Reddit says it won’t overrule mods and force subreddits back open to Reddit – 9 points –
Reddit says it won’t overrule mods and force subreddits back open

“We are not... unilaterally reopening communities.”

The first link was through MSN, my bad. Here's the link directly from The Verge.


They also said if mods decide not to moderate they'd be breaking the code of conduct and would be replaced, and that if even 1 mod wants the community open they'll remove all the others and open the community

Yeah, extra funny because I saw all that before I saw this. Gonna age like a fine milk

Sounds like a MAJOR walk-back of the policy that was just communicated over on /r/modsupport. They're still gonna do it if the blackout goes long enough, though.

Contradictory messaging has been typical of this whole fiasco. Spez will continue to dig himself deeper and deeper.

Push comes to shove, yes they will. And not to side with Reddit, but it's entirely in their rights to do so.

Good for Reddit. Probably the first time I have said that in a while now.

Well, to add to it - they have also said that if mods refuse to moderate they will allow someone else to take their place and then if that person wants the sub open - it'll be reopened.

Its just corpo double-speak to say that they are going to reopen blackout subs.