LMG has made a response video to Gamers Nexus' concerns

Noah@lemmy.federated.club to Technology@lemmy.world – 362 points –
What do we do now?

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Changes nothing after what Madison has said about her experience working for them. LTT has had ethics and journalistic issues for most of its life, but it's come clear that it's deeper and more sinister than even I had imagined.

After reading that, I fully expect their plans "to improve" will involve abusing and blaming staff unfairly. Seems like they're already doing that when they blame "human error" for the videos being bad rather than taking personal responsibility, as management should.

Yup. Most of their journalistic problems are self-imposed by Linus and his demand for super expensive equipment for no purpose but cloutchasing/content farming.

The obsession with an 8K editing workflow and hosting their own poorly-managed content server has already led to staff losing hours of work multiple times (though it indeed made them some ✨content✨).

I can only imagine how stressful it is working as an editor for a man who completely replaces your hardware and workflow on the whims of whatever tech trend is popular on twitter.