Man arrested for pointing gun at 6-year-old boy's head over Halloween goody bag to – 483 points –
Man arrested for pointing gun at 6-year-old boy's head over Halloween goody bag

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This guy needs to move to someplace remote if someone knocking on his door scares him enough to point a gun at a 6 year old.

Seriously... if you're ready to shoot a couple kids ding-dong-ditching you then you don't need your gun, you need a fucking psych ward.

This was just something kids did when i was growing up. The thought of someone ever coming out with a gun never even crossed our minds. Now it's like you can't go to Target without worrying.

About a half hour from where I live, a college student was killed because she and her friends got lost and turned around in a person's driveway. They were backing out to head away when he came running at them, firing a gun. She got hit in the neck and her boyfriend (in the driver's seat next to her) had to drive with her dying until they could a) get away and b) get good enough cellphone reception to cell 911.

I've turned around in people's driveways many times. At most, I'd expect the homeowners to look through the window at me warily to make sure I'm leaving, not come running at me with guns blazing.

But, sadly, that seems to be the world we're living in.