Democratic Staffers Told To Let Constant Calls For Cease-Fire ‘Go To Voicemail’ to – 365 points –
Democratic Staffers Told To Let Constant Calls For Cease-Fire ‘Go To Voicemail’

Congressional staff say the mood inside the Capitol is tense, stifling and bewildering as members brush off their constituents’ outrage.


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Didn't Biden already call for a cease-fire not long ago? The best he could do is pulling funding at this stage, putting boots on the ground would be an attack on the spiritual holy land of a variety of religious fanatics and against Zionist beliefs that gentiles should know their place, unless of course Ben himself called on Biden for some imaginary reason 🤔

No. He called for a pause, and that's what we got. Now there's a short pause every day while they reload.

President can't "pull funding". They can only veto a bill.

A distinction without difference since he isn't even asking Congress to pull funding nor is he even calling on anyone to just stop killing people.