Team Biden Roasts 'Feeble, Confused, Tired' Trump After Unhinged Presser to politics – 403 points –
Team Biden Roasts 'Feeble, Confused, Tired' Trump After Unhinged Presser

The president has been going after his presumptive 2024 opponent with a little more venom than usual

Joe Biden is taking it to Donald Trump.

The president’s campaign responded to Trump’s wild press conference in New York on Monday by slamming the former president as “weak and desperate — both as a man and a candidate for President.”

“He spent the weekend golfing, the morning comparing himself to Jesus, and the afternoon lying about having money he definitely doesn’t have,” the statement read, adding that “America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump.”


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Cut the both-sides shit. Trump is a convicted sex criminal and fraud who wants to end democracy. There is objectively a better choice between the two.

the only valid both sides is they are both way too old for the job. 1 old guy will give you the chance to vote for someone else in 4 years, the other will not. 1 guy has a record, tho spotty, looking out for your middle class, the other ...

One guy isn’t good enough and the other guy is hard to adequately express how bad he is

What is it with all the people who can't understand that better doesn't mean good?

Biden is good, he's just not great. To get someone better you need democracy and there's a high chance we will lose that under Trump.

The comment seems more intended to push voters away from Biden and toward an RFK option than convincing anyone to vote for Trump. It's stupid and easy to attack back, but we also need to be careful about what the strategy is.

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Trump isnt a convicted sex criminal... and the other guy has some serious sexual allegations too, outside of being creepy around kids

He was found liable for sexual abuse in NY civil court and fined $5 million for it.

The judge made it very clear Trump is a rapist, saying:

“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ”

Biden has never been charged in civil or criminal court for any sexual impropriety. It is simply a lie that there are any serious sexual allegations against him.

He was not convicted of rape.

And if you compare what biden allegedly did to what trump allegedly did, Bidens accusation seems much more accurate. It actually had colloborating evidence at the time, vs no evidence against trump.

The judge in the case said Trump was convicted of rape. There are no credible accusations against Biden. You are repeating lies.

Please tell me one of the juror names in the trump rape conviction.

Why dont you believe women when they claim they are raped?

The jurors are anonymous as is common in trials where the defendant has a history of calling for violence against people he views as his enemies.

I believe women who take their rapists to court.

Jurors are allowed to disclose if they were on a case. So you are saying that there was a case he was convicted in by a jury?

Gotcha, so women that are too embarrassed, or dont want the public scrutiny are just liars then? Really?!?

Funny how you understand that rape victims might not want public scrutiny, but you don't understand jurors from a high profile case might want the same.

Also funny how Tara Reade only accused Biden while he was running against Trump and then moved to Russia to do interviews with a known Russian spy. She told no one it happened at the time (1993) and there is no evidence of any complaints. Not all women are liars but Reade absolutely is.

but you don’t understand jurors from a high profile case might want the same.

Gotcha then there was a jury trial, how long was trump sentenced?

She told no one it happened at the time (1993) and there is no evidence of any complaints.

Uh, except she did tell her mother and her mother literally called in to a show and told the host, an unknown guy named Larry King.

Trump was charged in civil court for raping Eugene Carol and was ordered to pay $5 million in restitution plus another $83 million for continuing to defame her after the original verdict.

A dead mother and a tape that doesn't mention any sexual assault is pretty shitty evidence.

Uh, civil court is not a conviction of a crime...

Gotcha, you do not believe women if you like their assaulter. Thats terrible.

People who twist words around to intentionally misrepresent their conversational partners are neither arguing in good faith, nor are they good people, generally. Your parents should have taught you this. Do better.

Bad Faith Arguments:

It means that you're not arguing to come to a mutual understanding. In a true debate/argument, both sides must be willing to acknowledge if the other side has good points and be open to changing their minds. If you tell someone you want a "debate" but you really just want to antagonize them or preach to them, you are lying when you say you want to "argue".

Bad faith generally is an intent to deceive.

Here are some resources:

You can do better if you decide to. The first step to being better is learning how to converse and debate like a mature adult. You will continue to be labeled a troll if you decide you'd rather just keep acting like an uneducated, petulant child.

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Are you wanting to compare the two rape cases?

No thank you. I don't like to engage too much with people who can't be bothered to proof-read their own posts.

