BMW tests next-gen LiDAR to beat Tesla to Level 3 self-driving cars

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 369 points –
BMW tests next-gen LiDAR to beat Tesla to Level 3 self-driving cars

BMW tests next-gen LiDAR to beat Tesla to Level 3 self-driving cars::Tesla's autonomous vehicle tech has been perennially stuck at Level 2 self-driving, as BMW and other rivals try to leapfrog to Level 3.


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This. That cocksucker has such ~a tiny dick~ fragile ego he makes huge decisions without any expertise simply because he says so. Thats how he built the whole “genius” thing around him. Reality of it is that he is an annoying dumbass who thinks he knows it all and anyone in the same room with more than one brain cell is immediately annoyed with him. But he has a lot of money so i guess LeTtEr X cOoL

I think you need to use two tildes on each side if you want it show up as a strike through like this

 ~~like this~~

Really? On wefwef my comment shows up with a strikethrough

~test with one tilde~

test with two tildes

I’ll use two from now I guess.

I don't know wefwef at all, but on the old Reddit apps, as well as Liftoff and Sync, it seems like two is necessary. I'll check your test on desktop Firefox when I get on my computer next, just out of curiosity

No big deal either way! I seem too remember something similar happening with RIF and spoiler tags, too (I think that one was sensitive to where you put after the opening spoiler tag indicator, but it if you were in "new" Reddit, it didn't matter about the spaces)

Markdown is not portable and its annoying. Why cant we have one standard. Come on ISO

Why cant we have one standard.

*Links to xkcd that everyone always links to

There are different versions of Markdown and they all have slightly different standards although where they're broadly the same they are variable in the particular.

Reddit and I think lemme, although I'm not quite sure, use a version called Cramdown, the problem is if the app rendering the code doesn't think they are using Cramdown and uses something else you get inconsistencies in rendering.

Wikipedia also uses their own media version to be awkward.