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Joined 1 years ago

Just a chill guy, enjoy working in electrical, electronics, and programming.

Also enjoys listening to music, watching movies on Netflix and talking sci-fi and solar punk fantasy lol

He's running out of content

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Hahahaha this is why I love the internet

I pirate a lot of stuff too but I prefer to buy stuff too sometimes just to provide support

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Something random as fuck like what hand your married to and when you broke up with your hand and married your other hand

Child killers are on both sides though so who are you to speak?

The issue isn't holding a moral high ground or playing into ultimatums of mutually assured destruction since they're already there.

And that's why we all pirate stuff every once in a while

Horrible. I don't necessarily advocate for transition as I'm personally neutral on the issue, but I will stand up for anyone seeking medical information or service, this is no longer the cave man times where men bricked each other with boulders when someone was hurt

Pirates a movie, includes copyright warning on the pirated copy, include a note to say they're including it in good spirit of the producers wishes

Turns out that AI can't make cakes or do recipes lol

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I think a large part of the issue is that the settlements themselves are actually a reflection of Israel failing to develop vertically. Even without picking a side, even if we ignore the ridiculous hypocrisy of Israel for selling literal spyware tools like Pegasus for the Saudis and other dictators to use on their own citizens and commit murder, the reality is that Israel's current problem with terrorism is entirely of their own making, because they've funded settlements and wasted time and money when they've had more than 20 years since the Nakba, Fatah and had millions of dollars of US funding and done fuck all. Mate, you could be a hardcore Zionist and supporter of the state of Israel, and still think that they've done a shit job.

A very sad day. Immolation is very painful

That's a shame

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And I eat it all and mentally masturbate over what is the most just and righteous course of action by producing body doubles and multiple personalities to experience a simulation of the current circumstances or events occurring

I prefer to meet trans people in person to get to know them and judge them based on their actions like any other person rather than what I believe is on their minds.

Didn't Biden already call for a cease-fire not long ago? The best he could do is pulling funding at this stage, putting boots on the ground would be an attack on the spiritual holy land of a variety of religious fanatics and against Zionist beliefs that gentiles should know their place, unless of course Ben himself called on Biden for some imaginary reason 🤔

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Same. It's crazy man.


Meh I'm glad I'm not Russian but hey man, people be crazy over there

Could say the same for anyone really... If you're a cunt it really doesn't matter what party you claim to support

Well look man Amazon has the infrastructure and means so I don't see why not

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Guy just doesn't care lol

Some Latino guy somewhere is offended by your opinion

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Dutch company sends pirates dick pics with ominous warnings as a means of fearmongering for the pirates

Nah although I agree that Linux is a huge sleeping giant, Microsoft systems in general still have a huge hold over quite a lot of things, and also does a good job of providing business as whole to a variety of sub groups, everyone that runs engineering software, antivirus software, hell, SQL databases, even the dating apps, and the creators of spywares, all these things work with Microsoft et al for money, if they had to switch over to using Linux, they would find the same ways they do today to make money, you would see huge increases in use of one common desktop and window manager package, spyware, hacking tools, targeting Qt, supply chain hacking and diversion, gitlab DDOSing, etc.

The reality is that all of these things are things that Microsoft and partners has already had to consider and deal with, so if Ubuntu or Arch were to step into the mainstream marketplace even with OEM support, they would have to face the same scrutiny and problems which someone would eventually expect to have to get paid for to resolve it help out with.

If anything we need more laws around the tech space as a whole

If it turns out that they create a working two state solution I do hope that one day they merge rather than further balkanise , but who knows, the future is a myth for the strangers and the dreamers

I disagree with your notion that a person is not or cannot love an abstract entity however I do not care enough to explain or elaborate in this comment, feel free to enquire if you're curious

I feel like most people including producers don't care so much, they care more about promoting more people to get into the whole creatives sector so to speak so that there's less concentrated loss of capital and risk for everyone involved including the pirates and "copyright enforcers"

Literally selective sympathies huh. I just don't get why they can't make things better with people instead of burning literal food to try win.

I got three of the four, just one more power tool set and I'll be sweet lol

I feel like we need to start archiving the wikis and other informative posts from /r/trackers

What makes you think Biden is responsible for Israel's actions? If my brother or my neighbour does something to harm someone and the results of this harm come to my awareness, explain without emotion, using logic, how and why should I be held responsible for the results of his actions, and where do we draw the line?

If I don't know why something has happened and I go out and ask why, and people blame me simply for simply asking the very question, who is responsible?

Clearly, the person who looks to blame the person asking the question must have a dogma, they must have a reason, it's very reasonable to believe they must have a stake in the question not being asked which obviously means that they could know who is responsible.

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Nobody voted for a genocide. I certainly doubt that anyone in the USA let alone Biden would endorse genocide.

The number of potential misunderstandings in English is why our language is the world favourite lol

Glad to see your still here lol

The irony of hiding in a hospital when you literally cause war.

Doesn't it make more sense to argue that the person dropping bombs just doesn't want to admit they missed the target and fucked thousands of people because they're shit at their job? If you were fighting an alien or hunting a foreign agent, and you screwed up and accidentally shot your own family down in flames, you'd probably be rather embarrassed, I sure would be too haha

But hey it's alright nobody will judge even if they knew because the truth is that some jobs suck and just get glamorised on the news and in the media precisely because even the very few who make the cut can still be considered competent

Windows 7 or Linux would be fine, Windows 10 is hardly that bad

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Go home Shepard your drunk

And Detective Conan Doyle O'Brien really did just let his bro fuck around and watch porn and even bring a stripper into the station during footage reviewing hours. Of course, Stuart was quite shocked to hear he was not invited to the stag do later that weekend