States That Legalize Marijuana See Enhanced College Basketball Recruitment, Study Finds to Not The – 216 points –
States That Legalize Marijuana See Enhanced College Basketball Recruitment, Study Finds - Marijuana Moment

Marijuana legalization is linked to significantly better recruitment for college basketball and worse outcomes for football teams, according to a new study. Researchers at Georgia College & State University and Kennesaw State University said there are numerous factors that affect recruitment trends in college athletic leagues, and so they tested the relationship between adult-use cannabis […]


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That's not what the report is suggesting. It's suggesting that talented basketball players are more likely to go to a school in a state with legal weed.

That the feds really need to deschedule weed.

So what you're saying is that, if given a choice between being barred/denied entry over pot use, people will instead just go to places that allow it?

Not sure I'm seeing the difference between your point and OPs comment.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't OP stand for the post-poster, a.k.a. me?

It stands for "Original Poster," and from my understanding it's situational. Like during a comment chain it would be the original comment. I could be wrong, but that's how I've always interpreted it. /shrug