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The rule is there to prevent them from releasing info the NTSB hasn't done a full analysis on, but that's not the case here. However, the info was already made public by the NTSB, to the Senate nonetheless.

In what world does it make sense that Boeing can't repeat the same thing when talking about it? Boeing isn't even allowed to repeat what the NTSB as publicly said? That's insane.

A judge would throw this out of court if it came before them, as a ridiculous waste of the court's time.

This, plus just how egregious was it?

No one is wanting to read these messages like they're 50 Shades of Grey or anything like that. Well, there's probably somebody but that's not why most want to see it. Clearly it was not bad enough to get the police involved at the time, so we're talking less than To Catch A Predator.

Ignoring the age difference for a second, because that part is not relevant to my specific point here... What some people consider flirty, others consider creepy. On a similar note, the same comment coming from a person someone considers attractive and from someone they find ugly often has a completely different reaction.

Doc says that it crossed a line, that's not under debate by anyone at this point. He says there were no pictures, etc. exchanged, just messages and there was no intent to meet up or anything like that. On the other side one of the original tweets claimed they were sexting. Peoples definitions of sexting can vary dramatically as well.

So clearly the messages went over the line of being inappropriate, no argument there from anyone paying attention, but how far over that line was it? Were they truly explicit messages, or just inappropriate within the context of a 35 year old talking to a minor?

Mountain Dew was made to cover up the flavor of low quality moonshine.

I wouldn't be surprised if it could hide Round Up.

Prosecute him under 18 U.S.C. § 704

The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both for an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:

  • Medal of Honor
  • Distinguished Service Cross
  • Navy Cross
  • Air Force Cross
  • Silver Star
  • Bronze Star
  • Purple Heart
  • Combat Action Ribbon
  • Combat Infantryman's Badge
  • Combat Action Badge
  • Combat Medical Badge
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Or any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.
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He's been using it to further his political career and court donations.

To be fair, it was a toddler.

/s in case that wasn't obvious.

Also, "possible hate crime"? It clearly was. Getting really tired of these bullshit headlines that don't actually say what happened. The "alleged" for the crime since they haven't been convicted is already in the headline, that's fine, I get he legal distinction there, but then say what's actually alleged and don't try to hide the reality of what's alleged. This is clearly a hate crime, there's no question of that. It's not an alleged possible hate crime, it's just an alleged hate crime.

According to a press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the mother appeared to be visibly Muslim, as she was wearing a hijab and modest swimwear to the pool at the time of the incident.

Police said Wolf also asked the mother if two of the children in the pool were hers before allegedly attempting to grab one of them, a 6-year-old boy, who was able to get away.

Wolf also allegedly snatched the mother’s headscarf off while she tried to save her daughter and beat her with it, according to CAIR.

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Obamacare was the compromise. Remove it and we'll just work that much harder to get Medicare for All and join the rest of the developed world with universal access to healthcare and not destroying your financial future.

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That was my thought as well. Seems like a reasonable amount to cover repairs and some extra without being excessive.

Might be required for whatever insurance process NASA has to follow.

Policy requirements like that are why you see scenarios where people are suing family members when the issue is clearly covered by insurance.

A rock falling from a truck's load on the highway however is the fault of the truck owner, regardless of whatever bumper sticker they want to put saying otherwise. Trucks are required to properly secure their loads.

This isn't random space debris that existed and entered the atmosphere without NASA involvement.

The British Museum should take notice. Even a random US tourist knows that historical items should be returned to the country they are taken/stolen from.

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Number 3 in many states is legally not rape. In many states rape is legally defined as someone inserting a penis into a vagina. As fucked as that is, often people suggesting changes to the laws to make them more accurate to reality, end up getting vilified as some sort of apologist or predator themselves.

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Players are complaining about the difficulty of a genre-defining game, in a genre known for its difficulty.

Just Git Gud.

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It's an officially recognized spec, so Apple will ignore it as long as they can. Until they can find a way to make money from it or spin marketing as if it's some miraculous new invention of theirs, for something that should just be how it's done.

Even the creator of the K-cup said he regretted creating it because of the environmental impact.

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It's the DOJ that would determine whether to prosecute. Almost surely there is a policy of not arresting sitting members of Congress, there are valid reasons for this. But if Congress expels him like they should... free game for the DOJ there.

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Actually, the inventor of the Keurig coffee pod system, John Sylvan, sold his ownership of the product for $50,000 in 1997. 7 years after founding the company and before single-serve coffee really took off.

This exactly.

The fact the contractor is paying means somewhere along the line of subcontracting someone typed it in wrong. The contractor likely aren't the ones making the sign, and there may even be another level of subcontractors each getting more specialized in there if the main contract is for the entire State.

I mean, Lemmy.World doesn't make enough money from their donations to cover much more than operating costs currently. Operating a site this size is not cheap. Would you prefer to see a ton of advertising and monetization like reddit?

Their only concern is making stock price go up over a short timeframe

To be fair, that's why the Board of Directors is hiring them. Everything else is secondary to line go up.

These drugs were developed with public funds and yet are sold at outrageous pricing.

If the pharma industry was at all reasonable about their pricing, this wouldn't be a consideration at all.

If you take public funds, you can't charge exorbitant amounts. Seems an easy trade-off decision for them to make.

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So... Where is the catalog of approved haircuts for students to pick from? Fucking fascist ideas being masked in bullshit like avoiding fake "distractions" in classrooms.

