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Joined 8 months ago

schools are largely daycare facilities for the low/middle income brackets.

minneapolis mayor can foresee the coming commercial real-estate bubble collapsing - they must get a lot of tax dollars from businesses

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it's not really difficult to recycle plastics (depolymerisation) - but it's not cheap to do it at scale and there really isnt any way to profit from it, so it's just not done.

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boat not designed to moshpit with whales....

the major downside of increased access to communications technology is the nutters and crazy people more easily congregate...

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that's not how you make olive oil

if you're working, you havent really "retired"

gen x here - I had roommates for 15 years or thereabouts after college, and when I finally made it out on my own it was in really shit apartment after ghetto af apartment.

it's not just a gen z issue

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hoohoo! Linus pulled a scream test and then forced the naysayers to maintain the crap they want. rofl

the most expedient solution would be to drive nowhere near Fenton, LA

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her father and brother should be able to handle it...

it's the new flu. the old flu is still a thing, of course. covid is here to stay & it'll be a yearly thing for a long time to come.

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stealing from the cartel? that's a paddlin

that was basically it. short of siccing the irs on them there's not a lot the executive branch can do about it... of course that'd kill the golden goose named "campaign contributions", so it wont happen

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so, your mileage may vary but here's what I do:

  • people I want to talk to are in my contacts list
  • I ignore all other incoming calls
  • voicemail is a filter. use it.
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is it still an abortion if the fetus died?

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please dont be UP, please dont be UP - checks article. it's UP.

xorg is going to die eventually. probably long after the xorg fanbois, but it will die - and wayland or something better will take its place.

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roughly 653,000 people reported experiencing homelessness in January of 2023,

typo or does it take a year to compile statistics like that?

the means of production was offshored decades ago

IT for a different bank here (a little smaller than BoA but not by much) - only about 30% of our userbase is in the branch offices full time - everyone is perma-wfh or hybrid & there are no plans to change that. in my office space (downtown in a major metropolitan area), we're actively downsizing - there's no reason to pay rent for floors where no one sits on.

abe lincoln vampire hunter


the key bit will be whatever federal legislation allows headshops/bodegas to use the banking systems like a normal business would.

Hash. born on 4/20. growing up we used to go here to roast bowls

ah. Ms. Pacman then

gotta pay your employees. they did the right thing by leaving. hopefully the affected families all sue whomever owned the nursing home.

tensions??! oh no, whatever will they do?

UP is always in the headlines for awful things...

LOY-001 is designed for healthy dogs over the age of seven and above 40 pounds

hopefully they can work on fixing that so all dog breeds can benefit. I would have gladly paid any amount of money to extend my lil guy's lifespan. the 10 years we had were the best years of my life.

must be weird to be so divorced from reality....

the "religious toxicity" is an extension of tribalism. the culture hasnt really evolved much & it's super easy for religion to sink its teeth in

but much less so than oil. sucks for counties that have less than zero exports other than oil

rickroll at 8k for however many seconds that is

hopefully they'll design some package manager incompatible with android at the most basic level - and then double down when it's proven to be a huge mistake. a good tick upwards for dev jobs, but the time for actual competition was over 10 years ago. this will fail miserably.

arent you supposed to exit behind the wings?

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eh... it looks like hot-staging still has some bugs to work out, but the 2nd stage worked just fine (and since that's the part that matters, the end fate of the first stage is irrelevant)

good test all in all

lol good luck tracking down someone who releases software into the wild.

is the definition of hardship static or is it scaling?

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so they illegally purchase it and then sell illegal goods, legally?

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