Nor do I enjoy discussions with people who are so assured of their own self-righteousness that they ignore documented facts in lieu of their own personal opinions.

It just so happens that I also don't much enjoy arguing with people who have a documented public history of arguing in bad faith.

Oh yeah, i am totally the one ignoring facts...

Well, at least you acknowledge it. That's a start. You're more self-aware than the bulk of the 'righteous crusaders of truth™' that I've encountered.

Just for fun, because I'm bored, what facts have I ignored so far in our conversation? Remember, I'm @LengAwaits. Don't get me confused with the other people you've been talking to. I'm a different person who hasn't weighed in on any of your supposed "facts" so far. I'm not here to argue about popular political figures. I'm only here to call out glaring biases and bad faith arguments. Surely you'll engage with me on a more intellectual level than what you've so far managed to muster?

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It's not both-sides to say that Genocide Joe sucks ass. Yes, Trump is worse. But Biden is still awful. I don't say that in some effort to appease the right or sound somehow neutral, I say it because it's true.

Nah, you say it to sap unity and make people stay home from voting.

Your vibe is the same as the girls who say they bluntly "tell it as they see it" in their dating profile, but anyone with any relationship experience knows that means they're completely willing to make things toxic as fuck because they'll just vomit their selfish so called truth anywhere without caring about consequences or how it destroys, because it serves some sort of other motivation for them.

Using words to encourage people to embrace hopelessness and not vote is a propaganda technique to put Trump back in the Whitehouse, and him being there weakens the nation so immensely and catastrophically that it's extremely attractive to cash and weapons poor enemies to plop someone in front of a cheap computer to spread propaganda to attempt to destroy a nation from within. People who can't fight the US with military might will use words instead.

In short, your words are not neutral. You're either what is called a useful idiot, an ordinary person who swallowed outside propaganda whole and does the work of other interests here, or you're a knowing perpetrator.

I hope people here use whatever skills they picked up in English class however many years ago to think about not just the exact words of the poster I'm responding to, but why they posted this thing at this moment, their motivations beyond what they claim they are, and the effects of an appeal to truth on a reader and how that can influence perception even when the thing said isn't actually necessarily true or contains such a small flake of some truth that it is effectively turns into a lie when put beside the bigger and more vast and complicated truths.

People shouldn't stay home on election day just because Biden is a terrible piece of shit. People should go at the very least to vote down ballot, if not to vote against Trump. Nor should people feel hopeless. There are so many avenues to pursue outside of simple electoral politics (again, do vote). But I'm not going to cave to this loyalty test bullshit. Also the money is good, praise Mother Russia.

In short, your words are not neutral.

Yes. That is literally what I said.

Look, I agree that "telling it like it is" can be a toxic trait (although as long as we're discussing the subtext, it's interesting that you used the example of "girls". I'm sure you didn't mean to, I'm not leveling accusations at you, we all do this to some degree or another, but that is definitely an appeal to misogyny. You could have compared me to Bill Maher, which frankly would have pissed me off a whole lot more). But the truth does matter, and appeals to nuance/arguing procedural or rhetorical points while ignoring the realities is also toxic. Children in Gaza are dying, and Biden has actively helped with that. Call it propaganda, call it whatever you want, but innocent people are dead, as a result of a genocidal campaign helped by Biden.

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"no matter who wins, America loses"

That sounds like both-sides to me. Biden has done some objectively great things for Americans even with a senate fighting him for the first 2 years and a Congress for the last 2

I can definitely point to more good things Biden has done in his term than Trump did in his. Plus there's the mountain of Trump's crimes to compare with the non-mountain of non-crimes on Biden's side. Of course, I'm not a fan of Biden's authoritarian tendencies, but again Trump is far worse in that area.

Ah yes, someone who enables genocide by continuing existing funding practices is totally deserving of that specific nickname while the other guy who has repeatedly said he would literally do what Israel is doing and that Israel should 'finish the job' doesn't get a pithy nickname.

The cosplayers will always write "Genocide Joe" and will always fail to note that Donald is intentionally referencing the "Final Solution" from the Nazis.

I don't know what you're on about... They're obviously and completely unbiased, and anyone who says otherwise will also get a pithy nickname

/s for anyone who needed it

Ah so you stoop to name calling to give your argument credence.

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