Net neutrality rules restored by US agency, reversing Trump

Null User to – 625 points –

Wait, what? They're only just now doing this?


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Not only that, but the explanation is right there, in the article:

Democrats were stymied for nearly three years because they did not take majority control of the five-member FCC until October.

I'm willing to throw some shade at the Dems for not forcing a floor vote here, put people on record refusing the nominee. It's obvious though his first pick wasn't getting the 60 needed though to pass, so it'd be for show at best.

That’s not how it works. The FCC is on a completely different cycle and you can only appoint new people when old people expire out. It’s supposed to keep politics out. Impeachment is a possibility but that’s the only remedy.

"Sohn ultimately faced senators across three confirmation hearings since Biden first tapped her for the post. Her nomination, which awaited a committee vote in 2023, never received floor consideration."

I'm referring to the notion of the first nomination being held in committee for almost 2 years rather than forcing cloture and having the full vote. It would have presumably gone nowhere, but at least it's an affirmative action.