These numbers show the staggering toll of the Israel-Hamas war to – 115 points –
These numbers show the staggering toll of the Israel-Hamas war

9,227 -- The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza.

144 -- The number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank.

1,400 -- The number of people killed in Israel.

24 -- The number of Israeli soldiers killed since the start of the ground offensive.

23,516 -- The number of Palestinians injured in Gaza.

2,200 -- The number of Palestinians injured in the West Bank.

5,400 -- The number of Israelis injured.

250,000 -- The number of Israelis displaced.

More than 1.4 million -- The number of Palestinians displaced in Gaza.

At least 241 -- The number of soldiers and civilians being held hostage in Gaza.

5 -- The number of hostages released or rescued.

421 -- The number of aid trucks let into Gaza.

33,960 -- The number of residential units destroyed in Gaza.


Fuck Isreal. I got no problem with Jewish people, but that country can kick fucking rocks.

Totally agree. Being anti Israel does not equate anti semitism.

No, but the media sure loves to shout antisemitism any chance they get. I saw an article today claiming Rep. Rashida Tlaib is antisemtic for tweeting:

From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate. My work and advocacy is always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity.

Imagine calling someone antisemitic for calling for equality and peace.

Do some cursory research into the history of that slogan. It originated as a call for the genocide of Israeli Jews.

Trying to reclaim it now as a "peaceful liberation protest" slogan would be like trying to reclaim the Nazi salute. Only an antisemite would attempt either.

What bothers me is the conflation of Judaism to a race.

I DO have problems with Judaism as I do with all other organized religion. Idk what a white guy like Netanyahu has to do with anything though.

"Jewish" is not a race.

Would that it were. Jews benefit from white privilege, however the identity is not just a belief. Antisemitism frames jews as non-white and thus, jews face unique race-like prejudice other white people don't. It's nit like nazis look the other way when a jew converts to Christianity, they see "jewish" as a blood type. Similarly there is nothing real about race, until white supremacy enforces a hierarchy based in it.

(Edit: note, none if this is a defense of the ethnostate of israel)

I completely agree with you. I think it's actually falling into the Nazi propaganda to believe that the Jewish people are a race.

Ideally, we should stop defining culture by race.

As such as equally reductive to define it by religion, though.

Judaism is a religion but "Jewish" is an ethnicity that unfortunately happens to share a lot of the same terminology as the religion. A whole lot of Jews don't practice Judaism.

Right, and I think that classification is erroneous and should not exist.

Race as a concept is already kind of dumb, but tying it to any sort of religious ethnicities is also dumb.

There is only debate about that because of thousands of years of persecution very particular to Jewish history.

Being that it is one of the few religions that only survived (not because of temples and cities) because they wrote down their customs in a few books that also allow you to criticise and debate about what is written.

So the only reason why Jewish people survived in certain points was not by grabing on to religion but yes to the culture.

So the it's like they where a country without borders or physical location, but the books provided the sense of unity normal countries have, like Spain or Finland, but nearly in written

Yeah, but that's true of a lot of religions. Even Scientologists have a culture that transcends borders, but I don't think we should be making a Scientologist state.

I really think people are underselling the dangers of religion just because it is popular to like this religion right now.

Theocracy is bad regardless of who perveys it.

No mention of Hamas soldiers. Are they not involved in this conflict?

On Breaking Points, on Thursday I think, they said 13 Hamas fighters have been killed.

No mention of number of rockets fired by both sides either.

Interesting... What percentage of the deaths do you think are Hamas soldiers?

I have no idea. It’s got to be some non-zero %.

But it is a notable part of the Hamas strategy to not make a distinction between their soldiers and Palestinian civilians, so it’s very difficult to determine.

Women and children accounted for 3 out of 5 last I heard (hypothetical child soldiers not withstanding). I believe the ratio is 2 children and one woman, so if we speculate that 4th person is just another civilian male, then 1 out of 5 maybe? Do you think that sounds correct?

Extremely generous estimate, Hamas is not half of all Palestinian men.

You’re assuming women can’t be soldiers or terrorists. It may not be as common but common enough that it’s a bad assumption.

Every other article describes that half the population of Gaza is minors. If so, you could argue that half the innocent victims are likely children

Israel says the group has about 30,000 fighters and an arsenal of rockets, including some with a range of about 250 kilometers (155 miles), and unmanned drones.
2.5 million / 2 = 1.25 million / 30,000 = 41 2/3
So roughly one out of every 40.
10,000 dead would mean about 244 Hamas fighters dead if the distributions were equal
let's say they're not, that they are targeted.
If the number were quartered, that's still 1/10 being killed. 9 civilians to 1 fighter death.

For sure, it’s a huge tragedy any way you try to look. This is not ok.

I really only object to people claiming there’s a simple solution, because that’s not reality. There’s a lot of history of blood and carnage, and lots of blame in all directions. There’s a reason this region was historically the party of the world where World War III was most likely to start, and you’re not getting anywhere by saying “side x needs to stop doing y”

It is a notable part of the Israeli strategy to not make a distinction between soldiers and Palestinian civilians


Around 2/3 of those civilians deaths are children. Monstrous barbarism from Israel.

Conveniently left out the number of rockets Palestinians have launched indiscriminately at Israeli cities, and they're sourcing statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry, which is literally Hamas.

The US and UN have used trusted the GHM numbers for decades. Now that there is a genocide they're being questioned.

It also implies some smaller number is more acceptable. What is it? 6000? 4000? 2000? How many dead civilians would you like there to be?

No, questioning Hamas's bullshit has always been a thing. Btw, call it what you will it's still Hamas.

How many people did those rockets kill? Was it a lot?

The air defense system mitigates a lot, which does to lead people like you hand-waving tens of thousands of rockets fired indiscriminately.

Even those systems have weakness, as Oct 7th proved, they can simply be overwhelmed.

The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza. *

  • according to terrorists organization Hamas

What terrorist organization would you accept the numbers from?

According to a source trusted by US and UN officials for decades.

Textbook genocide denial tho, good job. Remember this is who you are in a few years.

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