106 Post – 359 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mr Putin remains the only candidate to be able to register as a candidate.

He doesn't even try to pretend anymore.

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That cop had better be charged and jailed for the rest of his life.

Mf'ers murdering with impunity over a traffic stop. 😡

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"We cannot live with all these types of restrictions ... this will, in my humble opinion, kill the short-term rental economy in Colorado," said property management company owner Hillary Skye at this week's hearing.

She says that like it's a bad thing.

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Someday it would be nice to see judicial decisions on women's healthcare be supported by science instead of a Constitution written by mostly men.

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East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney Hillar Moore said the arrests of Street Crimes members could impact hundreds of criminal cases, comparing the fallout from the revelations around the BRAVE Cave to those during the 2021 Narcotics Unit scandal. Frampton said that the fact that the BRAVE Cave sprung from police reform is “a frustrating irony and it makes you wonder about the capacity there is to reform these sorts of institutions without dismantling them altogether."

Defunding/dismantling is the next step, and if cops keep doing shit like this it will happen.


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Alternative headline -- Automakers whine they must increase gas mileage; will likely wipe out their super lucrative truck/SUV sales

Honestly, these researchers could have saved themselves some work and simply looked at the current income disparity to come to the same conclusion ...

Jolly Ranchers hard candy has mineral oil in them.

Most often, mineral oil is a liquid obtained from refining crude oil to make gasoline and other petroleum products ... like a liquid version of petroleum jelly. Source

And America allows companies to sell this shit.

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American healthcare is in utter shambles when the family of an icon like Mary Lou has to gofundme for her care.

I hope she makes it through this. 🤞

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According to representatives for Securus and DOC, a technical error during a system update caused the deletion of the drafts.

Cool. Where's your proof? And what happened the previous 2 times you wiped everyone's drafts????

Fuck Securus.

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DuhSantis living up to this name.

I mean one has to be pretty dense to think Disney is gonna drop a lawsuit because the person doesn't want to face the consequences of their actions.

As Forrest would say, stupid is as stupid does.

"The property, which features a guest house and swimming pool, was purchased in 2017 for $7.25m by Glory of the Snow LLC, then managed by a hedge fund executive, the Los Angeles Times reported. It was sold to the Glory of the Snow Trust for $8.35m earlier this year."

It should be illegal for LLCs or trust funds to purchase housing of any kind.

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Because regular unions are there to safeguard the worker's rights against abuse from employers.

Police unions are there to safeguard cops from facing discipline for murdering people.

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Because of the seriousness of the crime, the judge said, Harris will not be released as he waits for a new trial, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. A new trial date has not been set.

This is a load of shit. A blind witness AND cop intimidation should automatically lead to being freed from jail until a new trial begins.

Justice my ass. Pfft.


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NAL but here's my own small dive into the "what does insurrection mean" argument ...

The 12th Amendment clearly states how the President is chosen, and Section 3 of the 14th Amendment states that no one may hold office if they "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the Constitution.

It's the "or" between insurrection and rebellion that's important here as it means the definition of insurrection is not vital to charges being laid ... the word "rebellion" is easier to define and Jan. 6 was exactly that -- a rebellion against the completion of the 12th Amendment where the legally chosen President would be sworn into office.

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Government failure to protect citizens' right to privacy is one of, if not thee, largest money-maker Big Tech was gifted. :/

Keep in mind the following: source

About 158 million Americans, or 61% of U.S. adults, own stock.

The top 1% holds 54% of stocks, worth $19.16 trillion.

The bottom 50% of U.S. adults holds only 0.6% of stocks, worth $21 billion.

White Americans own 89% of stocks, worth $31.87 trillion.

U.S. families held a median value of $52,000 in stocks as of 2022, far below the peak of more than $58,592 in 2001. This figure includes directly held stocks and mutual funds.

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Canada is better in some ways ... although we have a lot of room for improvement. Provincial gov'ts set their own standards and rules, but in the province where I was a CFS investigator we had access to back files on individuals that would be checked as soon as a call came in.

