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It was a nazi rally organized by nazis where they literally marched down the street in columns at night with flaming torches shouting "blood and soil" and "the jews will not replace us," both Nazi slogans. One of the nazis rammed his car into a crowd a anti racist protests at high speed, killling 1 and injuring dozens.

This is the rally he replied to with "there are fine people on both sides." He then hedged and said he didn't support nazis, seconds after supporting nazis.

It's almost like the man could have flat out condemned nazis with no intentional ambiguity, but nah.

Again, it's their point that they dont need to change the law, just that the law should just be applied better.

Thats what the court will decide.

Alana Pierce, a games journalist/streamer/writer/etc has a specific responses to this exact question, based on personal experience. Her video on the topic is worth watching.

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Slightly longer : corpos make money, they dont give a fuck about laws. Cops dont give a fuck about anything.

Longer still : she was stalked/had her face photoshopped onto actual child porn. Gave detailed info about the child porn, including who did it/where they were/etc. Cops did literaly nothing.

The IAs point is that they should not have to do that, partly because of first sale doctrine. They bought each ebook, and only lend out that copy, the exact same as libraries do now.

1 bought copy, 1 lend. That's a fair and simple system that mimics hundreds of years of physical book lending.

Their other point is that the societal good of allowing anyone in the world to educate themselves for free far, far outweigh the value of monetary gain for publishers. Since copyright is intended to help society, their interpretation is the better application of it.

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Those bombshells didn't end the war.

His leak during the 2016 election changed the course of American history, and was directly coordinated with Russia. That was far more impactful.

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I think we should still be mad at foreign adversary nations colluding with one of our politcal parties and a not at all impartial "whistleblower" to turn the tide of a presidential election.

The emails themselves were barely relevant at all politically. Out of some 30k of them, 3 were found to be inappropriately controlled. Thats hardly an earth shattering discovery.

The spectacle that Assange, the GOP and Russia manufactured was the issue. It was a coordinated and targeted attack on our democracy, and he deserves to be derided for his outsized part in it.

That wouldn't even need AI. Thats just a fancy switch statement with a pleasant voice.

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Nuanced? That sounds like your HR/Management is just bad at their jobs. Why post an advert for a job that you won't fill because it's the wrong job, then actually interview people? That's a huge waste of everyone's time.

The first step when a role is open is to have the team review and update the job for the necessary skillset. Not doing that is a buisness process failure.

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Good point. A really complicated switch statement then.

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Im just messing around man. This does sound like a good case for a basic LLM.

Ffffuuuuuuucccckkk no its not better. It's just that our system predated most parliaments, and as such the founding fathers made some stupid choices that made it utterly impossible to amend basic quailty of life changes for our democracy.

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Twitch turbo ejected the largest streamer on its platform days after the messages were sent, so... likely pretty fucking inappropriate.

These were DMs, so never public, but the "tried to meetup at twitchcon" makes it seem like he was explicitly trying to rape a kid and thats where twitch, who could have just said nothing, hit the "fuck no" button.

Fuck this guy and good on them. Amazon still has some decent people, or at least did.

I'm talking about our broken government system, not what's helpful. The fact that a constitutional convention is impossible is exactly the problem. Its why many parts of our democracy are broken, and will likely ultimately be the downfall of our nation.

Thr founders called the Constitution a living document, with Jefferson specifically talking about how it must change to as American changes. To do that, they put in a wildly difficult mechanism that is nearly impossible to actually invoke, and added lifetime arbiter roles that can opt to unwind any law not written in pen and ink on that same paper.

Those are critical fuckups if you intend to have a living document and a shapeable democracy.

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They arent dead, but they are in the millions of users, not hundreds of millions.

That is enough to sustain a social media platform, but none of them fully have the network effect going for them yet.

With federation, hopefully they won't need it. That can be the network effect once interoperability is really here. Then everyone can still communicate, but not be beholden to any one service/owner/etc.

Why talk about the structure of our government? Education, general interest, activism?

Why are you wasting time talking about wasting time if it's just wasting time?

"Not a drag queen" keeps its streak going.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said that graduates would be screened “to exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public charges.”

Literally the plan.

Rich, white, christian conservative foreigners only. They want a path to citizenship for hand picked voters from other countries.

Repeatedly sexual assaulted a 12 year old child. The abuse happened over a 5 year period.

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I think it makes more sense if you read "outdoors enthusiast" as outdoors "enthusiast."

Im 99% sure the author is just engaging in some dry wit and being sarcastic about his outdoor prowess, seeing as he was so deeply unprepared that "boot cup" became his primary means of survival.

What hes describing above is common enough to have a term : highway hypnosis.

It's well passed "zoned out." I've personally experienced it. Youre on such autopilot that you dont even recall the drive. Its more likely to happen for routine or monotonous drives.

The attempted murderer said very specific racist things while trying to drown the child.

It's a hate crime as well as attempted murder.

Read up on redlining and where the US installed its highways in cities in the 50/60/70s.

In almost every case, they cut right down the middle of a black neighborhood, a neighborhood that people had been forced into living in due to redlining. This of course destroyed the neighborhood, and made any adjacent homes and buisnesses highly undesirable, gutting black and minority wealth again and again and forcing those residents to live next to road/noise pollution.

Leading off by acknowledging that this may be a modern day case of the same practice is why they added a "black woman" to the headline.

