
0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

5.0.6: No visual content depicting executions, murder, suicide, dismemberment, visible innards, excessive gore, or charred bodies. No content depicting, promoting or enabling animal abuse.

This rule needs an exception for war reporting, and posting evidence of criminal activity or police misconduct.

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Sure would be nice to have a functional, sane, and reality based conservative party in the US, not this circus sideshow they call the Republican party.

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Starting and stopping a car is the worst thing you can do to it, doing it repeatedly on purpose is just asking for expensive problems, like a burnt out starter, missing or worn teeth off the flywheel, broken stater mount on the block, dead batteries, coked up and worn out turbo bearings, bearing and knock issues due to lack of lubrication, soot buildup in diesel engines, failed emissions systems, etc.

The few pennies you save in fuel is not worth it, upping the time to 5 minutes would make more sense.

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Citizens of free and democratic societies have a fundamental need to be informed of what is going on in the world and their communities, free of bias or censorship, so they can make informed, reality based decisions and instruct their representatives in government on how to carry out the will of the people. When you start filtering and curating peoples' perception of reality to fit an agenda or narrative you're talking away their agency (you tankies wouldn't understand what that word means), and interfering with their duties as a citizen.

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I do this quite frequently for a certain youtube channel, you'll want MakeMKV, Hybrid, and Topaz. If you really want to go all out and make a huge project out of it you can upscale each scene individually and stitch them back together in Premier, ain't nobody got time for that though.

Rip the disc with MakeMKV.

Then open and deinterlace the file with hybrid, I use the QTGMC filter, if you're doing film content you should use ivtc. Do any other filtering or denoising in Hybrid, the video really needs to be clean before upscaling. Then export it in a lossless file format with passthrough audio.

Load that file into Topaz and upscale it with the Proteus AI model, I use the manual setting (40,20,10,1,3,-2) with 25% original detail recovery and the grain filter on a low setting to help restore what the filtering removed. Your settings will need to be adjusted for each project. Export again in the highest quality that you can, then load that file into your favorite encoder and compress it down to whatever size/bitrate you want. Topaz's encoder doesn't have any configuration options so I use Hybrid to do the final encode.

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When browsing in a fullscreen window the available themes only use about 25% of the horizontal screen space for content, and each post uses up a large amount of vertical space, with most of it being wasted space. Something more compact like old.reddit would be nice.

Won't somebody think of Pfizers quarterly revenue gains!

They are all interlaced, you just won't ever see it unless you have a really really old DVD player that isn't progressive scan or rip the files directly.

Outstanding news

What are some smaller ones that aren't full of communists or snowflake safe space losers that wants to sanitize the internet?

Sounds like the US is preparing for a "Proportional" response should Iran do anything stupid again.

The US not responding forcefully and decisively is way more likely to start WWIII.

Showing weakness, holding back, and playing it soft does nothing but present our enemies with opportunity and a false hope that going to war with us would actually be advantageous. The notion that an enemy will be totally obliterated if they attack us and our allies is the best motivator for working towards peaceful coexistence there is. All this hemming and hawing, delaying, and waffling coming from our current government is just showing our enemies that we are weak and disorganized and lack any resolve.

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Numerous subs are openly supporting terrorist groups and calling for genocide and the admins are doing nothing. Its getting ugly.

Lockdowns were economic warfare against the poor and working class, there was no greater good, only disaster.

I call them the Corporate Party, because that's who they serve

Conveniently left out the number of rockets Palestinians have launched indiscriminately at Israeli cities, and they're sourcing statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry, which is literally Hamas.

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I have a better idea... ban pedestrians!

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Their problem is the facts don't fit their narrative and its making them mentally unstable.

I was wondering where all those comments went thanks for undeleteing them all for me, seems there's some overzealous moderators that are more interested in enforcing ideological purity than fostering open discussion.

"Promoting vehicular homicide", for pointing out they edited the video to remove the parts that showed it was self defense and not an attack, that's rich. My here mistake was not posting the full unedited video to properly illustrate their hypocrisy

"Trolling" for providing video evidence of anti-semitic hate speech and calls for genocide. another good one, really says something about the person who removed that comment.

"Rule 1" for pointing out a headline was sourced from some guy who admitted (in the same article) he didn't even witness the events he's being quoted on. Quality

"Trolling/baiting" for making a joke about stupid bus lanes. LiTeRaLly ThEy WoRsT PeRsOn In ThE WoRlD!!

The people I've seen entering the workforce out of college lately have been absolute morons that couldn't figure out how to push a broom if it came with an instruction manual. So I'm going to have to pass on that idea.

you’re excusing them killing civilians because Hamas is hiding among them?

I'm not excusing anything, you can go read the Geneva Convention(s), it specifically addresses the issue of using civilians as shields, and the military not differentiating themselves from the civilians.

Ignoring the fact that All Jazeera is a biased propaganda network for a second, and that this article should be removed for violating rule 2.

There are millions of other israelis currently under attack, defending them comes first.

Wore themselves out with all that dancing on TikTok.

Can't... I was permanently suspended for mass reporting content that was promoting hate and violence. I guess one of the terrorist supporting mods didn't appreciate me reporting all his buddies and got me suspended for "Report Abuse"

I was wrong, it's all the terrorist flag waving, pro-genocidal chanting, revolutionary socialists and useful idiots for Iran, China, and Russia that should be leaving.

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There is only one pile, victims of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Yeah, and I've got a whole bunch of videos that show Hamas shooting bullets and RPGS at Israeli civilians in their vehicles...

Also why were these guys with several thousand dollars in camera equipment filming this random car that is supposedly not doing anything?

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Should make the "Islamic Art" exhibit out of all the videos and pictures from the 10-7 atrocities committed by Hamas.

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I'd gladly pay the extra fuel costs to have a vehicle that's worth a damn and has actual towing, hauling, and off road capabilities.

A body on frame SUV (like a Ford Excursion) is quite possibly the most utilitarian and swiss army knife like vehicles available. It seats a huge amount of people, has as much space as a cargo van, has the same tow rating as a 3/4 ton truck, and its 4WD with big tires and lots of ground clearance.

Might be easier to do if Hamas didn't dress as civilians, didn't use civilian vehicles for military purposes, and didn't build their military infrastructure underneath or inside civilian buildings.

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Bad news bro, in several countries, including this one, Hamas has been legally declared a terrorist organization.

So far, she has refused to specifically condemn Hamas for its slaughter of Israelis on October 7, has fundraising ties to at least three Hamas-linked activists, including one who served prison time for his connection to the terror group, and has publicly defended those chanting calls for genocide of the Jewish people.

Its Chicago, it has more to do with the culture of the people living there.

Nah, we haven't even broke the seal on those two carrier strike groups yet. Maybe we'll get lucky and Iran will do something dumb and necessitate a demonstration of what a CSG is capable of.

we’ll NEVER get it on something like the 2nd Amendment

Why do you want to make people disarmed and defenseless?

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What grade of marxist/leninist shit is he smoking?

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Should have said: "Stop Hamas and save lives!"

They claimed they hit an ambulance carrying Hamas personnel, there's no confirmation that it was this specific ambulance.

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What they need is some big meaty V8's and turbocharged diesels. These electric toys need to be put away.

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Damage looks more consistent with grenade shrapnel than an "airstrike".

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