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Joined 5 months ago

Its okay to advocate for violence when it benefits the people you like.

Holy conspiracy theory dude... "In a picture trump tweeted, if you turn it sideways and raise the light levels you will see a ghost image of hitler in the picture behind his head!"

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My issue is how they pick and chose what they like and ignore the rest. The issue with opening our doors to the world is that we have a gigantic welfare system that they have access to. If that were closed I can see the option being good to some level.

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You are not aware of how the system works... If you are poor there is a huge amount of money and services you get including healthcare. Since the War on Poverty began, the US has spend something like $20 trillion.

The point is that you were wrong again, and still dont know what is going on. The book that they want banned was written in like 2018, its a graphic novel, not the one we all read as kids. You need to actually do some research instead of being aggressively ignorant.

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They added sexual content... That is literally the whole point. Bye

Why would anyone care what Bolton has to say? If we listened to him we would probably be in the middle of WW3 right now.

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Mods are paid in power and the ability to push their opinions. If there are people willing to do it for free then they dont need to pay anyone.

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  1. Full Ton pickup - I had an old half ton and was abusing it.

  2. Dump trailer - I can move so much more material, and dump so much faster.

I dont want the government to ban things, but parents should not be giving their kids social media and smart phones at such young ages. Its overwhelmingly common, but a really bad idea.

I was having a stressful time with family and work related things and I couldnt sleep and didnt want to eat. It went on for maybe a week and then I started having panic attacks (which I didnt even know what that was) and I could hear music in my head. The next day I just quit on the project I was on, handed my responsibilities to someone else and maybe by the grace of God the problem was resolved. I was afraid I was going to shorten my life if I kept going. I have totally changed what we did with work, and I think I have a path to avoid what happened. This was a good helpful question to write about.

Its the boy who cried wolf situation, when they keep exaggerating every story or directly lying we just tend to stop caring.

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This should be a lesson on how culture and media shape how you feel about people.

Its never about "loving everyone" its about "accepting everyone". Those are different things.

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Why is it so expensive?

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Is $60k USD about what the average income is? That is what google told me.

Small towns are typically going to have hospitals within the same distance. The only difference is they will helicopter you to a large city if its a severe medical problem.

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We dont have capitalism, we have some corporate-government oligarchy where we keep giving them more power for some reason. They let us yell about a couple little things while they keep circulating the power by taking our rights.

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Then who would be the owner?

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Sounds like the first vote I would want is to unincorporate, I dont want some small town good ol boys telling me what to do.

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The town is 133 people, I would also be suprised that they would have elections, I wouldnt have thought they even need a government.

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Its really getting tiring that we just listen to whoever says the words we want said. If John Bolton gets praised by anyone but the neo-cons, they have lost their minds.

Those are great, I would have had my kids rock them.

If that is true then your area is very different than the rest of everywhere, because SFH are terrible investments. And taxing them is just going to make housing more expensive and fix nothing.

The law is not what they say, its biased and is not real justice many times. Do you recognize the five or so prosecutions against trump are political, and could result in severe domestic violence?

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With the pedo thing it just amazes me that they defend the pedo, but then will gloat when someone like Herman Cain dies of covid. It just makes me wonder why they defend him but them get mad at the minor who was just trying to get away.

What specifically do you think they falsified?

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It still the same problem, where would they get the resources to get ownership of that real estate?

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I was just saying they do it for non monetary reasons, and if there is a continuous supply of people willing to do it for free, they really shouldnt pay.

Thank you!

A gun can literally be a decoration, it doesnt always have to kill things.

Was the bank not able to do their own assessment of the value of the property? Was the bank upset with the outcome?

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Your team would lose to them in a war. Everyone would be harmed, you dont know what is happeneing.

Okay, lets look at the real estate "crime" because i know real estate well. Who did he defraud and how?

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It was a rape case that trump was not allowed to defend himself. She is a crazy person, there should never have been a case.

If they wanna play like domestic terrorists again, they will be handled again.

Let me get this straight, the last civil war was at that time one of the deadliest wars in history, and you are cool with it happening again?

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And lets not forget the story of John Hurley who shot a shooter and was then shot by cops.

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I agree, but that system you are referring to is a very very small part of the current government. And no, capitalism doesnt just collaspe via revolution every 10 years, its the most stable system.

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I am going to keep this short so you dont have to write a novel in response. Concise comments are better than comprehensive ones. Is this essentially what you think happened? Do you think the rape case was also correct and justified?

The problem is I dont think you can step back and see what is happening. When many of the democrat/leftists say that trump cant be allowed to gain control of power, they impeach him twice, they are in the process of trying to bankrupt him, and throw him in prison. To me, someone that is not going to vote for trump, its obvious what is happening, and its not justice. And if you dont think they can use the government to harm their enemies, I would point to the Durham report.

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Thats fair, but Trump running for office could be a lot bigger than that if it leads to domestic conflict.

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There were literally zero facts to find, its a he said she said case from 30 years ago. The issue is you guys are too partisan to realize when something is unjust.

Yes, they are 100% capable and armed to the teeth; the left side is not. I am on neither of your stupid teams and just want to be left alone. You are the one that would be at risk not me, so you should probably be a bit more concerned.

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