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He will just keep shouting so that Bidens mic picks it up.

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Have you checked your blood pressure?

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I would get a laptop as well in that situation. Just make sure it is one that supports setting the charging threshold. Having it on all the time will kill the battery quickly if it keeps charging from 95 to 100%. It’s much better to keep it below 80%, which should still give enough “UPS time”.

The battery will also not electrically protect the motherboard from voltage swings. So get a good power adapter that can handle the voltages.

Yes. Am usiang a Luigi Borad

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Paying off pornstars is fine. You just can’t falsify business records for it.

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In the google account privacy settings you can delete the watch and search history. You can also delete a service such as YouTube from the account, without deleting the account itself. This might help starting afresh.

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If they had more content on offer than the big legal streaming services combined, should that not tell us something about the quality of legal offers?

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Corporations are people, my friend. Just people with all the rights and no responsibilities.

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Or desperate. Forget the investors, Elon lied to those who saw it as a last ditch effort to beat their diseases.

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Dear kid,

You will go hungry today because we will also let you starve tomorrow.

Also, you are fat.

Love, Republicans

A rapist, acting as a surrogate for a rapist, criticizing a rapist.

This is, in a sick and twisted way, the perfect response to her recent racism statement.

Not a pedo, just a regular rapist. Talk about low bars.

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Y’all heard about that Web 2.0 thing?

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They know Biden won’t do that. Trump will.

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Just don’t get too close to Till if you are a woman.

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He did not buy the gun, he was merely virtue signaling

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If the guy is endorsing a team from San Francisco, the capital of libruls and the gay, he must be part of the conspiracy.

IMO they should have just made any roaming on non-EU-terms strictly opt-in. It’s madness that you can get billed ridiculous amounts of money just for being too close to a border or ship.

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Well. One company stared down the FBI when they wanted assistance unlocking a terrorists phone, because it would weaken security for everyone else.

The other keeps adding „features“ to my operating system that are designed to siphon data from me, they build at the very least misleading dialogs for those „features“ to trick me into enabling them (not even allowing „no“ as a choice, usually it’s just „yes“ or „not now“) and even when meticulously disabled they have a tendency to magically re-enable themselves after updates.

Who would you trust more?

If you ever get these after a contacting customer care, here is how they work:

10/10: ok. No need to reprimand employee

9/10: acceptable every now and then

Anything less than 9/10: talk to employee about their low performance and lacking commitment

This applies to all questions asked, including “how is the weather?” and “did you sleep well tonight?”

So here is how I answer, knowing how it works:

Employee helped me or at least tried to (and was hindered by company bullshit): 10/10, no exception. Yes, I will sacrifice my firstborn on your corporate altar and will build a shrine to your CEO in my bedroom. Of course I will recommend [product] and to anyone and everyone I will ever meet and praise [company] with my dying breath.

Mediocre service: no reply

Truly awful service, employee was a dick: 2-4/10, so it does not look like petty revenge, but is still bad

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So, does husband #3 have the same name as you?

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Windows 7. no ads, no sudden candy crush, no cloud data stealing.

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What about the faulty CEO?

That are two capital NOs from me:

  1. using teams on my own phone
  2. turning off tracking protections.

Exactly. For them „gay“ is short for „evil, satanic pedophile“.

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Way of the road

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Don’t rely on the algorithms. They will inevitably steer you towards clickbait, mindless attention whoring and controversy baiting. After all, they are designed for keeping you engaged at the cost of wearing down your attention span.

Instead consider what you are interested in and try to find likeminded people online. From there, look for connections to other places. Those can be links or something someone mentioned. Even in times of Facebook, Reddit etc. there are still some great forums on some topics around. And there are real gems buried under all the crap on YouTube, you just need to find them yourself.

If you just want to browse for interesting videos without a specific topic in mind, try the channels of public broadcasting. PBS, dw, ARTE etc. have great documentaries on all kinds of topics.

Also consider listening to audiobooks. Audible is not that expensive, otherwise some are on YouTube or in some places you can get access to online libraries with a offline library card.

Fucking hillybillies stole the hash driveway!

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Russian TV promotes Russian asset TV

What a stupid headline. This is not the wind lifting the ground, it is the wind almost pushing over trees with very shallow roots. Trees that will deposit a few hundred kilos of wood on one‘s head once they come down. Trees that will push over their shallow rooted friends like dominoes (which btw is why mixed forests are so important).

I can’t believe the BBC would publish a video of a Darwin Award contender like that.

Don’t steal Elons ideas!

The authors argue:

  • Nitrogen execution forces prisoners to participate in their own death, which they consider cruel

  • Delivery by mask is unproven and could lead to problems (like CO2 buildup).

  • the protocol is heavily redacted and many other executions have been botched before, which does not inspire confidence.

  • a lack of oxygen can lead to convulsions, which can prolong the execution if the airways are affected

  • in case of a failed execution the prisoner is entitled to medical help. This could be difficult or even dangerous to administer in an environment of little to no oxygen

  • mice did show a fear response when executed with nitrogen

While I do agree with those points and oppose lethal punishment myself, I would not expect the arguments to make a big legal difference. All of them do apply to other execution methods as well, and usually much worse. Personally, I would prefer a death by nitrogen to any other method on offer, if there is to be an execution.

No vaccine against stupidity either. Coincidence?

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It is. They also were very, very quick to point out that „the west“ is at fault for supporting Ukraine too much and therefore Israel not enough.

Why does child food need to be produced thousands of miles away?

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They are far right enough that courts and prosecutors have decided repeatedly that one of their main leaders can be publicly called a fascist and a nazi because it is based on facts and a permissible „value judgement“. This is rather exceptional, as things like that are usually taken very seriously here as an insult and can cost you hundreds or thousands of Euros.

Here is what one prosecutor had to say (translated):

Against the background that the person concerned, according to general opinion, belongs to the extreme right-wing fringe of his party, has expressed himself in recent years, as evidenced by a large number of press publications, in a clearly nationalistic-folkish manner with racist overtones and emphasising a natural claim to leadership of the Germans, and in doing so has repeatedly used formulations that belonged to the standard vocabulary of the representatives of National Socialism before May 1945…

There are moderates in the AfD, but they are increasingly silenced or leaving. And in that case „moderate“ means not demanding that migrants be shot at the border, not defending holocaust deniers, not attending concerts where the hitler salute is shown, not conniving with Reichsbürger (our own mad version of „sovereign citizens“), not calling for the death of government officials, politicians or doctors …

You, as a presumably sane person, expect words to mean things. Fascists don’t like that. They overwhelm people by repeating words ad nauseam until they no longer mean any thing, except a vague (usually negative) emotion.

When they pour their insane word salad over their followers it is not even supposed to follow any logic or convey any thing. It is just a stream of emotions, giving them a high on fear and anger.

The whole thing is about as logical, and as dangerous, as drugs.

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Until Plex gets unbearable as well. They have been getting a lot shittier lately.

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