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Joined 1 years ago

Do you work for arpeture science or something?

Couldn't agree more. Those novelty e-celeb accounts on Reddit are getting really put of hand, aren't they, Margot Robbie

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Fuck zionists

Very impressive that he managed to run rings around Piers Morgan on his own show and come out looking good. Railroading conversations is Piers Morgan's bread and butter.

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Why do bots! Love exclamation marks! So much!

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Where else does this happen regularly?

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Where did you apply?

You're putting a lot of faith in whoever packages the 'distro'.

Obviously you have the same problem with trusting FOSS software distributions, but it's mitigated by things like Linus' Law and reproducible builds.

That being said, I personally use tiny11 VMs for certain non-critical things at home and work. I'd never use it for anything security related, or as my main OS, as there is a non-negligible chance that it's compromised (and there's basically no way of knowing).

Hard to make the poor people richer when the rich are taking an increasingly large share of the pie.

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Executing children in the street, for the crime of being Palestinian.

This is what genocide looks like.

I live in a country with a nominally 'labor' government that has stood in the way of unions protesting the genocide in Gaza and is actively working to suppress union led protests.

We in the west are in for a very rude shock in the coming years. Today it's clamping down on protests for Palestine, tomorrow its teargas and truncheons for strikers.

A lot of people don't understand that if we don't stand up for the Palestinians, we won't have a snowballs chance when it comes to seriously protesting our own governments and the corporations that control them.

I work in enterprise IT networking and systems

I'll bet you're an MSP monkey or a DC tech

We get on edge about the constant military/economic threat of China

Not everyone in Australia watches Sky News

Hahaha true, but I more mean that him and his ilk tend to have a real slimy gift for interrupting and confusing people into looking stupid.

Here are some more pretty reputable sources:



I mean, there's a former Mossad chief who says that Israel is enforcing an aprtheid system: https://apnews.com/article/israel-apartheid-palestinians-occupation-c8137c9e7f33c2cba7b0b5ac7fa8d115

Now let's see the responses... I'll give three to one odds we get some links from Haaretz. ADL if we're lucky?

What's a tankie?

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You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.

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It is a notable part of the Israeli strategy to not make a distinction between soldiers and Palestinian civilians


Well I certainly wouldn't call myself a neoliberal. A neoliberal is somebody that believes in free market economics. It doesn't have anything to do with the term 'liberal' as used in US politics, ya stooge.

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No, it isn't. You can fully believe in people's ability to rehabilitate and change, while also being aware that not everyone rehabilitates and changes.

The needs of the perpetrator of a crime need to be balanced against the needs of society at large. This is why you get your license taken away from you when you drink and drive, or why you end up on a sex offenders register.

In this case, there's a valid argument to be made that this person represents a danger to society, and the need to protect/inform people from him outweighs his desire to not have past crimes revealed.

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