Texas woman arrested for allegedly attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in possible hate crime

goferking0@lemmy.sdf.org to News@lemmy.world – 569 points –
Texas woman arrested for allegedly attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in possible hate crime

Wow. Made it 42 years and thought "I need to murder a child"

To be fair, it was a toddler.

/s in case that wasn't obvious.

Also, "possible hate crime"? It clearly was. Getting really tired of these bullshit headlines that don't actually say what happened. The "alleged" for the crime since they haven't been convicted is already in the headline, that's fine, I get he legal distinction there, but then say what's actually alleged and don't try to hide the reality of what's alleged. This is clearly a hate crime, there's no question of that. It's not an alleged possible hate crime, it's just an alleged hate crime.

According to a press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the mother appeared to be visibly Muslim, as she was wearing a hijab and modest swimwear to the pool at the time of the incident.

Police said Wolf also asked the mother if two of the children in the pool were hers before allegedly attempting to grab one of them, a 6-year-old boy, who was able to get away.

Wolf also allegedly snatched the mother’s headscarf off while she tried to save her daughter and beat her with it, according to CAIR.

She was charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child. ... The Euless Police Department has recommended that the incident be considered a hate crime and the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office is currently investigating it

"Alleged" is what the DA has charged.

"Possible" is what the DA might add to the charges.

The opinions of the reporter, who is not a lawyer much less a prosecutor, are not helpful.

“Possible” is what the DA might add to the charges.

If the DA hasn't added that already based on even this limited public information, I question their ability to do their damned job. There's nothing "possible" about this being racially motivated, which clearly makes it a hate crime. The initial charges should have been for a hate crime and adjusted to remove that if necessary.

But it's Texas, they don't want to prosecute white people for being racist against anyone brown, that sets a precedent with the public they don't want.

If the DA hasn't added that already based on even this limited public information

The DA also has access to non-public information, including potential exculpatory evidence.

Can't imagine what sort of exculpatory evidence there could be for someone asking where someone is from, then trying to drown their child, and beating them with their hijab. There is a pretty damned cut and dry racial motive there. Unless the white woman was secretly Muslim somehow it seems pretty straightforward.

Or... the simplest explanation is that it's a smaller suburb of Dallas-Ft Worth where the largest ethnic group by far is white, in a district that went 62.2% Republican in the 2022 election, and the government officials don't want to publicly denounce racism like that because that's what the citizens in that area expect of their government.

Can't imagine what sort of exculpatory evidence there could be

Not being able to imagine something doesn't mean it can't exist.

the simplest explanation is that it's a smaller suburb of Dallas-Ft Worth

Suburbs don't prosecute, the county DA does. This county voted for Biden in 2020, and it prosecuted 42 hate crimes in 2022.

Suburbs don’t prosecute, the county DA does. And this county voted for Biden in 2020.

You're right, and Presidential elections don't do a good job of showing anything about local matters. Gotta look at the local elections. Since you brought it up...

In the 2022 general election the County Clerk, Criminal District Attorney, Constable, District Clerk, and County Judge elected were all Republican. In fact, the only race not won by a Republican was one of 2 open County Commissioner seats, which a Dem barely won with 51.5% of the vote.

Notice that Criminal District Attorney, Phil Sorrells (R), was just elected in 2022. Prior to that, he was a Judge for Tarrant County Criminal Court Number 10 for 25 years. I'd be willing to bet if someone went back through his criminal sentencing over those 25 years it would show certain, shall we say, biases in those sentences, they almost always do. Sometimes that quack does come from a duck after all.

The previous DA was also a Republican, so it's clear that Republicans are capable of prosecuting hate crimes.

And I'd be willing to bet that Tarrant County charged as many hate crimes in 2023 as in previous years.

I never said they weren't capable. I'm just saying that this prosecutor seems to be choosing to not prosecute something seemingly obvious, which just makes them look incompetent. If they want to appear that way to the public, that's their choice.

Nothing prevents them from saying that they aren't going to prosecute it as a hate crime due to exculpatory evidence, instead they seem to be intentionally leaving it in a grey area. Especially since this apparently happened a month ago according to the article. Plenty of time to figure out something so core to the issue. It just makes them look complicit in allowing hate crimes when the public evidence is so glaringly obvious for it.

Nothing prevents them from saying that they aren't going to prosecute it as a hate crime

The thing that prevents them from saying that they aren't going to prosecute it is that they are still considering prosecuting it.

Deciding on a charging strategy takes a lot more thought than posting a hot take.

