2 Post – 218 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ah yes, news so US centric I can't even understand what's the point being made in the article, that's what I didn't miss from reddit.

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I keep hearing America is the land of freedom and that Europe is way more racist than America.

This story would have never happened in Europe. Suspended because of a hairstyle, wtf.

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I stopped using Reddit on my phone, which was most of my Reddit time, but I still use it on my PC.

On mobile I exclusively browse Lemmy.

I would totally migrate completely to Lemmy, but the general audience here is a bit too... radicalised for me. Sometimes I just want to relax, read some interesting link and interact in the comments.

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Yes, sand in the desert and beaches is "too old", in other words, it's too smooth and can't hold material together. That's why Dubai is importing huge amounts of sand while being literally a city in the desert.

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Which communities did you subscribe?

Because my experience is a bit different, people here seem way more polarized with their opinion (which is always right) and angry at random stuff.

I think I never saw so many "landlords haters" in social media like in Lemmy...

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Working multiple jobs is a part of the fabric of the working world

is this guy for real? is this a common thought in America?

Does it sound fucking dystopic only to me?!

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if the community we're in puts rtorrent in C tier because it's "UNIX only" then you and I have a different meaning of "power users".

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Poor girl. I remember the ASUS ROG video where lots of fans (me included) were screaming to Linus "hire her!" thinking about the fame and the dream job... Never chase your idols!

There are no women on the internet


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People on Lemmy sometimes get really angry at the dumbest things.

You don't like Winrar, that's your right, chill dude.

I switched from rtorrent to Transmission. It's the only one with a ready-to-use web server so I can add and monitor my torrents remotely.

I would never run a torrent program on my main computer. Not that there's (more) risks, it just feels wrong to me.

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Tell me OP is 14 years old without telling me OP is 14 years old.

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Well, it's a spectrum. I worked with a woman that was spending the whole time in our office laying on the floor during her period because how painful it was. But I'm also married with a woman that doesn't have any symptoms at all and when asked about she said the only annoyance was having tampons ready.

Oh, now you want Europe's strong arm? Google? Now? Fuck off, you yankee!

EDIT: Also, we European literally don't care. Everyone is using Whatsapp or Telegram. There's no "Blue vs green bubble" war here in Europe, only America can get angry on such idiocy.

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It's actually the opposite for me. I don't mind a fancy iphone, but that OS is so locked down I have to run the "same" apps on android to use them effectively for my work.

That's bold coming from the company (IBM) that helped the Nazis organize a well structured genocide.


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at least put an anonymous negative review on Glassdoor

the review on glassdoor is hers.

I have YouTube premium family and it costs about $20/month for 5 family members. Are you sure those streaming services cost less than that?

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Arrogant maybe, but bigoted? I don’t agree-

America was founded by religious zealots that were considered too extreme in Europe. Glad you don't agree, but history doesn't have to agree with you.

Brilliant, all the propaganda about "join us, the fediverse is like email" gone to shit. More like "it's like email, but if you email ends with we will block your messages".

I agree with the sentiment, not with these actions, instead of giving meta users a way to break free, we built a wall between us and them, who have way more content, because we're afraid of Zuck stealing our data, which is public and he already done.

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In Switzerland (where German is used as language), the ß is not used, so everything is "ss".

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That doesn't surprise me. Especially the "homemade" instances. The documentation is severely lacking and I had to fix lots of stuff in the instructions with try&despair to make my instance run.

There's not a great focus in security if your application starts with "step 1: install docker"

I always say "if you look at it from the current government point of view, Luke Skywalker was just a terrorist."

I have sympathy for underpaid workers. But I don't think I'll change my tipping attitude just because you said such and such. Actually your commands sound a bit condescending.

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For years I wanted a Linux phone.

So I switched from iPhone to Android.

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On a second thought, maybe let's not move stuff I like in a place with people so rude and obnoxious.

If that was true, EA would have been dead in the water 12 years ago.

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I'm confused, why not just use Chromium?

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they’re adding native support for it in windows 11

What could possibly go wrong.

I also endorse Linux mint as a Windows replacement distribution.

Diamonds were fairly rare when we used to mine them in Asia and America. And it's a nice shiny stone which is also very durable.

Then, we found out Africa is actually full of diamonds and DeBeers said "we can't have that!" and started buying all the African diamonds to keep them away to artificially inflate the price and scarcity.

Then we found out we can make them in labs better than the mined ones and DeBeers sai "that's not a natural diamond, you don't want that!" and so on.

The whole marketing about "A diamond is forever!" is to make you think you'll never want to sell your diamon ring, so you don't find out your precious gift paid $2,000 is actually wortth $50.

An EA spokeperson would say "it's all about the experience".

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Other than the fact it's full of Chinese spyware?

Let's see...

The interface sucks.

The app is barely stable and crashes randomly.

Absolutely zero thoughts on Linux gaming.

Unusable communities.

I'm sure others can give more reasons.

I interact less on Lemmy compared to Reddit, mostly because people here seem to be very vocal and polarised, so every time I have a notification in Lemmy I start groaning "oh god what did I say this time?"

But still, Lemmy is the cradle of humankind and wisdom, compared to Instagram and Facebook.

Unfortunately not.

I say that not because I hate Russians.

I hate the Russians that fly to Maldives and act like they own the place and are constantly rude to Maldivians, other tourists and leave trash behind when they leave.

New here, does it mean my username propagated to other instances?

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As an European, I was tempted to downvote you. But not because your very valid points but because you started your whole speech by stating defensively that only people who never been to the US tell bad stuff about America, that's unfair.

I have relatives in the US and I've been there for several occasions. Except the midwest and Texas, I've been in most of the States and, it's true, America is like 50 different countries.

But on average, what I can say is that I love interacting with Americans, speaking with them it's like talking with some old friends, even in NYC (known by other Americans for being very un-american) I found friendlier people than in my home country. Kind of ironic that the only bad chats with Americans happened online.

I'll skip about the tap water, it's probably excellent, but to me born and raised in Switzerland, it always tasted like bleach, probably because of the added fluorine, I don't know. It's still better than tap water in UK, Turkey and half Europe and by far safer than most of Asia and Africa.

Finally, visiting America as a tourist is great, and I dreamed of living there as a child, but as an adult, I feel safer and more taken care in Europe, both from a healthcare point and from labour safety. But I live in a privileged country, if I lived anywhere else in the world, I would still chase the "American dream".

What really saddens me about America, while the people are great, the nature is amazing and the spaces are immense, is that is governed by corporations and bribes and make shows like House of Cards a documentary.

Why would Plex block a specific hosting provider!?

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I don't like Louis very much, because while we're on the same team, he's usually extrem in his opinion, and most importantly, he takes 30 minutes to explain a 3 minutes argument.

But on this, he's right 100% I watched the whole thing! I'm an ex Netflix customer, btw.

As a Linux user I mostly agree...

... until you try to play any competitive multiplayer game and wonder why any anticheat doesn't work or flags your system and account.

Nowadays I use my Windows 10 mostly for games and video editing.

I used Linux daily for 20 years.

Linux may be ready, the mainstream software isn't.

Are you working with Adobe? Good luck.

Want to play some multiplayer game? Good luck, again.

Oh yes, chrome and Firefox run fine. Just disregard LibreOffice, it's disappointing.