We also weren't allowed to check cupboards because simply being poor is NOT a valid reason to take kids away.

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Here is the level of clusterfuck in the House right now ...

“Is there anybody that can get there? I don’t think there is,” said Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, who has repeatedly suggested Trump should be elected House speaker.

I mean can you imagine the orange kumquat as House speaker?

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Political parties pandering to far-right, murderous Christians who mistakenly believe they're vastly different from any other murderous religious extremists.

Hint: they are not.

And still Congress didn't pass a wealth tax, or close at least some tax loopholes only the rich can access.

It's the same damn thing in Canada as well. And it sucks.

Unless gov'ts get off their asses and DO the things that need to be done, revolution will come ... and they won't like the outcome at all.

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HonestReporting is a pro-Israel media watchdog group ... so about as honest as Trump is.

Ignore at will.

Jfc. The fine should have been $1 mil with half going to the kid.

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"The allegations shocked me. In criminal law, the presumption of innocence also applies here. Nevertheless, the allegations are so serious that after examining each individual case, I immediately banned the three officers from conducting official business," Friederike Zurhausen, the police chief of Recklinghausen, said in a statement.

This police chief did more than most do.

According to the link he was suspended from cabinet meetings, not booted from his portfolio as Heritage Minister.

Had to know it would happen sooner rather than later.

I'm just surprised the plane was shot down in Russian airspace. Putin's not even trying to hide his assinations anymore.

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The UK doesn't deem them safe for human consumption tho, because they err on the side of caution instead of allowing big oil and/or corps to do what they want.

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We're not.

I used to live on a farm where my boss owned a tow-truck business. The pandemic hit us hard and I couldn't afford the rent, so I had to sell my truck and move into a bachelor in the city. Six months ago I had to downsize again to a bedroom in a rooming house.

Next move is the streets.

There is a proven need for the service. But it needs to be better regulated, NOT privatized and states should have rules limiting worker's authority.

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The failure of SCOTUS to recognize their complicity in Louisiana's lackadaisical, and fundamentally illegal, judicial oversight is what is so gd shitty about this whole thing. Their belief that the lower state courts would take care of the issues, when in fact the lower courts WERE the fucking issue, is sad at best and destructive at worst.

America has no real justice at its core, and if nothing else that proves it doesn't give a shit about its people. It has become a nation who's more concerned about the wealth and privilege it protects than the actual people who live under its power.

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The fine should be equal to the company's net profit for every month those kids worked ... and 1/2 of it should be paid to the kids and their families.

... quite scary ... pipeline to transition ... dysphoria often desists ...

You worked really hard to throw every catch phrase possible into that.

It's telling that the first one is you're scared ... which is a poor motivator because it means you make important decisions based on falsehoods and fear-mongering.

Stop it.

IsraelGives is an Israeli tech company founded in 2019 by Israeli entrepreneurs Jonathan Ben-Dor and Joseph Hitler ...

Excuse me??

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On average in Canada about 60% of household income would be needed to cover home ownership costs, a figure that rises to about 98% for Vancouver and 80% for Toronto, RBC said in a September report.

Trudeau's utter failure to take housing costs into account is telling. He seems to have become blind to the needs of the people.

He may well lose the next election because of it ... and Canada will end up with a right-wing mess in Pierre Poilievre. :/

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I am looking forward to watching the logistics play out of imprisoning Trump along with his Secret Service detail.

One wonders if he'll need a whole floor of cells for his entourage.

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Brandon Prichard "Direct democracy should not exist".

Wtf kind of democracy is he advocating for then?

Idjits gotta idjit I guess.

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Being downvoted is not indicative of voters' anger. It's simply showing they don't agree with you.

Pulling the victim card is revealing a shit-ton about you tho.

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#ACAB always and forever.

... and expecting them to act like regular untortured people when they're released from jail.

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