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Joined 11 months ago

And then everybody slaps a "Only for 18+, fill in your birth day" on their site and nobody can legally claim it's harming children.

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A bit of trivia: it used to be called NMRI, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. They dropped the N after it became clear people didn't want to go in the machine because they were afraid of radiation. That's why it's called MRI now.

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He got lucky nothing disappeared.

At a previous work place they rounded up a few employees to move stuff from one office to the new office. That ended up with a few monitors less than they started with. They couldn't ask who took it because they never wrote down who they rounded up for the move.

And that's how companies end up with a bunch of silly regulations how you're not allowed to move any hardware to the next room

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AI is even worse. It takes over the biases and misinformation of the info it was trained on, shows these on its answers to users who pick up those biases and use them elsewhere on the net, what is then used to train AI. It's all becoming a shitification loop.

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This group ran out of money now Russia's finances are going from bad to worse?

Republicans blocked Biden's previous attempt to raise the minimum wage so not a lot of use to try again unless there is some more pressure.

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It's why you keep calling the early bird people at 8pm for work stuff and giving them shit for not working late until they get the message that them calling you at 8am is just as annoying.

It's biology. When winter comes and we switch daylight saving times again, I wake up an hour earlier according to the clock while walking up at the same sun time the entire year.

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I don't recall what movie, but it did really bad at the box office and of course they blamed piracy. Until somebody got a hold of the statistics and showed it was one of the least pirated movie releases ever.

Okay. Each sub gets fresh points according to it's size, activity and admin preference.

Every month your karma in a sub gets converted into these new points. These points can then be used to tip others, buy animated emojis or badges to show off. They are also used to make your vote count more in polls.

Mods can give commenters fines for misbehaving and make posts earn less points.

Sounds very capitalist. I guess it makes everybody go to a few big subs, as little subs don't earn anything. And those big subs are overrun by a few big players who floated to the top and stay there because of their influence. Little subs get overrun by alt-right as the fines mods can give there are just pocket money.

But that's what you get when ideology and dictators rule.

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It always reminds me of those certificates for owning a piece of the moon.

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ChatGPT hallucinates less than Trump.

That's not the only reason why flying cars haven't arrived. Getting a license to fly is about the price of a new car. Bad weather is no flying. Air Traffic Control can't handle thousands of commuters. Flying cars are pretty big so parking is going to be even more of an issue.

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Funny how this is a Twitter post as half of all satellites orbiting earth (5581 out of 11300) are owned by Musk.

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That's the Israeli way, choosing a hard stance that makes things worse long term. That helped provoke the Hamas attack in the first place.

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All because of that guy

Everybody forgot that chatGPT-2 was just a bullshitting machine. Version 3 to the surprise of the developers very useful to many people while they just made a highly trained bullshitting machine.

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not as fun as Reddit used to be

Reddit isn't as fun as Reddit used to be either

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Tesla/Musk really went for the "I have the right to not use collective bargaining" and is really shocked to find out people went for "we have the right to strike".

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Everybody there is now suddenly a Primitive Technology fan

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Because to fix it, what they have to change is everything. The way things are powered, produced, financed and probably also governed. Nobody will vote for that. They'll keep trying to patch things up until it really starts to falls apart and people take the pieces to put them together differently.

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There is no karma system so no people shitposting and reposting as much to pump up their score. Without this kind of gamification there is less noise.

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incentive for car makers to continue making more efficient cars.

That's never been true. Profits on big inefficient cars have always been higher than smaller efficient so that's what's been advertised and pushed during sales. Some brands went fully SUV and are unable to sell anything smaller when fuel prices go up and customers look for something less gas guzzling.

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And the "Make Auschwitz Great Again" crowd loves it. It'll let them hate everybody else even harder.

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There is an inverse relation between the wage a job pays and the contribution to society that the job makes, with a few exceptions like doctors. The highest paying jobs are very often parasites on society. This seems to originate from the Calvinist work ethic where meaningful work is its own reward.

~ paraphrased from David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs

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It's also called the trust thermocline. Once a certain level of exploitation is reached, customers leaving suddenly goes very quickly and usually unrecoverable. The straw that breaks the camel's back.

Or in the case of unity, you smash the poor camel with a baseball bat and are very surprised it tries to bite you.

Citroën Ami is available. Closer to $8000 and technically a quadricycle. All bare minimum to make it street legal.

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There was a time where more companies held on to people and you could start and retire in the same company. That's now decades ago. That era ended with the oil crisis and never came back, despite bosses pretending it's still there.

Oh, how they hate the new generations doing exactly the same as they do, and only being interested in what's in it for them in the short term and not trusting any promises.

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"Why is the engagement on my posts so low?"

"Well your Excellency, the great and powerful Musk, the users have blocked you."

"They can't do that. How else will they bask in my magnificence?"

"We tried ignoring the block and showing your posts anyway, but we had to reverse that decision unfortunately."

"I have it! Remove blocking completely for everyone!"

"You are most wise. It shall be done, your Excellency."

Let’s see some numbers that ads work.

Companies have tested this. A DIY chain ran an ad and people complained it was annoying, so they stopped running it. Their sales started to decline. Started running the ad again and sales went up.

Probably you're not the target audience and just collateral damage in the ad war, but for the population in general they work.

Most dystopian books are now used as a manual for some politicians and rich a**holes.

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A French women got an English tattoo. The two sentences were full of your/you're and it's/its mistakes.

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And in a few years they'll headline "Lazy students refuse to study medicine, hospitals closing due to doctor shortage!"

Then they'll tell you how the rich go to the EU for treatment and blame it all in Brussels

"Your work was perfect and thanks to your continued efforts going above and beyond we achieved record profits. Unfortunately the budget doesn't allow any raise this year."

The most likely answer to get in 2 years.

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Research shows that if you train AI on the output of other AI, there happens a "model collapse" where the AI makes more and more errors and distortions.

The same happened with tech bros.

I discovered I'm bad at growing food and glad I don't have to live off what I grow. That would be stressful.

It's not authoritarianism! It's just a very repressive regime with Chinese characteristics.

Negative, you are 65% oxygen, so in effect hot air. 18.5% is carbon, 10% is hydrogen.

Or by molecules, you are mostly water.

And by those metrics, the average vehicle exhaust from a year of driving contains as much carbon and oxygen as 300 humans.

Musk wanted a swastika, but the PR department said hard no. After firing half the department, they still said no and proposed using X instead as it's close enough. Musk had been pretending it was his idea since then.

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