Israel-Gaza live news: Firing outside Gaza hospitals, with patients and staff trapped inside - BBC News to – 151 points –
Israel-Gaza live news: Firing outside Gaza hospitals, with patients and staff trapped inside - BBC News

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has now weighed in on the hospital situation in northern Gaza.

In a statement, it warned that hospitals in the Palestinian enclave have "reached a point of no return", risking the lives of thousands of people.

The ICRC said its staff attempting to deliver medical supplies had witnessed "horrendous" scenes, and described the destruction as "unbearable".

It also highlighted attacks on children's hospitals, including Al-Rantisi, which we've been reporting on today, saying they had "not been spared from violence."

The humanitarian organisation, which is the guardian of the Geneva Conventions, repeated its demand that hospitals and healthcare workers, under international law, must be protected.


Because that's where Hamas is?

Aside from the the fact that it's unproven and disputed by the ICRC and doctors there are around 20000 civilians taking shelter in the hospital. Even assuming they are there as human shields that doesn't give Israel licence to kill indiscriminately.

Israel is deliberately targeting civilians as part of its Dahiya Doctrine of excessive force and coming up with flimsy excuses which Western media accepts as gospel.

I've seen video. Its proven by my ly'in eyes. Take your BS somewhere else.

Fuck off Zionist psychopath.

Ah, a true intellectual...

There's literally no evidence of it your eyes cannot have seen that which doesn't exist.

Actually, I've seen secondaries when the IDF blows tunnels near a hospital. So,

I'll believe that when me shit turns purple and tastes of rainbow sherbet.

Somehow you have proof of something the entire world would live to have but wait.... We'll all have to trust you the random Internet douchebag with too much confidence and a shitty attitude.

We call that an anecdote, you need supporting evidence which we all know you do not have.

Your entire world is you and the people who agree with you. People that don't are not part of your world. Open source intelligence is a thing.

Not at all babe, similarly that was a terrible attempt at gaslighting. Do better.

Indeed it is, I can't help but notice you didn't provide any intelligence and I bet if I get into it your ip isn't now nor has it ever likely been in the area of the Levant point blank period.

Amusingly stupid.

You link Israeli strikes and go "look things explode when you drop bombs on them! That's proof!"

You somehow think Israel, the country that makes the chains and refuses to substantiate them aren't aware of your publicly posted Twitter videos..... That an entire planet focused on the conflict somehow haven't analyzed the claims and relevant videos.... But you some douchebag on the Internet know better than all of them....

Get a job, if you finna troll do better.

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Forgot the /s

Not being sarcastic. Hamas puts tunnels around hospitals. When they pop out of them and shoot at Israelis WTF do you want them to do? Shooting back is a good idea.

I want them to not bomb kids. Bombing kids is what terrorists do. If you want to kill someone in a tunnel, go in the tunnel. You don’t bomb kids. You don’t bomb hospitals.

The topic is shooting.

Only if you ignore the women and children being shot.

Doesn't say that drama queen.

Says the person who read my previous comment as instructions.

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I'm sure they'll find all the Hamas people under the bodies of the dead kids any day now.

If Hamas was in those hospitals there would still be no moral reason to bomb the civilians in it to dust.

The "human shields" excuse zionists use only proves that they simply don't value civilian life because they're admitting that the so called extremist savages of Hamas overestimated Israel's willingness to protect noncombatant Palestinian lives.

I believe this article is about shooting, not bombing.

Splitting hairs doesn’t make all the dead women and children go away.

ah well as long as they're SHOOTING the malnourished babies in the NICU units.

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