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Except for his solution is basically, "Let's put the population back a whole 40 years or so, while massively disrupting society and the economy and being guaranteed to traumatize virtually everyone remaining. That will fix everything!" The only person who could think that was at all reasonable would have to have a grade school understanding of how the world works and no interpersonal connections, or what they mean to most people.

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So at best this turned the population clock back 40 or 50 years. How is that a solution to anything? This is like pining about the good old days. Also, I suggest you read a little about generational trauma, because I'm pretty sure having half of everyone you know disappearing, and that applying to everyone, is going to have a little of that.

And there are articles from newspapers decades ago complaining about people reading and not socializing. Some people just don't want to socialize as much as others. It doesn't make them wrong, it makes them different.

First, your juvenile ad hominems and wild speculation, not to mention your poor use of language incline me to believe you aren't a journalist, or at least a journalist that I'm not inclined to think worth reading. But feel free to prove me wrong. Where would I find this article in which you drop pearls of wisdom for the unwashed masses such as myself? Did you get pictures of these earrings that she was handing out? Did she refuse to even let you get pictures, and convince the other recipients of her goods to also shield them from your unworthy focus? And please, don't tell me you don't want to advertise your professional work, or that of your peers. You already mentioned it.

Also, I haven't watched Naruto, but you apparently haven't seen The Princess Bride.

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I don't pretend to be a journalist. I hear presenting facts is also important, and you have yet to do that despite your claims.

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As the saying goes, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."

But I'm not just talking to you, I'm also talking to the other people viewing this thread. Just like how it's laughable to say you can't be bothered to prove your dubious claims after engaging in communication about a subject half a dozen times over 2 days. The liklier conclusion is that they are as reasonable as your first - possibly true, but no substantive proof given.


You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

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More sound damped in quiet buildings. You can hear someone noisy in the room outside the tank, but normal sounds are blocked. So the building acts as sound damping, with more in the tank. At that point, all I could hear was my tinnitus.

I like Lewis, but he might be a little too angry to be in charge of missiles.

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I'm not sure that more loose cannons is the solution to the number we have now. I suppose if he was on a tight leash they could always threaten people to smarten up or they won't hold him back.

Since no one has mentioned it, I think the draft is okay if it allows for conscientious objection. Realistically, most people aren't against the draft because they're against killing, they're against dying (which is fair). The thing is, almost no one wants to die, and sometimes war is inevitable (or at least out of your hands). So if people are against killing, that shouldn't be a problem. There are plenty of positions on the front lines, in forward positions, and in secure positions that need to be fulfilled where killing is neither necessary nor likely. So let them be cooks, clerks, maintenance, medics, etc.

Of course, conscripting should be fair and logistically beneficial for the country, like others mentioned. Sending teachers to war does more harm to the next generation than it helps the current one, for instance, and if you're at the point where even the teachers are needed you're looking at taking generations to recover even if your country survives.

I'm not speculating at all. I'm pointing our how much of a reach your speculation is. We can't even be sure they're there for Trump's talk. That looks like a convention center, they could be there for something else. I tried to find the location this was taken, but I'm not finding it.

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I didn't mind my own business when a woman accidentally walked into the bathroom I was using. That was mostly because I was using the urinal, and it was more visible than I'd like from the bathroom door. Not her fault, just badly designed.

Go with the legitimate criticisms. There are many, even in the clothing choices.

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You're not wrong, but the people you describe aren't the ones this article is about.

So not Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, or even Trinidad and Tobago, it must be a flag from nearly a century ago, if you squint real hard, and ignore the extra stripes and the fact they're vertical instead of horizontal. It certainly can't be because of the esthetics of broad vertical stripes and that black and white go with anything, meaning you only have to coordinate with one color. Nah, that's unreasonable.

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I believe the options were the manssiere or the bro.

I heard it was due to greater blood flow to areas that routinely don't experience that level of flow, kind of like how you really notice the breeze on your face after you shave off your beard. Now, I don't have any proof this is it, but a month or so of regular brisk walks should be enough for your cardiovascular system to adapt to the new requirements, causing the sensation to vastly reduce if not disappear completely.

Shit, and my ex just divorced me!

My computer doesn't support Win11, so I have that going for me. Transitioning to the Steam Deck for my gaming, which has been a slow but mostly positive process. Some of the games don't play well outside of Windows, but none of the ones I really want to play, and I can always switch to my computer if I do.

I don't think I'll ever own a Win11 computer.

Heating/cooling works better with a heat sink, such as concrete. Water is also heavy, so laying it on top of the floor is far easier than suspending it from the ceiling. Also, in many places you will want to both heat and cool, and running heating and cooling in different locations costs up to twice as much. The easiest solution is to move the air, so fans do just fine.