I personally read this as a case of nimbyism, as most of their complaints aren't based on likely issues, but i can understand the distrust the community has for this kind of project.

Jenny McCarthy got a big boost from her in the beginning of her antivax crusade too:

Of course, the notion that vaccines cause autism has never been supported by science. But Oprah gave McCarthy a vast audience via her TV show in 2007.Science journalist Seth Mnookin, who covered this meeting of the minds in his book The Panic Virus, reported that Winfrey “praised McCarthy’s unwillingness to bow to authority, her faith in herself, and her use of the Internet as a tool for bypassing society’s traditional gatekeepers.” Here’s an excerpt from the interview transcript:

MCCARTHY: First thing I did --- Google. I put in autism. And I started my research.

WINFREY: Thank God for Google.

MCCARTHY: I’m telling you.

WINFREY: Thank God for Google.

MCCARTHY: The University of Google is where I got my degree from. ... And I put in autism and something came up that changed my life, that led me on this road to recovery, which said autism — it was in the corner of the screen — is reversible and treatable. And I said, What?! That has to be an ad for a hocus-pocus thing, because if autism is reversible and treatable, well, then it would be on Oprah.

Days after that Oprah appearance, McCarthy was invited on Larry King Live and Good Morning America to spread her anti-vaccine message even further. Between the three shows, she reached between 15 million and 20 million viewers with her anti-vaccine message, Mnookin estimated.

To this day, the episode featuring McCarthy, “Mothers Battle Autism,” is featured on Oprah’s website, without any correction or acknowledgment of the problems with McCarthy’s claims.

The process to amend the constitution. It's all but impossible given modern politics, and that's largely been true for 50 years and counting.

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Our election cycle cant be curtailed or shifted because our constitution can't realistically be amended to match the saner policies in other countries. When our constitution is so antiqued that that "money is speech" becomes the law of the land, there is a core problem with the founding document itself.

How it that not related to our election cycle?

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Planet crafter is supposed to have solid multiplayer if you like satisfactory style build/resource games.

This game still an RNG grindfest like it was in early days?

Larian stated on their forum they fixed this behavior and shifted to https 3 years ago. When this was linked several times in thread, people asked OP when this screenshot occured, and OP ignored the questions. Pretty clear that this is a very old screenshot of what is now a non issue.

What's to discuss besides OP trying to stir up drama about issues that were resolved years ago?

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Maybe part of a gaming curriculum?

Like, "learn some code so that when the devs are crying you can make small talk?"

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3rd degree groin burns that required grafts.

She initially asked for just 20k to cover her medical bills, and they instead offered like $800.

Also of note, that huge 2.7mil fine the jury found? Just the profits from 2 days of McDonald's coffee sales. The judge reduced it to $650k, but even that likely wasent paid as they settled out of court at that point.

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Dont feel bad for them. This is a direct, purposeful choice they made to save a few dollars per car in the US because we are one of the few countries that doesnt require an immobilizer by law. They actually had to change their global design to specifically make their cars much, much more susceptible to theft, and the execs that made the decision did it knowingly and willingly to juice the share price.

None of those execs that have caused tens of thousands of Kia/Hyundai owners intense issues have faced any justice at all. From their perspective, everything worked out great. Until there is some actual, real imapct on the people that made this incredibly damaging and stupid choice, its clear Kia/Hyundai will just do it again given the chance.

When they fire the people responsible and issue a US wide recall that installs the hardware chips for all the effected models, then they can have some mercy. Until then, fuck them because they will fuck you.

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It was her money too, as she was a core founding member of Amazon, but until their divorce it was locked up in shares.

It does sure seem like she wanted to give a lot of it away, probably for a long time. I'm glad his midlife crisis is helping so many people.

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Alanah is a great creator. She worked for IGN as a reporter for years, then at Funhaus as a host/editor, and finally broke into games writing, which was her goal for a long time. She also hosts an excellent cross discipline gaming podcast with gaming actors/musicians/devs talking about all things gaming.

Shes seen the industry from every angle. Its telling that her conclusion as a whole is "this is fucked."

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So the head of the Florida GOP is a rapist and adulterer, and his wife, a "family values" school board member and "moms for liberty" founder, who stood besides Desantis when he signed his bigoted "dont say gay" law, is a bisexual adulterer.

Imagine these fucking people preaching about sin to anyone else in the country.

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The crazier and stupier shit was that part of his justification was that "people drive and they only have eyes. We should be able to do the same."

Its a stunningly idiotic justification, and yet here we are with millions of these "eyes only" teslas on the road.

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That second cop is the vice president of the Seattle police union. The person he was talking to on the phone when he minimized the death and talked about how worthless she was? The president of the police union.

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Less fun fact : the Ceo of victoria secret,who stepped down in 2020 largely due to these allegations, was heavily involved with Epstein, including giving him a free multi million dollar house, and letting him have "hire and firing" rights at victoria secrets to recruit victims by advertising that he was looking for models.

$300 is a really difficult price point for what youre asking for new. At the price, youre in the chromebook range, where even the windows machines are going to be as barebones as possible.

You want to step into the used market if you want customizable for $300. Getting something good thats a few years old like an lenovo carbon x1 looks possible, and they are a dream to update. The above supports linux with no issues.

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They didn't care about him when he was alive.

They may care about the operational loss, but they certainly wont bring any kind of hammer down on the local PD.

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