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Yeah, by stuffing moss and bundles of cotton in their knickers. If it's a choice of that or stocking up on pads when I'm raiding Tesco, I know which one I'd rather

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Anybody important will have had their name removed from the list already. After seeing the fallout for Prince Nonce of Nonceville, nobody else wants to be tarred with that brush

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Perhaps a bit of a tangent: I'm pegnant and have been craving something all day but couldn't work out what I wanted. I tried pico de gallo, bacon, mango. No luck. Eventually I realised: it was tap water with ice. That's all I've wanted all day

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I can't speak for all women but I think I'd try to have enough of both food and pads/tampons if I could. Pads are much more efficient at absorbing than a bundle of cloth and are cleaner, so wouldn't cause thrush and other infections

Pads and tampons are also good first aid supplies - I think tampons were first invented to plug bullet holes

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Plus the 'legitimate interests' of 3rd parties

Someone couldn't ever admit that he was wrong to a woman, particularly not to a girl.

So I said, 'why did you buy the American sliced cheese, you hate all of the additives?' and he refused to believe that there were additives. I litterally pulled out the American cheese and read the ingredients list out, then compared it to our usual cheddar, which just listed milk, but he refused to admit that a teenage girl knew more than him.

Imagine being selected for jury on this case. It'd be so surreal

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Migrating a whole group of people, whatever could possibly go wrong?

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Yeah but she's be black, or poor or queer so it's okay

Also, I'm sorry to say but I think the vast majority of people would be boring. We all have 1 or 2 interesting things happen to us in our lives but the humdrum of taking a shit and sleeping for 8 hours would get old fast

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I often see people say to buy the expensive toilet roll but I always go for the low end of the midrange rolls. I don't need 4ply, scented, quilted shit, I just need two pieces of paper stuck together.

There is a balance, you don't want to get the 1ply stuff you'd find in a stingy office. But just look at the label and price-per-sheet

(If you can afford it, buy a year's supply in bulk from the company)

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So make a show without police cooperation.

No but that doesn't mean it doesn't need addressing

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My 'resolution' this year was to be ruder to people. I've spent my whole adult life feeling obliged to be chronically nice and polite at all times. It's definitely the right position to take generally but sometimes a little bit of rudeness is warranted. I don't have to let old people at the bus stop talk at me rather than with me; I can tell them to fuck off if they're being bigoted or obnoxious. I don't have to let the pharmacist condescend to me when I was right about my prescription being ready; I can say 'I told you so', no matter how childish it might be.

The I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude has done wonders for my mental health

In my experience, English humour is also dry, sarcastic and/or satirical, it seems to be American humour that doesn't pick up on the dry jokes.

But yeah, also the language barrier hits hard.

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Yes, well done. The US is behind Iraq and Zimbabwe so of course nothing needs to be done in the US until those countries sort their shit out

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Oh god, my eye roll when depression is 'cured' after a bottle of myserty pills and a single 'therapy' session physically hurts. Similarly, the symptoms are always so stereotypical and often false - see OCD and cleaning a lot. Sure, cleaning can be an OCD trait but it's much more likely that the person has to touch every ceiling tile 3 times before they can focus on a conversation.

This was my experience too, though I was in the UK where our religious and conservative nutjobs tend to hide because they secretly know they're in the wrong. I was homeschooled for several years and found that I was able to thrive in areas that a conventional school structure wouldn't have allowed.

I'm now a fully-adjusted and emotionally-intelligent adult with a confidence that most people my age are still learning.

What a great idea! Let's call it The Final Solution


Yeah, this wasn't someone with a grudge against children poisoning their food, this was an willfully negligent decision made by the producers to make the product more profitable

The first step to stopping catastrophising is realising you're doing it in real time, so well done

It's a continuity thing, apparently. If the level in the cup keeps going up and down in a single scene, it's more distracting than a clearly empty mug.

But mentally incompetent people can hold guns? Wonderful

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I hope for nothing contagious: his sycophants would deliberately infect themselves to be more like him and end up causing a rabies pandemic

Everything that Salman said.

This sounds exactly like me and my partner: a small thing can ruin his day and it ruins my day because then I have to put up with his bad mood. What's helped him was some intense solution-based therapy to address his shitty childhood as well as an awareness that several 'bad' things in a row is just a coincidence and not the world (his family) out to get him.

With our kids, I'm making sure to say 'oh well' and not fix it immediately everytime a mild frustration happens. They see their dad getting upset and have started to copy his behaviours so we're trying to encourage them to just brush things off before they get stuck in the mindset.

The article said mineral oil

But it can be the required standard going forward

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Says who?

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Why, what've you been using them for?

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That's half the fun

Why would I mean apologism? They need their worldview reprogramming because their current worldview is misogynistic and false. Reprogramming would include comprehensive challenging of negative attitudes and modelling of correct, non-misogynistic beliefs. It should be done by people with psychological training because they have the skills and knowhow needed to reprogramme someone's thinking but it doesn't particularly need mental health professionals or collusive, misplaced sympathy.

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Well yeah, he's a given

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Then you clearly haven't tried hard enough

Garlic and herb or black pepper? Personally, I don't mind either but my partner will only buy garlic and herb so I have to smuggle black pepper into my work lunches

POV used correctly. Nice

Similarly, handcuffs that you could just slip out of.

More than one person can be responsible for a crime. A burgler might have been the one to break and enter but the accomplice could still have been culpable of staking the house and driving the getaway car.

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A cultural disease that would be inhibited by strong gun restrictions

It raises an interesting point: if the US cracked down super hard on guns but didn't address the underlying social problems, would people just turn to a different type of violence? Whst would that be? Would you suddenly get all of the would-be shooters committing acid attacks instead?

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Eh, if he's already saying it, might as well make it true

Even as someone relatively comfortable with computers, Linux intimidates me. I want to use it but there're so many variations and it's a massive rabbit hole to go down; I just don't have the time or energy to spend several days getting it set up how I want it and fixing any errors that I cause

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