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Joined 12 months ago

Stupid decisions like paying $200 million for Joe Rogan’s shitty podcast certainly don’t help

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Other than “this should never have happened” I see this as the best possible outcome.

Now we wait and see I suppose.

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It’s 2009, 2014, 2017 and 2020 all over again.

They keep promising great new battery tech just around the corner and never delivering.

If I was a cynic, I might think they’re simply doing it to put people off buying current EVs so they’re not saddled with ‘old tech’.

While you wait for our amazing new battery, pick yourself up a great new hybrid..

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It’s tech news. Even if you don’t like Apple products, their buying the entire node affects everyone else.

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Republicans: Let the free market decide.

Also Republicans:

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He was outdoors, with a mask on.

How does compare to being in an enclosed courtroom?

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The irony of clicking on this link and getting hit with “accept cookies” “Subscribe to unlock this article”.

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Since September my wife has had about ten CTs, three MRIs, two major surgeries (the last one 7 hours long), one emergency surgery, weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments and about 8 weeks hospitalised including some time in the ICU.

Total cost: $0

Unless you count the cost of parking when I visit her in hospital, in which case I’ve spent about $170 USD

This is in New Zealand with a publicly funded health system.

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On Twitter I’ve reported:

  • Pictures of dead babies/toddlers
  • Pictures of murdered people
  • Death threats towards public figures
  • Illegal videos of terrorist acts
  • Ads for illegal weapons (tasers)
  • So so much crypto spam

Things found by Twitter to go against their community standards? 0

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The plan? “Don’t be poor”

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Paid exclusives locking content away from other online stores. Basically trying to force me to use it is a sure fire way of making me refuse.

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You can play an alpha build of an unfinished game.

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I am constantly bombarded with Jordan Peterson videos despite disliking them and telling the algorithm to show less like this.

I’m not sure how it profiles people, but it sucks.

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Not going to lie, I’ll be avoiding flights on a Boeing for a while

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So I can watch something while I wait for my wife to finish shopping..

The streaming apps only work when the car is in park.

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Fixed, LOL

It’s like Kleenex rebranding to V and then telling everyone to refer to them as tissues.

It’s absolutely batshit. Way to destroy a strong brand, and any brand recognition.

Nah, it just has no apps, a poor battery life and like all new Apple product lines will be massively put to shame by its successors.

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Nope. It just means there are bots left chatting amongst themselves ;)

No one with half a brain is pro hamas. This conflict isn’t a binary.

It’s possible to think killing civilians is wrong, no matter who is doing it.

the dangerous brake lights are more of a concern to me than the cost and range.

This thing is so far behind schedule and they’re failing at the basics.

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I don’t care as long as desktops remain modular.

If you’re not already using it, this is gold:

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$200 million is a lot of money for a podcast when your core Business is music streaming.

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You sure you didn’t buy a 5600X? It was released in November 2020.

If not, it could be a 3600X.

Hamas were elected in January 2006 and have refused new elections since.

Reddit. I blocked the domain when the blackout started and haven’t been back.

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As long as the move to Unreal contains no epic store exclusive agreement baked in, this is good news overall.

Where’s Japan sit in the list?

This and the paid exclusives mean I haven’t, and won’t use EGS out of pure spite.

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Freedom of their speech

You can block him but somehow he’ll mysteriously get unblocked and start appearing in your feed again.

The only reliable method seems to be muting him.

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Oh not their phones. Their $1799 14” MacBook Pro.

Brown planets, boring combat, bland characters.

I keep trying to play this game and I keep quitting it.

To quote Nelson Muntz: “Haha!”

It’s still alpha. 11 years after I threw $100 their way.

Some people may be happy to play buggy alpha builds as they trickle out, I want to see a finished game without the perpetual feature creep.

We haven’t even seen Squadron 42 which was supposed to be out in 2014.

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It can be improved if you use ‘anchor days’ with your team in the office, otherwise it’s a complete waste of time.

Premium is priced so uncompetitively my family can subscribe to all of Netflix, AppleTV+ and Amazon Prime Video for less than a YouTube subscription.

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Luckily it’s Google. They’ll release it, half arse it for two years then cancel it without warning.

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