Apple to Buy TSMC's Entire Supply of 3nm Chips for 2023

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 254 points –
Apple to Buy TSMC's Entire Supply of 3nm Chips for 2023

Apple to Buy TSMC's Entire Supply of 3nm Chips for 2023::Apple will receive all of TSMC's first-generation 3-nanometer process chips this year for upcoming iPhones, Macs, and iPads, according to...


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It’s tech news. Even if you don’t like Apple products, their buying the entire node affects everyone else.

And it is also an ad

What? How is that a reply to what they just said

When apple does something harmful to the market, you can't just ignore it by calling it an ad

You just can't ignore that the technology sub at is filled with ads. It's 2023 brands advertise by monopolizing the market and the news

Yes you can. Move to another instance (step one) and don't follow this community (step two, which I believe you might be missing). It's one of the great advantages of the fediverse.

You can also start your own that has different standards for what you consider advertising. Others who agree with you can support your community.

Otherwise, it's pistachio ice cream. Complaining about pistachio after ordering pistachio.

lol, this is stemming from supply chain news about TSMC. Tech journalist snoop that stuff to see if they can gain any insight about what the consumer tech giants have coming down the pipeline. Apple’s marketing team has nothing to do with this. Apple is famously secretive about upcoming products.

Not gonna lie, there are a lot of apple "news" I saw on my feed.