15 Post – 770 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Their small selection is already insanely helpful for me. I've been using firefox mobile for a year now and it's just as fast as chrome with the additional benefits of:

  • darkmode

  • adblocking (including youtube!)

  • shorter, more sharable links without tracking

and thats all thanks to the extensions that arent available in other mobile browsers unless devs directly integrate them into your app.

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I know this is being treated as a social engineering attack, but having unreadable binary blobs as part of your build/dev pipeline is fucking insane.

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Changes nothing after what Madison has said about her experience working for them. LTT has had ethics and journalistic issues for most of its life, but it's come clear that it's deeper and more sinister than even I had imagined.

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Windows requirements: sprawling list of unsupported hardware based on an arbitrary requirment for a security chip that doesn't actually improve security at all

Linux: CPU (optional)

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Common AMD W

im sure this won't end up with manmade horrors beyond my comprehension

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blockchain social credit scores 😭😭😭

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It's kinda wholesome ngl

I mean apart from the fact it's not sourced or whatever, it's standard practice for these tech companies to run a massive loss for years while basically giving their product away for free (which is why you can use openAI with minimal if any costs, even at scale).

Once everyone's using your product over competitors who couldn't afford to outlast your own venture capitalists, you can turn the price up and rake in cash since you're the biggest player in the market.

It's just Uber's business model.

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I haven't used my reddit account the API change, beyond maybe 3 or 4 comments. I got an invite. How the fuck was I one of their top 35k most active users? Seems like their site isnt nearly as active as they're claiming

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American homeschooling seems to be particularly vulnerable to fascist/religious indoctrination. In most countries where homeschooling is common there's usually a social contract that's enforced to at least regulate the kind of education kids get outside of traditional schooling.

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Eh it failed in the most reddit way imaginable: Most of the users are too addicted to astroturf accounts posting heckin puppers and epic memes to organise a boycott beyond a few days. Reddit ownership knew how pathetic the "protest" was going to be from the outset and didn't even bother trying to disrupt it beyond nudging out a few of the remaining holdouts on subs too small to matter in the grand scheme.

All the mods who thought they were irreplaceable just discovered their users are all the more happy to digest low quality slop moderated by amateurs who are more interested in the title than doing anything to protect the quality of said content.

People are even relenting and PAYING for access to the API to use previously-free apps.

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Front End:


  • You can have multiple users,
  • tracks your progress in a series,
  • gives you imdb and soundtrack info,
  • metadata and cover art.
  • Automatically handles discoverability - Log in with your account and it'll find your server wherever you are in the world!
  • Great app support across mobile, tv, web, and desktop.
  • Automatically syncs to films/tv folder(s) when new shows are downloaded.

Back end:


  • Versatile and stable torrenting client.
  • Can control up/download speed
  • Online front end can be a lifesaver when diagnosing issues remotely.
  • FOSS

Sonarr, Radarr

  • Automatically discovers torrents for your chosen shows and movies, and forwards them onto torrent client.
  • Can track unreleased content, downloading it as it becomes available.
  • Supports user-configurable quality formats to weed out torrents that don't meet your quality or space requirements.
  • Automatically searches multiple trackers - If one tracker lacks a show, it can try another!
  • FOSS


  • Indexes thousands of known torrent trackers for all kinds of content, with sonarr/radarr-ready configs.
  • Add tracker to Prowlarr and it syncs to Sonarr/Radarr clients automatically
  • Add your own private trackers too with a simple interface
  • FOSS

Operating System:


  • Debian-based server OS with powerful terminal interface for managing and starting your first streaming server
  • Rock-solid stability of debian, paired with a curated packaging system that reduces risks of breaking configurations
  • Popular services are auto-configured to align with best practices, such as Nextcloud, Plex, Sonarr etc. all installing and configuring their own databases at install
  • Powerful utilities for managing disks, files, power management and other server necessities with minimal existing knowledge of the command line
  • Can be set up in a day on a raspberry pi, and be streaming torrented content by the evening!
  • Great support, both with hardware and software. The devs are active and helpful on github if you have problems.
  • Loads of tutorials for installing every single service you could need for a piracy server, from VPNs to linking services together and accessing them remotely.
  • FOSS



  • Link your IP to a friendly domain name for free.
  • Like, free. I can type in my domain anywhere on earth and access my rpi server easily.
  • Loads of choices available
  • Just log in once every 6 months to keep the DNS listing active.
3 more...

Google used to list sites with backlinks highly, it was their first ever search algorithm iirc. Once people learned you could game that by planting useless backlinks, Google realised it was a bad idea.

Somehow, they've reinvented this all over again with parasite SEO that fundamentally works the same way. All they did was add some "domain ranking". Now, unreliable-but-popular sites coughredditcough will always score highly regardless of quality, because Google deemed them superior.

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Hamas has offered Israel multiple very tenable peace deals that include the immediate release of all Israeli prisoners and absolutely no demand for reparations for rebuilding the strip that is now thought to be uninhabitable for 70 years. Israel has denied every single one.

They have always wanted palestinians to be exterminated. This is Israel's dream scenario.

20 more...

