8 Post – 439 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

2 Kings 2:23-24: A story about what happens when you make fun of bald dudes

Proud to be a defender of the faith.

My content may not be sold or used to train AI models without my consent.

Not starving is considered splurging now, got it.

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Housing crisis, 40-year out of date poverty level, a minimum wage that hasn't been increased in 15 years and that has had a continuously decreasing purchasing power for almost 60 years. Most expensive healthcare, rampant student loan debt, record-breaking corporate profits, a self-immolating middle class, etc. etc.

Honestly, it's hard to find much to be happy about here right now.

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It may be too late to turn this ship around, but there are a few things that, at least for me, would make YouTube ads less of a problem:

  1. Vet all the ads. Do not allow links to malware sites, scams, or low-quality merchandise and services to be on the platform.
  2. Make the ads less annoying. Don't stick them into weird spots on a video.
  3. Stop tracking me and trying to display targeted ads. I value my privacy, and like OP, I am never going to click an ad.
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Not sure there's such a thing as "good guys" anymore.

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The problem is most people don't have the technical ability or interest in switching to Linux. Here is the solution:

  1. We, as Linux users, must be better advocates for the platform to untechnical people.
  2. We should make ourselves available to help people make the transition.
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shared XKCD about experts overestimating laypeople's knowledge of their field

Double clicking it opens a weird folder.
I just put the ISO on my external drive and now my backup is gone what happened?

Proceeds to assume laypeople have backups

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Reddit is falling on its own sword on the stupidest hill.

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There are valid concerns about building these in sensitive coastal ecosystems (such as kelp forests), but this is the first time I've heard someone suggest that whales could be endangered.

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Due process isn't really a thing in most places. Commonwealth nations, especially, seem to grant "extraordinary powers" to their police forces.

This is an RF engineer, probably. Definitely not a network engineer.

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Moderating != creating content. If you don't like the lack of content in a magazine, stop lurking and post something.

And yet, half of my website is hosted on Azure Storage. That little unsolicited remark about Microsoft's valuation at the bottom is clearly the result of smoking too much copium by the biased author.

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This kind of "checking that I'm still orthodox" post makes my skin crawl. Who is "we"?

Haha you picked the worst time to try to break into tech.

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Shipping fees for returns isn't too bad, but if it looks like a retailer isn't standing behind the products they sell them they shouldn't be surprised when shoppers shop elsewhere.

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Seems to be popular to defederate from right-leaning instances. The Fediverse basically started as a far-left stronghold, so it isn't surprising.

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I've never shorted stock before, but I'm really tempted to start now. RDDT will become the inverse meme stock.

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> Set-Alias -Name Get-Ass -Value Get-Access
> Get-Ass
Get-Access : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x00000000 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Sounds like a bit of a desperate reach to attach the EEE label to this.

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Boosts are retweets, upvotes are favorites. So upvoting means you "like" that content, and boosting is kinda like sharing it to your followers.

This still happens nearly every week in Sunday school.

Let me rewrite this headline:

"Democrats would rather elect a literal Nazi than Joe Biden"

Which is bull, but essentially what the article is saying.

If you won't vote for Biden because of Gaza, you are an ignorant, narrow-minded idiot and you are handing Trump the presidency.

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Saudi Aramco or ExxonMobil

Sounds like luck is on your side.

You're on commenting on a thread hosted on started by a user on Which instance's terms do you specifically believe are being violated here?

IPv6 is great, but NAT is quite functional and is prolonging the demise of IPv4.

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So... Are you unironically trying to tell me that every Palestinian is a Hamas terrorist? That's a pretty extreme position to take, my guy, and it's also the only way to reconcile what was quoted in the article with your editorialized headline.

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They should advertise expeditions to the Titan crash site.

Sure, but the rifle in question is not, and has never been a military weapon. The premise is that this is a "weapon of war", as the redcoats like to describe it.

Besides, the "assault-style features" are purely cosmetic and have no bearing on the functionality of the rifle.

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Caltrops are better because they require less precision to deploy effectively.

Latter-day Saints were some of the earliest white settlers of Las Vegas, if you can believe it.

And, sadly, the people of Aurora will be on the hook for the increased insurance premiums.

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I fully agree with you, but Framework is definitely not Linux-first. The only OS they offer preloaded on their laptops is Windows. You have to install Linux yourself if you want it.

There's this thing called bankruptcy, people do it all the time.

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I went to my Glassdoor account and the only place I could see my name was in the community part, where people ask questions of other professionals. Some users still seemed to have their names hidden, so it must be possible to do so. My company reviews are still anonymous.

I honestly can't find any evidence that what the media are saying is happening is actually happening. I feel gaslit tbh lol

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too much money

That's the rub. There's a LOT of money on the table.

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Why does Linux need to be more popular? This isn't some NRM with a proselytizing mandate. Use whichever OS you prefer and let others do the same.

Even if Android and ChromeOS count as Linux, it's a stretch to say they're Linux desktop distributions. ChromeOS is closer to it than Android.

In case anyone is curious and doesn't know, "Do Not Track" was originally a proposed Internet standard from 2009-2018, but was never formally adopted by the W3C. Its successor is called Global Privacy Control ( I'm guessing that Grafana is playing games by saying there is no technology standard for DNT, because technically the new standard has a different name. I wouldn't consider a company that plays semantic games like this to be trustworthy when it comes to privacy.

There is nothing legal about this.