3 Post – 225 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good, Break him, sell his company.

This really is amazing to see. It feels like just year when we were discussing 1, 2, or 10 qubits.

Are there any/many current uses for these quantum computers?

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And this isn't the first time. A lot of climate activists (and I assume Greta included) love these non-compliance fines, since it's basically advertising for them

as a VR enthusiast: if the had just added controllers it would have made it so much more useable.

No matter how good your gesture controlls are, it still greatly limits its use. Theres a reason we use mice and styluses with computers, instead of touch and mid-air gestures!

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For me it's simply EGS paying developers to lock games only their store.

If they were just competing, trying to deliver a better product I would massively support them, similar to how I support GOG, however when you start locking content to your storez you end up with "PlayStation vs Xbox" devision of content.

Ran into this yesterday, when my manager opened a link and had to call me to help because it didnt autofill his passwords.

This "productivity increase" cost my corporation 15 minutes the first time anyone ran into it.

God i wish my community fluoridated its water. Just had a kid, and anything to help prevent cavities is amazing, and low levels of floride is such an easy, risk free and cheap solution.

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From what i heard, even 1,000 qubits isn't close to enough for modern passwords:

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That... Seems incredibly stupid. The people left on twitter are not the people who would be sympathetic to the ADL.

"Russia to send combat vessels to Caribbean, pretty sure Ukraine wont be able to sink so many there"

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came to say that. Looks like the old one was 15v, while if the new one is USB-A it was 5v.

Now, if it was USB-C, it could still have been USB-C!

looks like the old one was 15v, while the new one is 5v.

Now, if it has used USB-C it could still be 15v...

Seems like a good way to get the "agent" to agree it's in the wrong, and get 100% refund

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I would love for you to provide a source for "all of that is backed up by actual evidence", and change my mind! I always want to learn.

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had the exact same thought.

If you wanted it to be unbiased, you wouldnt tell it its position in a lot of items.

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and that will be when i unsubscribe.

need to finish off my backlog of shows there, or sail the seas!

its definitely gonna feed tHe DeEp StAtE Is OuT tO gEt Me narrative... but if it rains on the day of the American elections, its going to do the same thing...

Considering it's "keep6solid", and not any real news sources, yea.

the same but opposite. YT pushes shorts to compete with Tiktok. Tiktok pushes longform content to compete with YT

"who had sex with a minor" if only we hard a term for that...

Good! I hate how modern cars have so few buttons.

I mean, the options seem to be "this man is mentally ill, he needs to enter adult conservatorship" or "this man is an adult, who made a contract, and is being held to a contract"

He doesnt seem to be so far gone he needs a conservator, so his contracts are valid.

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yea, even if LK-99 is a room temp super conductor, i dont it expect to be THE room temp super conductor... but it will prove its possible, and provide pathways to improve it (either advancing LK-99, or showing how altering a material to introduce internal strain can cause it in other compounds)

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it sounds like microsoft's own laptops dont implement the spec properly!

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Basically, both have serious problems, while I definitely leaned team Depp, I wouldn't have been surprised if it had gone the other way.

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I've had one or two LED bulbs die, which is why I switched to buying "energy star" rated bulbs. As part of the accreditation process, they need to certify the lifespan

I just found that Runescape shut down its forums, replacing it with a discord.

Look, i love my clans discord, and my discord with friends, but one for a game like that is nearly unusable.

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I don't know any German, so this is a complete guess, but I think it's spez is a whores son

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how DARE the new starbucks cup NOT say chirstmass!!!!!111!!1!!1!

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ehh, im over here, i saw the link from here to here, and posted my 2 cents where i can lend support.. while basically having quit reddit.

i assume thats a fake stone toss? darn its gold!

Tell me you haven't read the constitution without telling me you haven't read the constitution...

Giving someone a reward gives them some Reddit premium, including coins they can spend. Wouldn't be surprised if they relaunch it, in a way where everyone loses

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Appeal to the supreme Court.

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Came here to say that. So clearly doesn't change anything (unless you are on a cellphone or have an expensive OLED computer screen)

Fuck nestle

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Yea, but they sourced the parts from a vendor, and still didn't make sure the vendor was properly following the spec.

Just goes to show how complicated it can be!

Guys losing 1/3 of his adult life, and won't get out of prison before his 60s. I'm extremely anti-j6, but 22 years seems like a nice hefty sentance to me

Yea, when my family did a trip down south, i asked for some sweet tea, thinking it was like Brisk, but i couldnt believe how sweet it was.

if your drink is sweeter than pop, its.. scary.

yea, all this does is incentivize running plenty of bots. enough chatGPT content, and you will be able to cash it out.

Meta is valued at 1.12 Trillion, which, sure, is only ~1/2 of Apples 2.6 Trillion... but Meta could invest in VR for the next 20 years without feeling the pain.

I do love my Q2 and Q3, and hope they keep pushing VR forward, which is the main (maybe only) reason i was happy to see apple join the competition.