This is how most sex segregated sports came about

  1. women beats men
  2. women banned
  3. segregated division created because of "biological differences"
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in my uni house, the landlord once barrelled in without notice (highly illegal!!) to give us a rug, a new coffee table, and a bunch of crappy canvas wall art.

After we decided to sign for another year, following a few viewings, the landlord barrelled in without notice again to take it all back lmao.

if they're posting it to twitter, hearing in mind power and internet are totally cut in Gaza, this is for YOU to read, not Palestinians.

when civilians are inevitably killed they'll tell the press that it was "clearly communicated through official channels" and everyone online will just take the IDF at its word.

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270GB feels insane for the source code of a single organisation. Is there media assets or backups in there too?

EDIT: yep, multiple subsidiaries and slack Comms which could inflate it by a lot. we post a whole lot of uncompressed shit on our slack

windows 11 isnt even the majority of installs yet and they're trying to push for windows 12? They tried doing "windows as a service" with Windows 10 but that never really manifested either.

I know people whine that Linux users always harp on about Linux, but there's a better alternative to having a £100 tax on every new laptop you buy, or having to buy a new license every time you upgrade a PC a little too much in one go. Or being locked out of security updates because you dont want to subject your system to adware.

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Its a good thing the Moderators famously fumbled their one attempt at protesting for anything significant to reddit

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Transphobia and such aside (which are shitty and unnecessary in their own right), how on earth can you realistically boycott Wayland when nearly every last Xorg dev has moved to Wayland permanently?

X11 is simply end of life, and there are no display server technologies or protocols that exist to challenge Wayland because no one cares enough to bother with the immesnse work it entails? At best you'll be stuck on a legacy distro for a few years until your display drivers become too out of date for whatever apps you use.

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The Gaza ministry of health has met the highest standards of NGO and UN scrutiny. They even published proof of every single confirmed dead civilian a week ago when the death toll was at 8,000. There were 12 pages of names before the age of 1.

you know it's some cop lover considering they think fentanyl powder kills people on contact

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Reviews of starfield on steamdeck: probably not the best experience maybe stick to more powerful devices

Average Steamdeck user: fuckin watch me, peasant.

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more like they realised that the Irish data protection officer looked like they were gonna side with privacy advocates over anti-adblock, which is a precursor (and main usecase of) this API

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It's interesting that you'll take Israel's word despite proof of regularly fabricating lies. But the health ministry under bombardment that is verified by the UN and multiple humanitarian NGOs is "the mouth of a terrorist group".

Perhaps you'd do well to consider whether your cowardly attitude to human suffering is making you an insufferable person.

i wonder why this post about tankies is suddenly popular

sees top posts criticising israel and fascism

ah there it is

The missing context here (not your fault, i think people reporting this are being misleading) is that they were using their personal systems in this tournament. That means whatever dodgy software they've installed can't be monitored in a controlled environment, and claims of it being EAC's fault is unfounded.

A proper tournament would have controlled hardware and software, even if playing remotely at a professional level. You can't guarantee these systems haven't been tampered with, even if the players insist on proper security measures.

Linux gaming is, imo, in a golden age.

Love how companies can decide who has to supervise their car's automated driving and not an actual safety authority. Absolutely nuts.

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My "you cannot sue me for anything illegal ive done" clause is making people ask a lot of questions about illegal things that ive done that are answered by my "you cannot zue me for anything illegal ive done" clause

It's partly an honor system but also, anyone distributing malicious cracks are quickly called out whether its on public tracker comments like PirateBay or removed from private trackers.

Distributors of GOOD and CLEAN cracks often earn good rep in the community too, like Monkrus which I've had no issue with before.

Also, in my experience, installing a malware-packaged adobe app isn't actually all that bad if you run a malware scan immediately afterwards. With the scale and breadth of software piracy there isn't much money in making advanced malwares beyond bundling an existing one into an installer. I don't recommend it, but it's still easier and cheaper than paying Adobe!

TLDR the community polices itself pretty well considering.

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This is a big issue with Snap. It may be like Flatpak, allowing devs to set their own dependencies for ALL distros, but its poor uptake outside of Ubuntu's ecosystem means that it's no different to yet another distro repackaging system.

Flatpak, or even Nixpkgs, are the future because they allow devs to have control over the distribution of their software. Snap being such a closed ecosystem in comparison only means it will replicate many of the problems we've found with traditional (re)packaging systems.

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"Smart" TVs are such a waste when they lock all the hardware and firmware into a device that'll either be unsupported in a few years or too slow to work with new apps.

I'd much rather a dumb TV and stick a Roku/Raspberry Pi. via HDMI. You get all the same control but none of the bullshit

Firefox for android supports uBlock which blocks all youtube add btw. I've been using the website as my YouTube client for nearly a year now

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They're not betting on winning. They're betting on Yuzu developers being too poor to fight back

honestly feels like Wayland won't get many of the fixes it needs until everyone is forced onto it and sends in bug reports. That's gonna suck for lots of people including me but maybe it's now or never

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She definitely is a textbook example of a scapegoat woman CEO for an unpopular company, but also she seems to be very aware and supportive of the fascist brain rot she's enabling so I won't shed a tear for her (nor any CEO but you get my point)