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You are fucking slaying it! It should be illegal for anyone to be so confident.

As a district 4 resident I'll add some more context (and reason why we need ranked choice voting nationally). The Republican primary was packed, with 6 total candidates. Boebert only got 43% of the vote, and the next closest was Sonnenberg at 13%. The non-MAGA conservatives spread their votes across all the other candidates. With ranked choice, it would be a much closer margin. I'm not saying she would have lost, but over 50% of voting repubs wanted someone else over Boebert.

The "good" news is Boebert is pooling poorly vs Dems in the district, which means we have a chance to flip district 4 blue in November.

This page has the election results

And heres the 538 page for CO district 4.

Wastewater-based epidemiology. Basically we track infectious diseases in wastewater, and the results guide public health decisions.

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Wastewater based epidemiology is really freaking cool, and we have covid to thank for moving it from academia to industry/government testing, where the results are actionable.

We are now tracking covid, mpox, the flu, RSV and many other diseases in wastewater. It's very cost-effective community monitoring and can be applied anywhere from the influent of treatment plants to the manhole cover in front of your gym.

Rape a girl behind a dumpster, with rich parents: think about his swimming career! 6 months, 4 with good behavior.

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This provides legal precedent to other ongoing cases against trump. It also allows the press to call him an insurrectionist without fear of legal repurcussions.

How did you make your username *******?

Definitely a printer

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Love to hear it! 2 years ago I had no idea that I'd be working with wastewater but here I am now!

Anyone out here reading this, write to your senator about increasing funding to public health!

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This is for the year 2022. The reddit migration was 2023.

Also the fediverse is less than 0.1% of social media market share.

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Sadly, it's not the schools fault for the waste of time, it's the fuckle-chucks in the legislature. Every single name change request should be routed to the dumbass that authored the bill, then to every other dumbass that voted in favor of it.

Failure is always an option. - Adam Savage

Prior to 2020, that line has an r^2 of 1, so I'd say he's doing a great job at breaking the trend.

So brave, yet so true. Bravo, OP.

In the US. Your milage may vary in other countries.

What we do know is Brock Allen Turner raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, was only sentenced to 6 months in prison, and was released after 3 fro good behavior. This is a huge case of white, moneyed privilege. Brock Allen Turner is a rapist and should never be allowed to hold a job in the United States.


Don't give money to companies with bad practices.

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This was a state felony, so he would have to become governor of New York to pardon these convictions

In this picture there are 19 people.

They have to manufacture it unique to the individual. Luckily, manufacturing custom mRNA is not very expensive.

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The Senate already handed the house their part of the project. McCarthy refuses to put it up to a vote because the far right terrorists will call for a motion to have McCarthy removed as speaker.

THAT SAID: yeah the Senate could be spending their time getting other legislation passed before McCarthy shuts down the government.

I frequently see "an 18% gratuity charge will be applied to parties of 6 or more" on menus. It's possible that this was posted and OP just missed it.

Edit: JK just read the text at the bottom where it calls it out as not a gratuity.

We should know Friday on the ruling in Colorado. Judge heard closing arguments today.

The judge was appointed by trump and should be automatically recused from the case.

Wastewater-based emidemiology guy here. Thank you for your recognition of the field! I work at a competitor of Biobot, and what I find interesting is the article claiming Biobot data showing a plateau, as our data is showing a significant uptick over the month of August.

On a different note, the majority of funding for WBE and wastewater surveillance comes from state/federal coffers, so please ask your colleagues to write to your representatives and ask for more funding towards WBE.

sleepy void

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Colorado has moved more blue over the last couple decades. Please ignore Boebert. All of us in the developed parts of the state do.

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A quote in the article from Microsoft: “Once chosen in device setup, the region used for DMA compliance can only be changed by resetting the PC.”

So if you move into EEA from outside you have to reset your device to be given this option? That smells like a lawsuit ready to happen.

Dear Rudy,

Go east about 500 miles. I guarantee you will find no communists there. And it'll be a great place to set up your new life.

The FDA also approved the world's first RSV vaccine. If you've noticed a lot of ad-campaigns for it this year, that's why.

Just tested number 5... DO NOT RECOMMEND. I'm now sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week.

I wouldn't give him grapes from my lemonade stand.

Not the OP, but I googled it and couldn't find any articles linking the two. One thing I can think of, CNCs create a lot of exhaust, and this may be enough to suffocate be.

Absolute killer list of bands. Call of the Mountain has to be in my top 5 best songs ever written.

And I've never heard a bad song from Sabaton.

I'll also add Nightwish to the list for symphonic metal. I tend to favor their older stuff, Dark Chest of Wonder would be a great entry point into them.

That's not what the report is suggesting. It's suggesting that talented basketball players are more likely to go to a school in a state with legal weed.

That the feds really need to deschedule weed.

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The Amazon strategy

I hope this quote makes it into the next Civilization game.

Technologic objects to your statement