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Tesla’s reasoning for going away with a method universally used for signaling turn for decades is that it enables them to remove a physical part, the stalk, and it believes activating a turn signal will soon be unnecessary with the advent of self-driving.

Spit my drink up a bit when I read that.

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Apple is just going to turn the codebase to iMessage over to a 3rd party?

You've got that backwards - beeper was offering to do that for their own codebase.

In modern x86 CPUs, POPCNT is implemented as part of the SSE4 instruction set. For Intel's chips, it was added as part of SSE4.2 in the original first-generation Core architecture, codenamed Nehalem. In AMD's processors, it's included in SSE4a, first used in Phenom, Athlon, and Sempron CPUs based on the K10 architecture. These architectures date back to 2008 and 2007, respectively.

That effectively bars mid-2000s Intel Core 2 Duo systems and early Athlon 64-era PCs from booting Windows 11 at all, not that they officially supported it in the first place. This means the change should mainly affect retro-computing enthusiasts who spend their days making YouTube videos in the "we installed Windows 11 on a potato, let's see how it runs" genre rather than users of actual systems.

You can check if your CPU has SSE 4.2(Intel) or 4a(AMD) but it sounds like unless you're running some real old stuff you shouldn't have to worry.

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The provision explicitly bans insurrectionists from serving as US senators, representatives, and even presidential electors – but it does not say presidents. It says it covers “any office, civil or military, under the United States,” and Wallace ruled that this does not include the office of the presidency.

None of that means we shouldn't talk about the ruling

Free returns is great insulation against broken products.

In my experience having to pay 15% of the purchase price just to return something that arrived broken definitely prevented any unnecessary purchases from that company in the future.

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CDPR originally thought they may replace him in the expansion and then go back and actually re-record his lines in the original for consistency’s sake but…no one really liked that idea, as it did not seem fair to his memory and his great performance.

I really don't like the idea of doing it for entirely new performances but it doesn't seem about the money in this case.

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Breed’s office has said the measure was intentionally designed to be flexible on the treatment component. Treatment options could range from out-patient services to a prescription for buprenorphine, a medication used to treat addiction. They noted it doesn’t include a requirement for participants to remain sober, recognizing that people often lapse in recovery and shouldn’t be kicked out of the program for a slip-up.


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“The two preceding chairs of this committee violated the letter and spirit of Committee Rule IV,” he said, referring to a committee rule that requires at least one member of the minority to vote with the majority to end debate on a matter before moving to vote on it.

Durbin said one former chair, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), violated this rule with a vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, and Graham was chair when he broke the rule to advance a partisan immigration bill without Democratic input.

“In doing so, Republicans established a new precedent that I followed on one occasion last Congress and will follow again today,” said the Illinois Democrat. “I’ve said time and again there cannot be one set of rules for Republicans and a different set for Democrats.”

The best remedy is a consistent set of rules, but once a precedent is established, that's basically the new rule until proven otherwise.

The push to live services, online DRM, microtransactions, DLC and other such things is because they have identified that there is more money to be made as a 'server operator' than a 'game developer.'

They don't really care about getting paid for the game, they'd rather give it away for free if they can make more money off controlling the servers.

“I would have filled out whatever was necessary, because at the end of the day, while it would have been a hit to my pride, there is something much more important than my pride, and that’s fighting for this community,” Childrey said.

Make sure you didn't miss what they actually had to say about it.

the majority of our country has better sense than to elect him president again.

The majority of country didn't elect him the first time and definitely isn't necessary to elect a president.
The presidency is decided by electoral college votes, not by the people's vote.

It doesn't prevent terrorism, but where the hits land it does usually stop whatever is going on.

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Donkey Kong (1994) - not really rare or obscure, but definitely not talked about enough.
It starts out like regular donkey kong but then it goes somewhat differently.
The colorization is only complete with SuperGameboy so it might be tricky to play that way but there is a colorization hack being worked on.

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Generally people are worse with computers than you think.
A computer preinstalled with Linux is definitely more likely to confuse than you imagine

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“He absolutely should recuse himself. The question is, what do we do if he doesn’t recuse himself?”

Raskin also cautioned that Trump, the runaway favorite in the Republican primary, would inevitably try to overturn the 2024 election if he were to lose again.


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You can run Windows on the Steam Deck but I'd argue you also introduce a bunch of new problems.

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The other part is that you would also have to sue Elon to actually get paid.

