3 Post – 79 Comments
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At minimum, it’s time to investigate Clarence Thomas. When the Democrats retake the house (hopefully in 2024 after the Republicans shutdown the government over nothing), they need to begin impeachment hearings in the House. I don’t care if the Senate will never remove him.

Louisiana’s just beginning the “find out” phase, after fucking around and passing hateful, discriminatory bills.

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Sounds like more individuals to indict with RICO charges

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Seems like she doesn’t want the press that DeSantis keeps getting for flying on rich donors’ planes. This is basically a sign on her office saying, “open for corruption”.

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Glad they checked in with Nostradumbass

what values?

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We need to hear from more experts on authoritarian movements and fewer pollsters and political strategists. We need journalists who’ll talk a lot less about who’s up or down and a lot more about the stakes — including Trump’s plans to dismantle the democratic norms that he calls “the administrative state,” to weaponize the criminal justice system, and to surrender the war against climate change — if the 45th president becomes the 47th. We need the media to see 2024 not as a traditional election, but as an effort to mobilize a mass movement that would undo democracy and splatter America with more blood like what was shed Saturday in Jacksonville. We need to understand that if the next 15 months remain the worst-covered election in U.S. history, it might also be the last.

Incredibly captivating article, but when you reach this final paragraph, you know with absolute and agonizing certainty that none of this will come to fruition. The mainstream media isn’t going to fix itself and this election will be covered, same as all the rest, as a horserace.

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When Donald Trump - the undisputed Republican frontrunner - is running to be president to avoid jail time and general responsibility for his crimes, you know this country is in trouble.

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“Excuse me ma’am, I’m going to need to see your uterus before you can leave Texas”

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What these articles never talk about is the demands that actors and writers are making, and how paltry that pay raise would be in comparison to these losses.

The studios are being pennywise and pound-foolish, and pissing off the most valuable part of their industry, the talent.

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When you accidentally discriminate against the “wrong” minority

No, you don’t get it. Taxes are bad because government, and Trump is good because he’s not government, especially when he was president but also now and forever. And government is communism, so we can’t pay taxes. Obviously!

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Republicans impeach one of their own for years of blatant corruption

Republicans: Why would Joe Biden do this?

Fascists gonna fash. Time to make an example out of these terrorists to dissuade the others.

Florida Ron can’t deal with a campaign and a failing lawsuit at the same time, and he wants to run the country?

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Christiane Amanpour has reported all over the world, so she recognizes a democracy on the brink when she sees one.

“We have to be truthful, not neutral,” she urged. “I would make sure that you don’t just give a platform … to those who want to crash down the constitution and democracy.”

It’s a great suggestion, which will be summarily ignored by every major tv news outlet.

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Fashion trends seem to follow a 20 year cycle, and a 30 year cycle, where ‘90s trends are coming back into fashion.

Fascism trends seem to follow a 90 year cycle, where ‘30s trends are coming back into fashion.

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This guy doesn’t know what the first amendment is and he thinks he’s qualified to run this country?

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Everything Republicans do is driven by the fear of, jealousy of, or desire to get power.

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Wisconsinites are paying these peoples’ salaries to do absolutely nothing

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Ruby Franke's is just the latest in a long line of stories that illustrate the gap between the image the Christian right likes to portray and the ugly reality just under the surface.

There’s no hate like Christian love.

People are so entitled today. When my grandpappy used to fly, he’d fly cross-country in a vomit covered seat both ways, and he loved it

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Both Kutcher and Kunis wrote about Masterson’s drug-free lifestyle, and noted he was a positive force on their lives. During the trial, prosecutors said Masterson drugged women before sexually assaulting them.

Such a long and glowing article for a man who drugged women to rape them. Including the positive quotes from his friends made sense, but a bit more perspective was needed than the few sentences discussing his crimes.

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Her love language is public penises.

Regular maintenance, reinforcements and retrofitting can extend a dam’s safe operation well past 100 years and bring a structure up to current standards, Perera and Shannon say. But many dams don’t receive routine repairs and are not aging gracefully. Just making the recommended fixes to most U.S. dams would cost an estimated $157.5 billion dollars, according to a 2023 report from the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.

So much of today’s news feels like we’re frogs in a pot of boiling water.

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If people need to rely on the church for food, the state has failed.

It’s always Cruise. SF already cut their fleet by 50%, it’s only a matter of time until they’re off the road entirely.

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We’ve had “alternative facts”, get ready for its way more pernicious cousin “alternative history”

Are there any fascist traits that the Republican party isn’t embracing?

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Was anyone betting on Texas Republicans to remove one of their own? Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment was to not cross their own.

Hopefully this is one thing that we can all agree on. I do wish Biden had acted as the bridge to the next generation that he campaigned to be, and not sought a second term.

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Dr. Oz round two. Some people just can’t take a lesson.

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Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.

He was absolutely a dumbass this whole time.

They’re taking another page out of the authoritarian handbook, and making their own version of history. Hilter Youth, more like the Maga Munchkins.

Trump’s competitors can only seem to differentiate themselves by posturing as having the least humanity and regard for human life.

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Thoughts and prayers, Mark. Have a nice booking.

“You guys have food here?!?”

My favorite part of the Dominion lawsuit was all of the internal messages showing Fox News hosts willfully lying to their viewers. Nearly all of the conservative ragebait is people being facetious with reality for political purposes.

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No one’s expecting Germany to invade Poland, that would be way more surprising this time ‘round.

If we’re trying to list the things Meatball Ron is afraid of, we’ll be here all day.

It’s high time that we stop selling weapons to the Saudis. If they’re not using them to kill migrants, they’re using them to kill Yemenis.

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