0 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I'm sorry, dear, but if you've ended up on lemmy it's fair to say there is something a tiny bit non-functional about you.

That's what credit card debt is for!

Yes! Imagine a group of people wanting to experience something together?? Outrageous, ban them!

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My daughter started with no. 🥲

You think these people are paying their fair share of taxes?

8 more...

Dubai's treatment of women.

I know this is just a thread to vent, but I really want you to focus on the fact that communicating how you felt helped the situation so much. Please don't wait 5 more years to try that again.

Auto save exists because everyone forgot to save sometimes.

If it's 100% backwards compatible, as it should be, I won't mind upgrading and passing down mine to my young child or perhaps donating it to a children's hospital.

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Just re-downloaded plex after a 5 year break after I got the email about prime going up. Back to the seas for me!

If the nintendo switch can do it, so should a PS5.

What the fuck did you just say?

I'm genuinely curious why you don't disable notifications you don't need, and unsubscribe from emails you dont want?

Oh, sweetie... not literally linux distros...

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I have an external ssd with all my movie, show, and book backups.

The small print just says "lol gottem"


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That's completely invalid if you're switching over to Google products, who had to remove their motto "don't be evil".

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I mean this as objectively neutral as possible, it's not in any way meant as an offense or attack. Nobody here cares enough about you to "downvote on site."

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They didn't travel to the white house expecting or hoping for "casual". They got cold fast food because the entire government had been shut down.

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We are talking about sex, not gender here! What did you gain with this comment?

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It's just a live cow.

I'm a 5'3" woman, but it explains why we don't think 5'7" is short.

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Coping mechanism for shitty parenting.

Why is this a link to a Google search? Not like, a video clip, or imdb quote, or article? There's even a duplicate word autocorrect.

What about for insulation?

I've learned to accept that some people are just wrong.

The research showing the impact of cellphones during class outweighs an individual's opinion. This has nothing to do with fashion and can't be compared to hats or locker decorations.

16 more...

In 2017, over 7 million Americans had vision loss or blindness based on best corrected visual acuity in their better-seeing eye (using autorefraction).

Vision Loss: best corrected visual acuity 20/40 or worse.

Blindness: best corrected visual acuity 20/200 or worse.

Total blindness is the complete lack of light perception and form perception, and is recorded as "NLP," an abbreviation for "no light perception."

Few people today are totally without sight. In fact, 85% of all individuals with eye disorders have some remaining sight; approximately 15% are totally blind.

I'm picturing you as an average office worker, but with a Willy Wonka-esque boss who has replaced all of the furniture with various types of dairy products.

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What? How would you know? Is this some reference I don't understand?

How is this different than using a savings account?


I do find a death sentence to be inherently at odds with the bill of rights, just by nature. Regardless of what each aims to achieve.

I work for a phone company, it's pretty satisfying seeing all the hard work actually be useful for society.

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Now that's some fresh content!

Because not everything worth watching was created in my country? Why would I need to disrespect the intention/effort of everyone involved, when I can just read?

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The headline is a straight fact, your own opinion makes it anti/pro.

We aren't talking about him specifically. We are talking about every single person who is charged with this crime ever, at least one of which will be innocent.

^indignant ^squeaks