John Richard

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Joined 1 years ago

What they are doing is akin to elder abuse

Not the elder abusers?

Biden's performance wasn't an impediment. It was him fumbling and stuttering over his words, forgetting his debate prep and saying nonsensical things. I absolutely do not want Trump to win, but Biden's debate performance in reality was poor. Many Democrats don't want to accept that. It is fine if they want to ignore facts. The truth is the Democrats would be far better off if Kamala or AOC or someone else was running for President, and they are risking way too much despite the facts.

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Are you willing to let Trump win though than have Biden step aside? That is what the DNC should be asking themselves. The polls are way to close for Biden to have that poor of a performance. If Democrats are seriously worried about Trump being the end of Democracy then they would not be okay with Biden being the DNC's best choice.

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Trump is almost the same age and he is a liar but he also was quick enough to immediately use Biden's blunders against him. Pretty much everything Biden said sounded scripted and then he still messed it up. Biden didn't "look" like the smarter candidate. There is enough misinformation out there that if people go searching they'll find sources that support Trump's lies. Trump won for the undecided tonight that watches the debate and uses it to make s decision.

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It was painful to watch. You go in wanting to watch Biden look strong and smart, and he came out looking sort of senile and slow. Trump might have told all lies but he still looked and sounded sharper than Biden and that is what people will use to make a decision.

You could call your congressional representatives asking that they encourage Biden to step aside for a better candidate.

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There are so many better options at this point. I can't help but shake that the two party system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Make people think that mediocrity is the best we can get if we're lucky.

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I agree. I'll vote for Biden if I have to, but if Trump wins I'm not blaming RFK Jr like they blamed Bernie and Jill Stein in 2016. I'll blame them and likely never vote for a majority political party again.

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True... However if Trump gets elected and our government is able to prevent a dictatorship, in 4 years progressives will hopefully realize the DNC needs them more than they need need the DNC.

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Which will be the fault of Democrats.

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This is factually not true, and there are several people that don't research every detail but try to make a decision based on intuition and performance... And even if they do research there are a lot of hook and bait misinformation networks that get routinely featured on Google News and other news aggregators. If someone thought Trump sounded like a stronger candidate tonight they may end up researching and seeing news supporting Trump's version of events.

Republicans are horrible people. They gaslight, obstruct & project. Democracy is on the line here, so Democrats do the logical thing. They go to a nursing home and find someone that is talking about beating medicare to help lead them to victory.

AOC would be a really strong candidate. The right would freak out and she'd end up getting more press coverage than Trump. I imagine she'd make several Republican's embolisms pop.

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If the progressives truly thought that then the US would have a much different stance in regards to Israel.

Do you have ADHD? Do you feel like your cognition has declined? Do you suffer from chronic pain? There are lots of drugs, but sometimes it takes a long time to find the ones that help. It is easier when you're wealthy and doctor's aren't scared to try things for off-label use. Look at how much success people have had with Modafinil but how regulated it is still for things other than Narcolepsy.

Sorry to hear that. Maybe they'd have a recommendation on where Biden can actually get those performance enhancing drugs they said he'd be on.

You're free to keep supporting Biden at this point but hopefully when you see all the Democratic news outlets saying the same things tomorrow and this coming week and the polls showing Biden's support dropping you'll reconsider

Protecting the kids for them has always been about wanting more slaves, whether in for profit prisons or minimum wage jobs, or in unpaid work programs.

Somehow the "your honor, the evidence will damage my reputation" seems to be work quite well when you're a cop or millionaire.

IMO the article is trash. It uses every chance to suggest that telling the truth about Israel is anti-jew and antisemitism. There is this problem people have where they grow to hate people so much like Trump or Tucker Carlson that if they said something so basic like that the Earth is round, you'd have people wanting to suddenly suggest it is flat cause they can't imagine someone they hate ever saying something correct.

There are a lot of reasons to dislike Tucker Carlson. However, not everything your enemy says or does has to be incorrect. In fact, believing that to be the case only makes you weak and vulnerable to being manipulated yourself.

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Now do arbitration agreements in employment contracts. Good luck arguing that the employer is still enforcing non-competes, when you have to do it in confidentiality through an arbitration provider your employer has already pre-selected.

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Great... now if AMD actually cares about virtualization, maybe they can stop limiting virtual GPUs to their enterprise GPUs. Damn monopolies really don't want to see consumers have full virtualization support for Windows on Linux.

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Why is it that it seems like Gnome seems to be implementing Windows bad practices? The last thing Linux needs is a Windows registry. One of the greatest benefits of Linux IMO is the ability to configure applications in config files... not having to use some custom tool to manage the configuration.

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The title has nothing to do with the story and is by definition click bait.

Germany pretty much makes it illegal to even say anything negative about Israel

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He should make rental application fees illegal.

Is this Republican really bragging about being Bernie's bitch?

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The Republicans would reinstate child labor and child marriage in a heartbeat if they could get away with it. In fact, they do get away with it in some of their states.

When will his boyfriend tell the true story?

U.S. admits Israel never had a plan and that they continued sending them money and weapons. Me thinks they should be listening more to Bernie and less to Netanyahu

I don't think Republicans are content with prison anymore. They want to make it punishable by death.

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I agree Ajit MiPants is a piece of shit, but I don't hear Biden saying he is going to make Internet a utility anytime soon.

He'll hire their execs to run various government agencies

I honestly don't think it has anything to do with that. Scrapers going to scrape. They just want more metadata to identify you and know what propaganda to feed to you based on our online habits. The amount of techniques to identify someone based on JS alone should stir a rebellion, but we just accept it. If you have JS enabled, I can tell you what OS you use, what kind of processor you have, info about your graphics card, monitor resolution, etc. I can even identify you based on how your computer renders graphics. Oh, you've disabled JS and opted out of us tracking you based on X, Y, Z.. great, now we can identify you based on your privacy settings.

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They honestly can't help themselves. Most news media in the US is nothing more than a PR firm. You got fired from a billion-dollar corporation for trying to unionize? Fuck it, not news worthy. You made a little less as a landlord because renters struggled during COVID... fuck yeah, now that is news worthy. Poor landlords, poor corporations, Powerball, yada yada.

When are people going to be so fucking gullible? Are they actually trying to inform you on facts, or are they trying to lure you in based on fear and bullshit to push their narratives and revenue-partners?

Even wildlife knew Bernie had their best interests in mind:

Of course he is... the US routinely ignores reports when it is police or prison officials raping and torturing people too. The FBI could hire 100 new federal agents, and I'd be surprised if they found one that actually cared about their job, while the 99 new agents sat around or started their own gangs that they could then occasionally find some patsy to send to prison so they can then request some boats and trucks for further "investigations."

"Oh, sorry we sent you that file showing that all these innocent people were harmed... can we have that back please?"

Judge likely, yes sure we wouldn't want people to sue the city for locking up innocent people.

Media secretly misses Trump.