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$804M in revenue... $286M to CEO and COO pay alone... so just two officers are worth 35% of the company's annual revenue? Not profit, because it isn't profitable, but just base revenue. Not even Elon Musk is paid that high a percentage of revenue.

Even ignoring the fact reddit doesn't pay anyone for moderation, and all their other reliance on community freebies... That's insane.

And they want to go public with that info? They believe that's a financially sound position to be in heading into an IPO? Spez is even more stupid than I thought.

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From my understanding, it essentially ends up with bidding for assets to get to the amount needed. Whatever the resulting high bid ends up, is the amount for that asset. So if something is valued at $500M but sells for only $200M, it only counts as $200M toward the judgment. Basically, estimated value means nothing, only what someone actually pays for it.

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According to additional information, they were in an unmarked car and not uniformed officers. So for all intents and purposes, a random group of people.

How do you expect someone to react to a seemingly random group of people approaching a vehicle and demanding they get out? Sounds like self defense in that context.

We need all the information, with body cam video. Police have lied about these situations before to protect their shitty decisions. Their report cannot be trusted by itself.

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It's licensing terms. FIFA was asking for double its $150 million licensing fee to allow Electronic Arts to continue using its name.

FIFA doubling the license cost is clearly bullshit. EA has decided that the FIFA brand in their game is not worth $300 Million, and the existing license requires them to discontinue sales once the license expires.

Can't really blame EA for saving $300 Million for something that doesn't really matter, especially when it used to cost half that. This 100% is FIFA being greedy, as usual.

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Paid ads should not only need to be marked, but noticeably different in a timeline. Something obvious like a different post color.

Twitter fits ads in the middle of content and just puts a little tiny "Ad" in the upper corner (on mobile at least) and at a glance scrolling through you can't tell it's an ad, other than all of their ads now being for some shady mobile game that lies about how it looks or crypto in various forms. Those should be required to have a different color background than actual user posts, not just a size 8 font "Ad" in the corner of the post on a 3.5" screen.

In fact, let's make it impossible to implement well, let's take a page out of the NHTSA handbook and require the "Ad" text to be a specific real world size like they do with the car warning lights. Make them figure out what size it needs to be for various screen sizes and display DPI if they want to shove ads in the middle of content like it was user posts.

Advertisers should be held partially responsible for the ads they agree to serve. As it is they just hide behind the curtain saying they are just serving the ads, that they don't control them.

Maybe they should be held responsible for incidents like this and malware ads sent via their system. They are the only reason that ad is being seen by the public.

Also keep in mind that the main reason Windows is targeted for so many exploits is because of the consumer market share. If Linux consumer market share goes up, so will general malware targeting it. We already saw it happen when OSX share increased and Apple had to abandon the whole "Macs don't get viruses" schtick.

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Sounds like TX doctors should start refusing to see any politicians or their families in the state. Let them handle it themselves.

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That's not how it works. It's explicitly NOT how that works. That's the entire reason revenge porn laws exist.

What you are claiming, would be equivalent to sending a nude to someone and then them posting it online and because you consented in the first to send it to them they're okay to repost it. That's literally revenge porn.

You numpty.

If I'm looking at dates correctly, Disney filed the strike AFTER it was in the public domain already. So it was a bullshit strike from the beginning, not just something that was struck before it entered the public domain and was left over.

The DMCA needs to be updated with fines for clear bullshit claims like this. As it is, there is no penalty for a company to just claim everything. I'd even be okay with platforms like Youtube receiving a portion of that fine for having to be in the middle of the bullshit copyright claims that were overturned because. Give the platforms an incentive to make the process streamlined and straight forward instead of the crap we have now.

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3% was the top annual pay increase at the Fortune 500 company I used to work at. 3% max increase for those that "exceeded all expectations". Probably less than 1/3 of employees.

So if it's good enough for a Fortune 500 company, it's good enough for every landlord. 3% max, and only to max 1/3 of their locations/rooms.

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My gay uncle is a Log Cabin, Reagan Republican who has almost fully embraced MAGA.

Including saying Ukraine was asking for Russia to come... and that Finland is actively provoking Russia so they should deal with that... while our family literally has Finnish friends, in Finland. Like we literally have first hand real world knowledge from Finnish citizens, not filtered through any news media, and he just ignores it in favor of the MAGA shit.

It really is remarkable.

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It is literally a Mastodon instance with no ActivityPub federation.

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He chose not to testify in the trial. That was his chance to make his case. He made that decision long ago because cross examination would have destroyed his claims.

Closing arguments are a summary of your position, nothing more, and clearly he was going to try to use it as a soapbox, again.

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100% this is the way things should be handled. If we get rid of or hide mistakes of the past, they will simply be repeated as people forget.

A note about historical context is an easy, and small solution to acknowledge the change in society without altering the original content.

The papers photographed by police contained “portions of Mr. Given’s case file, and potentially attorney work product” related to Abdullah’s case, according to an application in Los Angeles County Superior Court requesting that police destroy or return the materials and provide a copy of the warrant used to justify the search.

Are they not required to provide a copy of the warrant when they execute it?

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March 25th is the deadline for this judgement. The judgement was made on Feb 16th, so that is basically 5 weeks plus a day or so to account for the weekend. Decision was made on a Friday, deadline is a Monday.

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Any bets on how long it takes the Satanic Temple to have the Seven Tenets be included as well?

I. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
II. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
III. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
IV. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
V. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
VI. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
VII. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

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