1 dead, 21 others wounded in shooting following Chiefs Super Bowl celebration rally, officials say | CNN

Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 110 points –
1 dead, 21 others wounded in shooting following Chiefs Super Bowl celebration rally, officials say | CNN

As soon as I saw the right wing conspiracy theories about KC winning, I knew something was going to happen if they won. It's such a sad state we're in when a sporting event is politicized.

Sounds like it was a dispute between a handful of teens. Why these dumbasses decided to bang it out with all those people and cops around is beyond me.

Nothing can be done, says only nation where this happens regularly.

If there are no sharks, there are no shark fatalities.

It's not the only nation where this happens regularly.

Yes, well done. The US is behind Iraq and Zimbabwe so of course nothing needs to be done in the US until those countries sort their shit out

I've literally said this isn't the only nation this happens regularly and now you're moving the goalposts rather than admitting they were wrong.

You shifted the goal post by making it about not being at the bottom of a list instead of the sensible assumed goal of striving for being the best.

Changing the goalpost and claiming someone else moved the goalpost is a debating tactic of someone who knows they're wrong.

No. I said my rebuttal then gave evidence to support it.

But is that evidence without doubt ?

It's objective fact.

If you think the United States is "the only nation where this regularly happens" then you are objectively wrong. It's literally quoting an onion article. Lol.

It doesn't matter who upvotes you, but a lot of you people don't get that.

Where else does this happen regularly?

I feel slightly bad for some of these island nations, where 1 person was murdered in Saint Pierre in 2009 and so they're listed 24th in intentional homicide rates.

Just keep ignoring everything that goes against what you read on the onion.

Are you a bot? Your answer has no relation to what I said.

It's completely related, you just don't like to hear it so you're pretending it doesn't make sense.

Well... at least this reply corresponded to my comment in some way. Maybe you're just a goober.

For the record, the statement is about mass shootings, not homicides.

Well, it is the USA after all. It is no good American party without some gun action, it seems.

1 more...

How many shootings now this year already?

Some 75 people have been killed and 140 have been injured in the 44 mass shootings from Jan. 1 to Feb. 12, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which considers a mass shooting an incident in which at least four people, not including the shooter, are injured or killed.


But don't worry. Mass shootings stans will go, "Well askually it's not a mass shooting because..." So the number depends on if the person

it is darkly hilarious to me that shooting one person or two people just doesn't count as a shooting any more.

Of course those count as shootings, just not mass shootings. There have always been too many shootings to count - especially in the 90s, mainly due to the war on drugs. There has been an uptick in "mass shootings" in recent years, mainly because we didn't differentiate them from "shootings" until relatively recently...

I mean, "mass shooting" used to colloquially mean a random act against the public. I feel like people still think it means that when they see stats like this, but practically all the shootings in this stat are from gang violence and organized crime. A drive-by is a mass shooting.

Not to downplay the severity of it, but I hope people aren't thinking that there have been ~45 Kroger type shootings this year already. Solutions that address crime like this are different than addressing sick, politically motivated domestic terrorists. Not to say we don't need a lot of both, though.