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Joined 12 months ago

Last time Europe sent people to "help" America it didn't end well...

Yea, sorry, no. You Americans cannot be trusted with something so important.

The text of the Ten Commandments ... shall be printed in a large, easily readable font.

Comic Sans it is.

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TBH this is quite mild on the Trump scale...

Some drugs help, but only if you can get the person organizing the meeting to take them.

Nearly every app should have a warning

No. If you put a warning on every app (except for the most trivial ones that don't actually do anything useful) then the warnings mean nothing. The become something more than ass-covering legal(ish) BS.

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This is Rust. You don't need a safe word - safe is the default. You need an unsafe word instead.

Can they do an horse funeral on a Tuesday? It's not clear from the text.

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No, your statement was 100% correct. What I'm saying is that the Illuminati were the ones who changed the material tinfoil is made of in order to make it less effective.

Yea... no. Sorry. I still think Crocs are ugly.

Please don't ridicule people for being wrong. It only incentivizes them to avoid admitting mistakes.

Wouldn't work. The law clearly specifies the exact text, and it's in English.

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What do you mean by "improving"? This alarming warning appears because Firefox requires permissions. Let us look at the permissions listed there:

  1. "User device access". From the docs, I'd say the browser needs it for rendering?
  2. "Download folder read/write access". This one is obvious - the files you download with your browser go there.
  3. "Can access some specific files". This one, I'll admit, is a bit cryptic - what files does it need to access? But this one is on Flatpak for making the permission so general.

App permissions should not be about "this app cannot be trusted because it asks for scary scary permissions". They should be about "take a look at the list of permissions the app requests and determine whether or not it make sense for such an app to need such permissions".

How is Wingdings "easily readable"?

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Obviously an Illuminati plot to prevent us from effectively shielding ourselves from their mind control.

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Controversial opinion: attempted murder is a serious deal regardless of whether or not it's a hate crime.

Too much trouble. Just uninstall the entire OS.

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C# should actually be "What Java said, except it's ICrackable".

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They should not be getting death threat from employees. They should be getting legal threats from the SEC, and prosecuted for insider trading.

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Normalize not caring about anything posted on TwitteX.

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I got curious about just how bad said Nazi content is, and managed to find an article with some screenshots:

Spoiler: very Nazi.

So it's not just Nazi-compatible ideas. It's straight out Nazi symbolism.

I really don't get these people - even if you believe the Nazis were right, you know they are the most hated historical faction in the world. Wouldn't it be better to advocate their ideas without explicitly associating yourself with them, just to avoid the (completely justified) knee-jerk reaction?

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Her attorney, Joseph O’Malley, said his client had no criminal record before the incident and that she is truly sorry for her actions that day.

“Let’s give her the opportunity to not let this one day define the rest of her life,” he told CNN.

Righhhht. No way she always treat fast food (and other services industry) employees that way, and this is just the first time it escalated to court.

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After so many years in this company, lots of the unmaintainable code I have to deal with is either my own fault, or the fault of someone I used to work with but and now they left and I'm the one who has to apologize for their code.

If I move to a different company, 100% of the unmaintainable code I'll have to deal with there will be someone else's fault.

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Even if some children in Louisiana won't be able to get heart transplants, it's okay because these children were already born.

Not all metal, but there is a type of metal that increases a person's probability to become a violent criminal. It's called "lead".

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"The land of free stuff for the British Museum"

Yes, but look at that plant they were shooting at. How could they reasonably be sure there weren't any acorns growing on it?

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  • Drink the purple one
  • Jump off a cliff
  • Realize I took the wrong purple one
  • Still relaxed though

At this point r/ itself is a joke community.

I know this couple who contracted COVID during the pandemic but refused to report it and take sick days. He - because his workplace was offering bonuses for employees who weren't taking sick days (don't remember if it was monthly or annually) and he didn't want to miss on that. She - because she already took all her sick days as PTO, without actually being sick.

I can't help but wonder if that's really what sick days are supposed to be...

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It's only a Reich if it's from Germany. Otherwise it's just sparkling dictatorship.

Same philosophy:

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“I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me"

Most people wouldn't want anyone to arrest them. Arrest is done against the arrestee's will. That's kind of the point.

May I interest about about switching to Arch Linux instead?

The only non-failed platform is Java, which is used by 3 billion devices.

Even worse. The police has both the authority and the budget to:

  1. Test candidates before they hire them as cops.
  2. Train their cops.
  3. Discipline the violent cops.

Protest organizers can't do these things. Anyone who wants to join the protest just needs to arrive at the appointed time and place, and if they behave badly - the ones allowed to punish them are not the protest organizers but the police.

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Hopefully she didn't damage the ceiling fan with the rope.

Which is why you don't see "mathematician" on the list.