‘Enshittification’ is coming for absolutely everything

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 509 points –

‘Enshittification’ is coming for absolutely everything::The term describes the slow decay of online platforms such as Facebook. But what if we’ve entered the ‘enshittocene’?


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The irony of clicking on this link and getting hit with “accept cookies” “Subscribe to unlock this article”.

Annoying for sure, but "Enshittification" refers to a specific method in which platforms flex monopoly power to squeeze not just users, but business customers too. It does not just mean "things getting shittier"

And before anyone goes "language loses meaning over time" consider that if you change the meaning of "enshittification" then you need to also invent a new word to mean what "enshittification" used to mean.

It may not be what the article was referring to (though, I'd have to pay to know for sure), but it's definitely a trend making services shittier so I feel like it counts

Welcome to language. It evolves.

Or perhaps, from your point of view, it's getting enshittified. Even if you don't like it.