My favorite was white phosphorus, which caused Phossy Jaw in the employees making the matches. Switching to red phosphorus would mean a 1% increase in cost or reduction in profits (wasn't sure which based on the article). Doing so would mean your employees' bones wouldn't dissolve. It took regulation to force them to switch.

I got a message on my computer, Win10, saying my computer wasn't capable of being upgraded to Win11, but it would be protected by updates until October? 2025. Nice of them to give me a reminder to switch to Linux.

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...or rent a vehicle with the fuel savings from driving your EV most of the year, and skip putting a couple thousand km on your car over a long weekend.

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Well, it can...

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My retired mom had cancer a few years back, pretty bad. Surgery, chemo, radiation therapy, hair fell out and wore a wig. The only expense was for parking. Even the wig was provided by a charity adjacent to cancer care. Surgery, one to three weeks in the hospital, treatments spanning over a year, costing a couple hundred dollars in parking fees. No stress about losing her home due to hospital expenses.

I'd take that over what can be had in America any time.

That's the first couple steps on a long and possibly terrifying road. Sometimes not knowing is more comfortable. You've been warned.

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Twitter was never good, it was just popular.

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But the hero also engages in vigilante behavior in order to get the bad guys, and they're all for that, so I can see the confusion.

Almost nothing Reacher does is laudable in real life, no more than Bauer in 24. It would be a poor morality play...if that's what you thought it was.

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One thing that I've realized about this generation of kids and people who didn't grow up on tech but were forcibly introduced to it(millennials, gen x, boomers) is that they don't want the game to be challenging or to reward skill.

As a gen X who has been gaming for all my living memory, electronic gaming since I was 5, and gaming on computers since i was 10, I don't think you have any clear idea what those generations are like. Certainly, there are groups that vastly prefer games of chance to games of skill, whether they be electronic or not, but I've seen those in every generation, just like I've seen the opposite.

I had a little discussion with a guy complaining about sodium batteries and how you keep hearing these wild claims and then nothing. I did a quick search and saw an article about a $2 billion partnership agreement to work on a pilot plant for sodium batteries. He claimed it was yet another sensational headline and doubted anything would happen from it. Less than a week later I saw an article about a plant in America being announced.

This stuff is hard. It's not like Master of Orion where you throw money at a specific research and get access upon completion. Different groups around the world are researching a multitude of different ideas, some related, and after a while a bunch of these ideas are combined and associated and researched, and all of a sudden you have a new product that's significantly different from what was available before. And then you see incremental improvements for decades, not unlike the internal combustion engine or rechargeable lithium batteries.

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The labeling referred to was nutritional, not food safety. Why would its inhospitability to pathogens mean we don't need nutritional labeling?

Now, you mentioned lobbying, which is a valid reason if not a good one. I also have no skin in this game, since beer is one of my least favorite alcohols.

I keep thinking that left-leaning Americans need to make a shadow party, shadow Democrats. They recruit people to join, they push for more progressive Democrat candidates, and try to push the more conservative candidates out. Then, when all the effort is done, they vote Democrat at the polls. In the current model, there is no way to succeed as a third party until one of the other parties collapses. So the only real options for change are: take over an existing party, wait for a party to collapse, or change the model (which requires a major nationwide effort to implement).

-points at Pathfinder.

In her defense, MTG always looks like she's wearing a mask. Curious to know whose face she's wearing like Dwight Shrute in that one episode of The Office....

Due to changes in my life and career, the only reason I'm stuck on Windows is gaming. I'm not sure which will happen first, buying a Steam Deck or converting my computer to Linux for gaming, but at least one of those will happen before I upgrade to 11.

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My shift is 4x10, usually work 4x12, and even with that the 3-day weekends are amazing, better than when I worked 5-day weeks. And I'm okay with the overtime, but I definitely think we as a society should be pushing for shorter weeks and more full days off. The puritanical ideal of work being good for the soul needs to die, and the benefits of automation and industrialization need to be more evenly distributed between classes.

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So I went to my search engine of choice, typed in solid state battery, set the time range to 1 month, went to the news tab, and this is the first link. 2 days old.

Just because no one went out of their way to remind you that researchers are continuing their research doesn't mean they stopped doing it. And when the bar is this low to satisfy your curiosity, it really is on you. It would have taken less time to get the highlights than it would to post your comment.

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Trump thought the day the Twin Towers fell was a good time to mention his property was closer to the tallest building in New York. That very evening, on the news, in 2001. Here's a link.

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