EDIT: And let's not forget that she is most definitely being charged with attempted murder, so no matter what the DA decides she's gonna have a bad time.

Publishers have to use the walking on eggshells language even when it’s obvious what happened because of libel laws. You’re not guilty until convicted in a court of law. Until that point, everything is allegedly, possibly, appears to be.

I know. I already addressed that. That's not where my issue is. My issue is they're not only saying allegedly but also a possible hate crime when it is clearly a hate crime.

Instead after looking more, it looks like that's because the DA has unofficially chosen not to prosecute it as a hate crime for whatever baffling reason. A month after the event and they've not filed charges for a hate crime. It doesn't take a month to figure out whether a white person fighting with a Muslim in a headscarf about being American, then attacking their children and beating them with the scarf, constitutes a hate crime.

So instead it makes it look like a prosecutor that doesn't want to prosecute a seemingly slam dunk hate crime as a hate crime, for whatever reason.

In that kind of mindset, it's not "child", it's "human animal".

This happened in Texas?

I’m amazed she was even arrested. I’m assuming a full pardon with an apology will be forthcoming.

She wasn't successful in killing the child, so no, no pardon from Abbott. He only pardons actual convicted killers of hate crimes.


Nah. In Texas all she has to do is say that God told her to do it, and she'll get a couple years of taking drugs in a hospital.

The exception is Taylor Parker because she killed an ~unborn~ child, and that's a damn step too far.

drown 3 year old ... child

That's just being fucking demonic for the public

Palestinian Muslim

With current events, yes its a hate crime

I mean shouldn't it be a hate crime regardless of current events?

But yes.

A hate crime is when the crime intentionally targets a specific demographic.

So it should still be considered a hate crime regardless of current events, no?

The attempted murderer said very specific racist things while trying to drown the child.

It's a hate crime as well as attempted murder.

This women attempted murder after confirming the mother was Palestinian. Textbook hate crime.

I don't think it's that deep. She saw a hijab and went full hate, nothing specifically about Palestinians, just so happens to be that the victims are also Palestinian.

"The child’s mother, 32, told police that the suspect, identified as Elizabeth Wolf, 42, questioned where she was from and made statements about her not being American, as well as “other racial statements.” "

Questioned doesn't mean she was answered and then attacked. She was also shit faced and hostile. I doubt she heard or even cared if she did. She's just going Muslim=bad as Fox has drilled at her.

This is true. Hopefully it doesn’t negatively affect the case against this person. Specifying it as a hate crime means that will need to be proved in the court. Or maybe I’m not understanding the law as well as LegalEagle makes me think.

Controversial opinion: attempted murder is a serious deal regardless of whether or not it's a hate crime.

No doubt about that, and I’m probably wrong about having to prove it was a hate crime. I just wouldn’t want that aspect to allow for this person to “get away”with it because it wasn’t “racially motivated”

Same people are demanding to bring the Bible in school

"Thou shalt not kill" *

* Only applies to solid white christians. Heaven still available with apology and proper donation.

Love thy neighbour as thyself*

* T&Cs apply. Subject to limited availability. We may collect your data to train our LLM. Check the website for privacy policy.

So we have multiple murders or attempted murders of Palestinian children in the US since October 7.

But pro-zionist students on college campuses claimed they feel somehow threatened there. Clearly that should be more important than actual attacks.

What this woman did was a heinous hate crime. But this isn't the oppression Olympics. There has been a rise in antisemitism too. No need to diminish that in order to assert that hate crimes against Palestinian people is bad.

There is a very systematic and deliberate propaganda effort by many US media, infamously the New York times at the forefront to downplay antimuslim and general racist attacks and overexaggerate feelings of insecurity that do not represent actual danger. As a result of this peaceful campus protests including anti-zionist Jews have been brutally beaten down by the police and fascist mobs. So under the pretense of fighting antisemitism Jews are getting beaten up on campus. But according to the Zionists those are the "wrong kind of Jews" or "self hating Jews" so attacking them is justified in their eyes.

There's a lot of complexities with different groups downplaying and exadurtating. I won't deny mass disinformation in today's politics and current events. But I'm not going to diminish how a group feels about prejduece against them when they have experienced a mass shooting in 2018, 2 targeted deaths in 2023, a firebombing at a synagog in 2023, and more. The ADL, a pretty credible group (apparently not really), reported a significant increase in antisemitic incidents in 2022, before the conflict in Palestine gained attention and the Israeli government started ramping up their propaganda machine. Bottom line, I don't want to make this some kind of competition, especially on a post where we should be focusing on the abhorrent treatment of this Palestinian child, but antisemitism is a problem too and I don't think its OK to rug sweep the issues either are facing right now.