Further images released by the IDF from the surveillance cameras at Shifa show Hamas terrorists inside the hospital, and outside the rooms of the hostages, as well as stolen IDF vehicles brought to the medical center.

It wasn't a wounded person that was the problem.

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Whenever discussing any type of crime or alleged crime it's easier to discern the truth from fiction if you examine the evidence.

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Henry II of England.
Four knights traveled to kill the priest.

Professional players should all be using the same hardware and software configuration

This would be a serious challenge in real-life and basically impossible online.
You're bound to encounter minor model differences unless you spend dramatically more on hardware.

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are they expected to return to TX for their immigration hearings? The US govt. needs to figure this shit out ASAP and have the hearings transferred to where these people are.

The shitshow is the plan when they're bussing migrants around, usually some local lawyer steps up to help though.

Oh Trump has blubbered about it enough that I would take it seriously.
It wouldn't be a legal mechanism if there was something stopping him from doing it.

(from the article)

"We're losing a lot of people because of the internet," Trump said. "We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."

"ISIS is recruiting through the Internet. ISIS is using the internet better than we are using the nternet and it was our idea," Trump said. "I want to get the brilliant people from Silicon Valley and other places and figure out a way that ISIS can't do what they're doing. I would certainly be open to closing areas where we are at war with somebody. I sure as hell don't want to let people that want to kill us and kill our nation use our Internet."

When challenged, he added: "I'm not talking about closing the internet. I'm talking about closing parts of the internet where ISIS is."

A camera and GPS are two very different technologies with distinct capabilities that do not overlap.

Terrorists generally thrive on instability.
Usually they prefer to trade hostages for their own though.

Abortion rights advocates have been gathering signatures for a ballot measure that would enshrine abortion access up until “fetal viability” in the state’s constitution.

On Monday, the statehouse was thrown into additional disarray after a presentation leaked from the House Republicans’ general counsel, outlining detailed plans to undermine that initiative. The document outraged Democrats who saw it as a deliberate attempt to mislead and confuse voters who want to support abortion rights.

Funny how most conspiracy circles probably wouldn't talk about this even when the plans are open to the public.

These sort of dongles that let you use a controller with other devices are great.
I own an old xbox 360-era arcade stick and it has greatly extended the life and use of it.

If you asked other folks they'd probably tell you that "the game only starts at max level with fully built out gear."

You'll always find groups of people min-maxing but in my guild the general philosophy was to enjoy the journey.

If that meant getting drunk and causing shenanigans in town that day, so be it.

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Printing like to dead trees?

You could just use the system print dialog instead of Firefox's if that works better for you, I think it's possible to set it as default.

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I tend to get the kind of Linux issues nobody believes.
Currently my installation "works" but none of the text mode boot up stuff displays at all so I have to dig out a spare screen if it gets stuck there.
Another screen I could never get the display scaling to work no matter what I did - I tried swapping cables, editing the resolution manually, different drivers, different distros, everything I could think of but it would always output 640x480 native pixels unscaled as a tiny square in the middle of the screen.

Windows gives me issues but it usually just works with every screen+gpu combination.

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If the open source community could provide such a thing for free I think they would have done it already?

But presumably they lack the ability, the motivation or both.

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How would you describe 'fixed' inflation?

Price decreases would be deflation, but fixing inflation is literally something like stopping/slowing the rate of increase.

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it never was a simple democracy or he never would have won an election with fewer votes

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If you read the article, they usually just shut down and disappear.

If you're lucky some dedicated archivist records the story sections before it goes down.

There's plenty of other options for cloud storage out there.

The issue, especially with Apple devices, is how cleanly they integrate into the device and people's existing habits.

I hope Trump is convicted, because he seems guilty.

Damn that hits a bit different doesn't it?

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If you want the in-depth customization that only flashing from the boot loader level allows, you'll want to prioritize phones that allow that.

Pixel is usually on the top of most people's heads because even if other phones can have their boot loader unlocked, actual support is a crap shoot.

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That being said, Starlink still saw multi-server latencies under 60 ms in the U.K. (51.26 ms), Spain (53.37 ms), Portugal (55.84 ms), and Belgium (59.34 ms). Starlink saw most countries’ multi-server latencies between 60 and 90 ms.\_resources/new-speedtest-data-shows-starlink-performance-is-mixed-but-thats-a-good-thing/

I thought I read that the latency increased since it first launched but it seems like they're doing pretty well.

Apple relies too much on lock-in effect to actually offer that - instead of taking $5/month and having to develop and maintain such interoperability they'd really prefer you just get on their platform instead.

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