0 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Someone gets naked so everyone loses their minds.

People shoot up schools: thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers....

Religion is insanity.

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Fined less than $40k. Great, problem fixed, everyone!

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Unfettered capitalism.

Time to tax the corporations and the wealthy for their fair share again.

Want to solve almost all our problems? Redistribute wealth from the 1% who spend it on yachts to the rest of us to spend on healthcare, wages, etc.

Small business owner making 6 figures a year? I am not talking about you.

Spez, making 9 figures? That is who I am talking about and where the problem lies.

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The moment enough of us decide this has to change, it will.

Relink productivity and wages! 90% tax rate on all the cash you earn in a year after the first $10M Close corporate tax loopholes

We can solve this, we just need to decide.

Maybe a general strike is out and we should just start a quiet friday strike, and just start extending that back through the week. Productivity just keeps falling until the wealthy decide they don't want to suffer with the rest of us and take the fucking haircut.

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The other bond companies will not “accept hard assets such as real estate as collateral,” but “will only accept cash or cash equivalents (such as marketable securities),” the filing said.


They won't let him pay with play money anymore.

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Used to recommend Roku to others. I will never buy anything from them or recommend them to anyone again.

Someday maybe boards will figure out that "business" people have no idea what they are doing.

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... because rapey stuff seemed to start happening and may have continued if one of the girls didn't text someone?

dude was checking them for consciousness, something unnecessary if he only wanted them to sleep.

if he was checking them to ensure they were alive, then he deserves a serious ass prison sentence as well, because he then clearly understood how risky what he was doing was.

so ... yeah, as far as I am concerned this guy seems like prison is the right answer.

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This right here? ☝️

This is how "business" people save money.


Not only that, but the explanation is right there, in the article:

Democrats were stymied for nearly three years because they did not take majority control of the five-member FCC until October.

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Hey everyone, don't merge two companies and let the one that didn't give a shit about engineering take over everything.

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75K being the high end for educator salaries anywhere in the US is a disgrace.

Tax our corporations, tax our wealthy, pay our teachers, rebuild the middle class.

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Yeah, instead they do things like kill LGBTQ people with machetes or put you in prison for apostasy.

Religion is insanity.

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The growing intensity of straw manning over the past decade has hurt us all so much.

Don't try to characterize what "they" would do, then get mad at your hypothetical. We need to talk to each other instead of about each other.

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These JSON memes got me feeing like some junior dev out there is upset because they haven't read and understood the docs.

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This guy needs to move to someplace remote if someone knocking on his door scares him enough to point a gun at a 6 year old.

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Speed running the apocalypse. I wish people would get raptured, it'd make it easier for those of us left behind to steward the planet.

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When the complaint system is intended to repress, launching a DDoS against it is activism, yes.

Make sense?

“If they do it that way, you would have kids who would understand the story of Israel,” she said. “They would understand its miraculous nature.”

And right there we have the issue, tied in a bow at the end of the article.

No country is miraculous or blessed. When we figure that out, our world will become a much more peaceful place.

Will you please stay in your lane?

What the fuck qualifies you to criticize a celebrity online? Do you have any expertise in holding opinions or sharing them?

You're an internet commenter, write about what you had for lunch and stop weighing in on shit you know nothing about. This isn't the place for it, either.


Now do you get it?

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Seem pretty on the mark to me? Maybe the disgrace lies with those perpetrating it?

If he loses the presidential race, the GOP is gonna be in really, really bad shape.

Trump could, if we are lucky, be the death rattle of the Republican party.

In an ideal world, that could break us out of the two party system. We probably won't get that lucky.

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Tesla Q1 sales were down 13% YoY. Most major competition posted high double digit growth. Tesla is in trouble.

Yeah, Americans. As much as i disagree with Republicans on things, they're still Americans.

Our educational system, our economic and our social systems have failed them and led them to unscientific contrary positions.

We need to find ways to bridge that gap and stop things like this without it being a political issue.

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Being expelled from Columbia starting to look like a badge of honor.

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Why do journalists grant their fantasies instead of reporting on these people for what they are: conspiracy nuts.

Investigation after investigation in precints all over the country, many controlled by Republican secretaries of state has found no widespread fraud.

These people are conspiracy nuts. What are we doing reporting on them like they're talking about reality? Is everyone afraid to point out the emperor has no clothes or what?

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participation in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.

These are actions, not thoughts.

I would hope you now take back what you have been saying because you have been arguing a staw man.

Don't ever buy anything from these people, got it.

The mistake is thinking everyone everywhere must be connected.

If 51% of people want to be on Facebook, or are so complacent and happy with their situation that they don't feel like the corporate interests are screwing them then they are allowed to be there and be part of the majority.

I don't want to be there and I won't be, regardless. So at least 1 person will be there waiting on the Fediverse that we want where things are more distributed. I have a feeling that I am not alone and that the number of people like me out there is sufficient 5o guarantee that Facebook or any other corporate entity will not control the Fediverse.

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!remindme 2 years

not because I think you're wrong, but I want to remember running across someone else feeling like this whole thing is some bullshit.

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And yet what a actually happened is that Catholics ended up generally more liberal and Protestants ended up becoming evangelicals and causing a lot of the problems currently faced in, for example, the US.

Edit' Catholicism continues to try to bleed any kind of support by protecting pedophiles in case you feel like I am being too lenient toward Catholicism.

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There are a lot of open source LLMs being developed, ones you can run at home on your own data.

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How would you expect to recreate them when the models are given random perturbations such that the results usually vary?

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Just cancelled mine. Good job, capitalism!

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People with no moral compass are selling "AI" to credulous hospital administrators trying to maximize their bonuses by cutting healthcare worker hours.

Fuck for-profit healthcare.

Hey, nice, I get to build an HTPC again and check out the latest streaming shit for Linux.

I'm not even being ironic. Tired of this corporate hellscape and finding joy in returning to the kind of hobbyist tech I grew up on.

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No one cares about Trump's threats because he is a fuckin dope. We all know the only threat posed is stochastic terrorism from his indoctrinated followers.

If we didn't have first past the post and the electoral college we could all safely be laughing at how fucking moronic that dude is.

Instead, we have to have a slim chance he gets a second term of fucking the country up.

It's fucking embarrassing as a "world power." No one should trust us because our electoral system is this fucking dumb.

.... does this work with the Republican base?

is there a Republican base anymore?

Is it a MAGA base now?

I'm confused about who's who.

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Oh yes, let's do another special loophole kinda bullshit thing instead of restraining capitalism, breaking up monopolies and providing for the social good.

As a former Roku fan, forced arbitration or a brick was the breaking point. Roku can fuck off.