YouTube cracking on ad blockers. to – 1203 points –

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Premium is priced so uncompetitively my family can subscribe to all of Netflix, AppleTV+ and Amazon Prime Video for less than a YouTube subscription.

I have YouTube premium family and it costs about $20/month for 5 family members. Are you sure those streaming services cost less than that?

YouTube Premium Family - $39.99 NZD

Netflix - $18.49 NZD AppleTV+ - $8.49 NZD Amazon Prime Video - $8 NZD Total: $34.98 NZD

That Netflix price is for one account, two screens. Premium family is for 5 separate accounts, no matter where geographically and no password sharing. Your comparison is not fair.

I have a family of 4. We don’t need more than two screens simultaneously.

But let’s pay the extra $6.50 and push it to the top spec Netflix plan.

All three services combined, services that don’t have their content made by their users, are now $41.49. Only $1.50 more than YouTube.

Or you could swap Netflix for Disney+ and it would be $31.48.

YouTube Premium is still a compete rip off.

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