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A PUBLIC school system. Parents should sue the absolute fuck out of the school for using religion to justify a punishment.

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Sounds an awful lot like elon musk needs to be sent to the Russian front his fucking self. I hope ukraine charges him as a Russian spy and puts out a bounty on him.

Illegal strip club brothels are AWFUL. Owners are scum, they'll threaten and blacklist dancers that don't put up, get women on drugs and under their thumbs. Just pimps with a storefront.

What we want is actual legal prostitution, where there are actual regulations and safety checks, not just illusion.

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This is what we want from our union leaders. Show these fucks that they aren't safe. That we are ready to fight and throw down.

Wasn't there a report about dozens of dead monkeys from animal trials a few months ago?

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Eradicating all privacy in the name of protecting the children. Classic.

And that's the fucking problem with all this shit. "Guess that's what they want".

It doesn't matter what they fucking want. Cops violate protocol. Cops got children killed. Cops SHOULD have gone straight to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect your pension.

I'm just saying, if my kid had gotten killed in that shooting, I would make it my life's mission to eliminate every cop that didn't do anything. Through my own means of force if necessary.

Newsom's about face on policies this last year as he ramps up his run for presidency is fucking disgusting. Between him and fetterman we're learning that even 'the good ones' will throw their constituents to the wolves when power and money are involved.

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Bad bot linking to pay walls and not posting the article text.

It's incredibly important to do so because conservative and right-wing media is all free. They don't paywall anything. This is part of the disinformation brain-drain. The quality, real stuff is locked away but the bullshit is out for display.

Start displaying the real stuff.

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Straight up illegal attempts from the mayor and sheriff to shut down the local paper thqt was criticizing them

Any explosion at a border is going to be treated as a terrorist event until otherwise shown. But cars also generally don't just explode, so I would also assume criminal malice of some kind at least.

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These people went after obama's girls, who were actual children. They have no fucking shame.

Sounds like a woman CHOOSING WHAT TO DO WITH HER OWN BODY. Fucking shame on you for victim blaming. If she wanted to have that baby and chose to try despite medical suggestions, THAT IS HER CHOICE!

Then it sounds like she had a mental health crisis because she miscarried in a fucking bathroom.

Think of the emotional state of that woman and tell yourself charging her with a crime is the right thing to do. If you can't pretend to know what she was going through you certainly have no fucking right to judge her actions.

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But the ship is believed to hold 11 million gold and silver coins, emeralds and other precious cargo from Spanish-controlled colonies, which could be worth billions of dollars if ever recovered.

Fucking dumbass.

He has autism. It affects the brain in very specific ways for each individual, but in general Executive function is the first thing to go when in stressful situations. You know, emotional regulation and self control? And I also guarantee that the cops and guards were treating him like shit. They LOVE picking on disabled people. I have no doubt most of the charges and incidents were exacerbated by the people in charge.

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Seriously, a big thing I've noticed here is that the general vibe of Lemmy seems morose and pessimistic as fuck.

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Seriously... if you're ready to shoot a couple kids ding-dong-ditching you then you don't need your gun, you need a fucking psych ward.

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Victim blaming? Shame on you.

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Teenagers dancing is doing something stupid? Are you fucking stupid?

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Most Americans still have their hears shoved so far up their asses that they think all of Europe is a freedomless third world region where the governments silence all criticism and doctors still use leeches or something. Just completely delusional and in denial.

Of course most Americans haven't even left their own state, never mind gone to Europe to experience it themselves.

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It's in response to a girl getting punished for being recorded doing nothing wrong. Read the room and the context. It absolutely is victim blaming.

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I. Use. Periods. After. Every. Word. Because. I. Think. It. Makes. Me. Look. Smart. But. Really. I. Just. Look. Like. A. Fucking. Idiot.

I admire your optimism and wish I could believe he'll actually face consequences.

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Because Iowa is still under a Christian stranglehold behind the scenes.

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Hahaha it sounds like they would have gotten away with it, but one of the morons tried to cashapp himself money from the victims phone.

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Yep, it's never been about cops. It's always been about racism.

That's what blows my mind with these people. They could just not say anything. She could have worn anything else. The cruelty is the point. They get their rocks off on other people's misery.

They're also leading the race to making encryption illegal, so...

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ON PAPER They have a duty of care. In real life all they give a shit about is you not dying in front of them. If you're lucky. Sounds like you are. Maybe in your happy little corner of the fucking world it's all morphine and triage, but here DOCTORS in the emergency room will only do enough to keep you from dying in front of them. You'll have a stroke and they won't do any follow up care and you'll have another one two weeks later and you're dead, because the doctors wouldn't let you make an appointment in time.

Also they'll cut off your fucking leg because it's cheaper than reconstruction, and not just because reconstruction is impossible.

Also just realized dumbass OP up there casually dropped that he's loaded and the rest of us are just stupid for being poor.

Not on paper, but they absolutely fucking will in person. They'll tell you your fine, they'll tell you the wrong thing, and then they put off your appointments and then your dead.

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Why do you have to insult the disabled?

You know what's better than easily broken "agreements"? Actual fucking laws.

This is literally a NATO proxy-war with Russia. If we don't want to send actual troops, we better be giving them all the equipment they ask for. Blank check.

Normalize not demanding explanations, and start accepting 'I just couldn't' as a valid answer. Don't let normie neurotypicals define what is "Normal'.

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Nobody is exusing anything. Shelling cities and blowing up residential buildings Is bad. So is raping and murdering civilians.

Most of us just want the violence to stop on both sides. Hamas was a side effect of Israel's oppression. Same as most other terrorist groups and gangs. Everyone is doing awful things and it just needs to fucking stop.

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First thing to do is to not use neckbeardy scientific language like 'find a mate'. It makes me think of the way ferengi say 'Female'. It comes off as very creepy and lecherous.

Go do things you enjoy doing. Find local groups or hobby/card/game shops with events. Get to know people. Become a known person. And be yourself. Pretending to be anything or anyone you aren't will always backfire in a real relationship.

The big thing is to never go out with the goal of hooking up or finding someone. It adds an extra layer of weirdness if you do meet someone, and a massive extra disappointment every time you don't. Just be friendly and casual. Things will fall into place.

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Jokes aside, I generally hate this mentality. "Why were you looking at x".

Cause it's different from the usual. Brains are wired to spot differences and things that are out of the ordinary. Erections stick out (heh). Same as putting 'Juicy' on butts of pants. Bannana hammocks on dudes at tge beach. People with unique body shapes like super muscle torsos or big asses.

Or maybe I'm just horny...

Maybe not bomb hospitals and apartments? Funnel fleeing civilians through active combat zones? Maybe not force Palestinians off of their properties?

Hamas is committing atrocities that are par for the terrorism course. We should t expect them to play by the rules.

Isreal is a globally recognized and sanctioned government, committing genocide and war crimes.

Both sides need to stop.

I took it more as a calling out that most public defenders do just churn out plea deals, not as praising them for doing so.

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