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Yeah. There was also the title, literally "dictator", that was bestowed on individuals in times of crisis (or perceived crisis), and in some cases the power of the dictator was returned to the republic when the crisis was addressed (see Cincinnatus). Rome had an established process for giving power to the dictator.

Why would immunity be necessary if the act is not otherwise a crime?

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I did not assert that the court gave full immunity for all things, but will now suggest that not every crime is a violation of the constitution, or could not be committed while carrying out a function of the constitution.

I was playing the "take a shot everytime Swift endorses Biden" game. I am angrily sober...

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Is the job to be interacting with a computer for the entire duration of your shift? Fuck this incentive structure that requires people to fake touching their computer parts to show that work is being done.

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Saudi bros just bought an incredible pair of $500million gold sneakers.

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Pro-life, unless they mouth off or something.

From Auntie Donna's Big 'ol House of Fun, "pretty fly for a WiFi"

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He just interfered with this woman's ability to pursue legal Healthcare to protect her life. If she dies as a result of the medical complications associated with the pregnancy, I don't see how he doesn't get charged with manslaughter at a minimum.

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Can't we just rewatch the ones from 4 years ago and get the general idea?

I'm not sure I understand the logic of her even telling this story. So like if she finds herself unable to "train" a disobedient state judiciary or something, is she saying that this is her plan B?

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Given the diagnosis and complications that have already occurred, this seems like it goes beyond contempt of court to me. I would consider this to be attempted murder of the mother.

Nah, probably a better analogy is like blaming the Sacklers for the opioid epidemic.

The party of law and order can't let their voters be encumbered by the law when creating disorder.

Jesus Elon is my co-pilot

What if it turns out Lex Luthor was the good guy on Smallville?

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Why would I even need to electrocute the shark when they're going to naturally be repelled by all this bleach I have flowing through my veins?

I feel like there needs to be more discussion of how people can be anti-Zionist without being antisemitic. There are elements of many faiths that people can object to without being considered antagonistic of that faith. People might not hate all people who are Jewish, but also might not be too enthusiastic about the Israeli State and all of its actions, which does not make them antisemitic.

The article doesn't make it sound that way. Sounds like the judge accepted the request to keep the docket sealed while the defendants made arguments that their personal privacy outweighed the public interest, and then either no arguments were made, or the judge was not convinced.

Comments that require a, "well, back on Reddit..." explanation. Could include comments about that guy's dead wife. That one kid's broken arms, etc.

From what I've heard, DeSantis is in a pretty safe second spot. The logic as i understand it is that he's MAGA enough to be a strong second pick for those that really want Trump but might have to vote for someone else, while Haley is mostly pulling together the "republican, but not Trump" coalition, which is pretty far short of 50% of republican primary voters.

Maybe we can all do a damages class action suit for... like all of 2016 through 2020

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I didn't get the sense that the college presidents were taking any specific stand in their responses to a question that was effectively about their bylaws, rather than the morality of the statements considered in the question. My interpretation of the story is that a lot of the anger aimed at these presidents is because they answered the question that they were asked instead of answering an implied morality question.

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If we're setting the calendar back 200 years, I'd have to guess that one of the contributing factors is records keeping and reporting. The definition of what is considered a "mass shooting" has also been fluid over the past 50 or so years.

These are not likely to be major contributors, but from Hollywood's depictions, mass shootings may have been pretty common around 150 years ago.

Is there a niche market of consumers that are worried about dropping their phones out of airplanes, and which phones would be best in that scenario?

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Buy pads. Wouldn't know when cycle starts.

I'm not Trans, and abso-fucking-lutely don't want anyone asking what I've got between my legs anytime I need to take a shit.

I may be a little more comfortable with the weather than I might otherwise be if it weren't for Greta Thunberg making it a bit harder for corporations to fuck everything up. Does that count?

Otherwise, Carl Sagan.

I heard that the No Labels ticket approached her to be their candidate, but she declined it. If she's trying to set up a 2028 run, then it seems that switching to an independent ticket now would be pretty damaging to that plan.

Infinite uncles means the population of earth is completely unsustainable and the collapse of every system is imminent.

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I didn't remember the mushroom people reference until I started singing the song in my head, and then lol

Nice try, Ursula

I've never heard the term "in-school suspension". It sounds like what I remember as "detention", but done during what would otherwise be the school day, yeah? On top of this being some blatant racism, it seems like a really poor use of school resources.

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Just "across the world"? So if he suddenly converts all his holdings to certificates then it's untouchable. Check mate.

A friend of mine was starting into a tirade a while back about how terrible it is that all water pipe installed in houses today is plastic even though we know BPAs are killing people. I suggested that they might be better than lead pipe. We still high five from time to time.

Soupcon 2023 was a dud after they banned the soup pit event because of the incident.

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This is a scam unless it comes with an NFT.

For a rather unsettling take, you may be interested in the concept of the digital panopticon. Because of the degree of surveillance that is possible in what media we consume, it's also possible that we are intentionally being kept in these echo chambers.

I'm not totally familiar with how the Scottish legal system works, but wouldn't the line be drawn by a jury of peers, and not necessarily the people in power?