Glenn Greenwald Claims AOC and Democrats ‘Voted For the War In Ukraine’

Flying to politics – 156 points –
Glenn Greenwald Claims AOC and Democrats ‘Voted For the War In Ukraine’

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Authorizing sending arms/aid to Ukraine is not the same as voting for war in Ukraine. No one wanted Russia to invade Ukraine either time but it did. Russia chose to start a war Ukraine decided to defend itself.

It's hard to believe so many peoples heads can fit up Putin's asshole while simultaneously sucking him off.

The thing is, Greenwald must know that. He's not an idiot. He can follow an order of events. So this is all just a big game to him.

My favorite part of the Dominion lawsuit was all of the internal messages showing Fox News hosts willfully lying to their viewers. Nearly all of the conservative ragebait is people being facetious with reality for political purposes.

That was my "favorite" part as well, it shows that it's all propaganda and they're knowingly lying to people. They're misleading the American public, fomenting dissonance and fueling conspiracies for a paycheck.

The J6 insurrection wouldn't have happened if not for these people. A million dead from a respiratory virus thanks in-part to their anti-mask, anti-science rhetoric wouldn't have happened if not for these people. They're propagandists, grifters and confidence artists, nothing more; they're bad people who are a net-negative to society. Frankly they're dangerous and there should be consequences for knowingly lying and pretending to be a news source.

Also the messages that have come out from Trump staffers showing they knew the 'stolen election' thing was total BS... but many went on to publicly support the idea.

He vehemently claimed Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine when US intelligence came out and said it in advance. And then when Russia invaded, he shifted to all new bullshit, instead of having any self reflection.

In fairness almost everyone though the US intelligence service was pulling another Iraq when they said Russia was going to invade. Everyone but Putin saw how bad of a move it would be for Russia and assumed it was posturing.

Exactly. These confidently incorrect statements people make in hindsight are like they weren't around before the invasion, or at least weren't paying attention.

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