1 dead, 21 others wounded in shooting following Chiefs Super Bowl celebration rally, officials say | CNN

Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 110 points –
1 dead, 21 others wounded in shooting following Chiefs Super Bowl celebration rally, officials say | CNN

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Where else does this happen regularly?

I feel slightly bad for some of these island nations, where 1 person was murdered in Saint Pierre in 2009 and so they're listed 24th in intentional homicide rates.

Just keep ignoring everything that goes against what you read on the onion.

Are you a bot? Your answer has no relation to what I said.

It's completely related, you just don't like to hear it so you're pretending it doesn't make sense.

Well... at least this reply corresponded to my comment in some way. Maybe you're just a goober.