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Joined 11 months ago

I am a little biased because I've been using Debian professionally for many years now but we don't deserve Debian. It is fantastically stable and reliable and makes an excellent platform for running your services off of. If you are at all interested in offering some time and energy to the open source community, consider adopting a Debian package!

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seems like a good thread to plug

they describe themselves as

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix our broken and ineffective government. We unite people across the political spectrum to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people.

here's their policy platform

they claim to have played a part in over 185 pieces of legislation (mostly at the state level) that contributed to their core platform

here are their ongoing campaigns presented state by state

nobody and no organization are perfect but I feel like most people can find something to agree on here

seems like a good thread to plug

they describe themselves as

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix our broken and ineffective government. We unite people across the political spectrum to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people.

here's their policy platform

they claim to have played a part in over 185 pieces of legislation (mostly at the state level) that contributed to their core platform

here are their ongoing campaigns presented state by state

nobody and no organization are perfect but I feel like most people can find something to agree on here

seems like a good thread to plug

they describe themselves as

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix our broken and ineffective government. We unite people across the political spectrum to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people.

here's their policy platform

they claim to have played a part in over 185 pieces of legislation (mostly at the state level) that contributed to their core platform

here are their ongoing campaigns presented state by state

nobody and no organization are perfect but I feel like most people can find something to agree on here

2 more...

seems like a good thread to plug

they describe themselves as

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix our broken and ineffective government. We unite people across the political spectrum to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people.

here's their policy platform

they claim to have played a part in over 185 pieces of legislation (mostly at the state level) that contributed to their core platform

here are their ongoing campaigns presented state by state

nobody and no organization are perfect but I feel like most people can find something to agree on here

seems like a good thread to plug

they describe themselves as

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix our broken and ineffective government. We unite people across the political spectrum to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people.

here's their policy platform

they claim to have played a part in over 185 pieces of legislation (mostly at the state level) that contributed to their core platform

here are their ongoing campaigns presented state by state

nobody and no organization are perfect but I feel like most people can find something to agree on here

I don't want to talk about it

No man can walk out of his own story.

preach it fam

Well put

man who gets rich pumping oil out of ground blames everyone else for using it while offering no alternatives

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Thanks for posting this, it's important people catch more than just the headline. This is clearly another example of proton delivering on their promise. Fucking headlines gonna headline.

I really appreciate this exchange. Someone casually makes a claim, someone else requests sources, and the original poster took the time to respond and detail where they heard the info. Great job on all of you. Now I'll try to add to the conversation.

IANAL but it looks like it's a defendant's right. It's origins seem to be about protecting a defendant from a never-ending or egregiously drawn out prosecution. I think it's fair to say that it gives both sides tools in this case. It seems pretty obvious to me that the defendant here (orange man) wants to delay and would maybe even decline his right to a speedy trial if offered the choice. Meanwhile the prosecution can press the judges to keep things moving by pointing out that they (the prosecutors and judges) are legally obligated to give the defendant a speedy trial.

and sources:

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I don't think there's anything shorter or more elegant than this really. When you're right you're right.

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I don't know how many times it needs to be said but felonies don't fix problems. Deterrence keeps honest people honest. IMHO we should almost certainly read news stories like this as reminders that American needs better mental health policy and infrastructure. People who are experiencing mental illness do not magically go away when we ignore them. Slapping felonies on people makes it harder for them to improve their lives, not easier.

Sorry for the rant, just needed to say it today.

That's kind of my take. Too many people want to paint SCOTUS as a single (and usually corrupt) entity but there's a much wider diversity of opinions expressed across SCOTUS which often gets left out when we talk about their rulings. A complete lack of dissent from all justices signals that there is indeed some rationale here beyond partisan politics. Given the importance of the matter and the many many consequences of any given ruling on it, it makes sense to me that they would hold off and let the appellate courts chew on it for a while. By holding off they are allowing a wider array of judge's opinions to be heard which can only enrich the arguments they'll hear when and if they do ultimately take the case.

Had me in the first half. I do use it (and love it) but I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question. Posting to try and help boost. Good luck

Good news is good news. You love to hear it.

☹️ Mycroft ran out of money and closed down. I think you can still order a Mark2, but the cloud components they were hosting were taken down which essentially breaks the software. There is another company that picked up the ball and took over support but it's a more limited experience at the moment and the whole ecosystem is in a bit of a rut. The OpenVoiceOS project that spun out of Mycroft looks like the best bet long-term but they haven't finished a stable release yet. I bought a Mark2, which I still think is the best hardware available for an open source voice assistant, but finding and stitching together the software to make it work is a chore atm.

Thanks for the links, that's really interesting!

I really like Manjaro. I've been running it on my personal computer for many years now, however, I would not recommend it for grandma's computer. Their "delayed and curated" release strategy mostly just works but when it doesn't it doesn't. As someone mentioned elsewhere in the comments I would lean towards Red Hat or Debian for more mindless distros. I've administered thousands of Debian package updates and distro upgrades and it's so stable. We don't deserve Debian.

😭I just want convenient software that makes my life better, is that too much to ask

Legit, used Wayland for a whole two hours before realizing barrier wouldn't work and had to drop back to x. Workflow gotta workflow.

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Rules for thee but not for me

I haven't laughed this hard in a while

Always nice to see some good news.

tar can do things other than this?

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I read somewhere that he does his own makeup every morning. Too lazy to find sources though so don't listen to me.

Can you set reminders/timers with it?

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I'm sorry, I was trying to be silly and poke fun at how most of us just use the one or two tar commands and it totally didn't translate in text like it did my head. Have a wonderful day good internet stranger.

What a coinkydink, just tried SP a couple nights ago, it's alright. Got a little tropical taste to differentiate it from any other cheap lager.


God, how is that all still so relevant. Looks like it hit the youtubz 2/28/2012 and it's still on the nose.

Not sure if I just missed something but I couldn't find any new content pulling it up with Firefox for Android. Just seeing the original videos. Will check desktop site later.

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When our first child arrived I had a cheap IP cam lying around that I could flash with something I trusted and integrate into my other stuff (Homeassistant in this case). The camera didn't really support a wired connection, only 2.4 wifi. This has probably been my single complaint about the setup generally. We live in a somewhat dense neighborhood and the surrounding 2.4GHz noise affects the stream quality, making it somewhat less reliable.

I would say that if reliability and complexity are your biggest concerns go with one of the decent baby monitors. Very reliable, zero complexity. We didn't find the reliability to be an issue in practice and I didn't mind the complexity. I would say that if you go the IP cam route, do your best to go wired or at least 5GHz.

No worries mate, appreciate you posting and following up, have a great day!


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out.