The ADL was just decided to be a biased source by Wikipedia as its definition of antisemitism is equating antizionism with antisemitism and they are a pro Israeli lobby group. That is not to say that Antisemitism is not a problem. But it is a problem where the perpetrators like in the Synagogue shooting are primarily white nazis. The same groups that then attacked campus protests speaking up for Palestine. So there is not only a trend to shift the blame to muslims and invent "imported antisemitism" like they call it in Germany, but even an unholy alliance between the classic antisemitic nazis and zionist groups

On the ADL, you're right. I had historically been under the impression they were credible and haven't update my information because I was trusting NPR. Thank you. But, my point still stands. 2020 onwards has seen a huge uptick in hate crimes targeted towards Jewish people outside of the ADLs statements. Pew research has also covered the issue: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/03/17/anti-jewish-harassment-occurred-in-94-countries-in-2020-up-from-earlier-years/

I am also against the shift to blame Muslims. I'm only taking issue with trying to diminish the rise in antisemitism.

When antizionism is wrapped up in antisemitism, it’s very easy to see why there is an uptick. There’s no such false equivalence for Palestinians.

Synagog shootings, of which there were 2 of in 2018 and 2023 in the US, are not atizionism being masked as antisemitism.

I’m viewing this from after the point when American media started caring about what was happening in Gaza; After October 7th. I don’t believe that tensions before then were anywhere close to what they are now. At least, as shown by the media.

So sure, while I’m not going to say those things didn’t happen, they certainly happened before shit hit the fan.

2 more...

Honestly if telling someone they can't murder buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo children makes them feel unsafe then I'm proud to make that person feel unsafe.

2 more...

Wanting to murder a child I can understand but you're not supposed to actually do it. Wtf is wrong with people these days.

Y'allqueda in full swing in the US.

Ain't no hate like Christian love.

Ain't no hate like Christian love.

This has to be one of the best things I've ever read on lemmy.

If you don't consider them human, you don't consider it murdering a human child.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes people view others as less-than-human.

It's a joke, I like children no matter how annoying.

Edit: never mind I misinterpreted your comment.

Just toss this one off a cliff save the money

Reading the article made the word possible a lot less necessary than expected.


Police responded to the apartment complex pool in Euless around 5:44 p.m. May 19 regarding “a disturbance between two women,” Euless police said in a news release.

“Upon arrival, officers were told by witnesses that a woman who was very intoxicated had tried to drown a child and argued with the child’s mother,” police said.

The child’s mother, 32, told police that the suspect, identified as Elizabeth Wolf, 42, questioned where she was from and made statements about her not being American, as well as “other racial statements.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, said in a news release that the mother visibly appeared to be Muslim, as she was wearing a hijab and modest swimwear. Wolf also asked the woman whether two of the children in the pool were hers before she tried to grab one of them, a 6-year-old boy, who was able to get away, police alleged.

“The mother began helping her son when Wolf grabbed her 3-year-old daughter and forced her underwater,” police said. “The mother was able to pull her daughter from the water. Her daughter had been yelling for help and was coughing up water.”


"possible hate crime".....

It’s not the journalist’s job to determine that, it’s a court’s job to do so. Until then, everything is alleged or possible.

You can use less washy words. For example you can say "a woman has been accused of a hate crime, if these alligatons are true then..."

The way these stories are written now not only use the "allegedly" they also tend to use language that down plays the event.

When you have so much hate in you that you're willing to murder a child, yet you'll guaranteed think that you're a really good person who just tries to make the world a little better.

Don't think of them as children. Think of them as Future Hamas Military Age Males.

Pretty sure the child in question was a girl, but I guess the woman didn't want to let facts stand in the way of her feeling

Fuck you. Simply that.

I think of you as a right wing extremist who happily kills innocent children because in your rotten mind they're already militant. Forget about the fact that your killing is what causes them to become militant in the first place, murdering children is much easier, and in your case I imagine much more fun, rite?

Allegedly? Sure

Allegedly is always used before a trial, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, even the assholes.

kinda tiring having the "allegedly" discussion over and over

It’s weird. It’s not something that happened so often. Bots, maybe?

pineapplelover doesn't look like a bot. I think some people just get Facebook brain where they do engagement without thinking.

This kind of shit is why I still believe in a death penalty.