Renting alone is too expensive for Gen Z to – 193 points –

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gen x here - I had roommates for 15 years or thereabouts after college, and when I finally made it out on my own it was in really shit apartment after ghetto af apartment.

it's not just a gen z issue

Yeah, as an elder millennial, this is just how it is for all of us, unless you live in the middle of nowhere (but then there's no jobs there).

Is there a generation that could afford to rent by themselves in their early 20s? Maybe a room in a flophouse.

I'm gen x and was able to rent a studio on my own for a few years in my late 20's. Then the recession hit and that lifestyle evaporated. These days I live in a vehicle.

That's us. Hey buddy, I just hope you know that I know what it's like, feel free to pm me if you're feeling angry or sad about anything

I appreciate it but I'm doing ok. Fortunately, I foresaw this outcome and prepared for it instead of being forced.

Nope, just media brainwashing us into being pissed at other generations when it's the ultra rich (that just so happen to own medias) that are the real issue.

Ah well then, thanks for lowering my expectations, I honestly hoped I would be able to get an engineering internship and a home loan within the next ten years of my life but hey I guess sometimes things are meant to go to shit

If you’re in a well-paying STEM career you’ll be able to afford a house eventually, depending on your location.