.

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Organ harvesting. See the cooler.

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We should probably start emailing all the Lemmy devs, client devs, etc. and shaming them for using GitHub since it's not open source and open source options for source control are available. /s

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Crisis acting, if you will.

And if you absolutely do. Set up a VPN.

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I think they're pointing out the person parked in the area used for wheelchair loading. The yellow hashed area. You shouldn't park there tag or not.

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Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!"
He said, "Nobody loves me."
I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"
He said, "Yes."
I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?"
He said, "A Christian."
I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?"
He said, "Protestant."
I said, "Me, too! What franchise?"
He said, "Baptist."
I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?"
He said, "Northern Baptist."
I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"
He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist."
I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?"
He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region."
I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?"
He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.
I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.

-Emo Philips

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Good old disk destroyer strikes again

If this was committed to a branch would doing a squash merge into another branch and then nuking the old one not do the trick?

You can always do a test run from a Linux live CD / USB with no commitment. So you can try Linux for as long as you want without disrupting you current environment.

I believe they reversed course on that ban. It's just recently that they reverse reversed that course.

No one is forcing them to drink tap water with fluoride in it. They can buy purified water if they're that afraid of it.

I bet the same people that are worried about fluoride have never had their tap water actually tested to see what their pipes might be leeching.

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They could just be an exhibitionist. Self absorbed is also a possibility. Or both!

That's what the child labor is for. There is more than one reason to restrict birth control and abortion access.

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This would be self hosted so you can access your own internal network. Wireguard on OpenVPN are your best options there, personally I use wireguard/pivpn.

Have to put it out first.

On a good number of newer automatic lenses going all the way out will take you past infinite. Best to zoom in on a bright target star, I usually use live view and zoom in on the display as well. Focus on that star and don't touch the focus the rest of the night.

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I'm guessing this relates to training data. Most training data that contains skin cancer is probably coming from medical sources and would have a ruler measuring the size of the melanoma, etc. So if you ask it to generate an image it's almost always going to contain a ruler. Depending on the training data I could see generating the opposite as well, ask for a ruler and it includes skin cancer.

Not even 418?! Uncultured swine.

Majority, probably not. Most emergency checklists are going to assume the cockpit crew is the normal count and throwing an extra person is is going to cause more harm than good. The only exception I can think of is UA Flight 232 which while tragic probably would have been worse without someone else in the cockpit.

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Same, I've been on agile projects with quick efficient meetings most of the time. But I'm a project now with a 45 minute standup every morning for like 15 people. The lead just lets people ramble on and try to solve issues in standup. Backlog grooming and sprint plannings get equally sidetracked as well.

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Or spend twice that and get a cheap generator that will actually power your frig and other stuff for more than a few hours.

Did you happen upon the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898? I grew up in NC and it was never mentioned in NC history classes. I was in college before I heard about it.

They have a repo named reeeeeeeeeee that only contains basically an empty README.md I don't like to generalize but that speaks volumes.

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A textbook example of what happens when you tear down things of which you don't understand why they are there

Chesterton's Fence


My wife is the same. She calls a few days before the script is up to see if they can fill it. If not then she calls around neighboring pharmacies to see if they have it available and if they do has to contact her med manager to get it transferred. It's a huge PITA but she's only missed a day or two thanks to keeping on top of it. It seems like the different chains and grocery stores are on different delivery schedules so someone usually has just gotten some in.

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Found on r/space ages ago. Plane flying through someone shot of a ring nebula.

If word is a sticking point office365 exists too.

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At least serial cables weren't symmetric, although just barely. AT and PS/2 cables (or any DIN) were much more of a pain for me to plug in blind.

I know that one. It's the nearest pulsars to earth.

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Make your lobster a sweater along with some mittens

To make matters even more confusing it all depends on state. Most have manslaughter and for a couple it would be 3rd degree murder.

I wonder if they were also lazy (or dumb) enough to only do .com? Would for example .co.uk be renamed as well?

Then put it in TBills or a high yield savings account. The money will still be there when you need to pay and you'll have made interest on it the whole time.

Had a guy like that in college too. One that stood out the most is he played varsity basketball as a freshman in highschool standing right next to someone he went to highschool with. Guy gave him a weird look look and afterwards told us, I don't know what he's talking about he never played basketball in highschool at all. He was constantly telling pointless easy to prove false shit.

Possibly. Does seem a little long for that being they've been doing this for a couple weeks at least. Maybe I should try it on some of my other devices / computers.

I've always heard that safeties provide a false sense of security and complacency. Not sure if there has been any study on that. Trigger safeties are intended to prevent discharges if the gun is dropped or something impacts the trigger.